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EDD Independent Contractor Reporting Requirements Effective January 1, 2001, the County of Orange is required to file in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 6041A of the Internal Revenue Code for services received from a “service provider” to whom the County pays $600 or more or with whom the County enters into a contract for $600 or more within a single calendar year. The purpose of this reporting requirement is to increase child support collection by helping to locate parents who are delinquent in their child support obligations. The term “service provider” is defined in California Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1088.8, subparagraph B.2 as “an individual who is not an employee of the service recipient for California purposes and who received compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that service recipient within or without the state.” The term is further defined by the California Employment Development Department to refer specifically to independent Contractors. An independent Contractor is defined as “an individual who is not an employee of the ... government entity for California purposes and who receives compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that ... government entity either in or outside of California.” The reporting requirement does not apply to corporations, general partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies. Additional information on this reporting requirement can be found at the California Employment Development Department web site located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/Employer_Services.htm
Submission of Grievance Information a. Upon appointment of the arbitrator, the appealing party shall, within five (5) days after notice of appointment, forward to the arbitrator, with a copy to the School Board, the submission of the grievance which shall include the following: 1. The issues involved. 2. Statement of the facts. 3. Position of the grievant. 4. The written documents relating to Section 5 of the grievance procedure.
Evaluation Reports Where a formal evaluation of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be provided with a copy to read and review. Provision shall be made on the evaluation form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two (2) places, one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the evaluation, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the evaluation. The employee shall sign in one of the places provided within seven (7) calendar days. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an evaluation report unless the signature indicates disagreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report at the time of signing. An evaluation report shall not be changed after an employee has signed it, without the knowledge of the employee, and any such changes shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
Evaluation Report The state must provide a narrative summary of the evaluation design, status (including evaluation activities and findings to date), and plans for evaluation activities during the extension period. The narrative is to include, but not be limited to, describing the hypotheses being tested and any results available.
GRIEVANCE REPORT FORM Grievance # School District Distribution of Form 1. Superintendent
Information Reporting We may report your performance under this Agreement to credit reporting agencies, including your failure to make minimum payments on time. A negative credit report may significantly harm your ability to obtain credit from other sources. We may also obtain follow-up credit reports on you (for example, when we review your Account for a credit line increase). We may exchange information about you or your Account with our affiliates, and, to the extent permitted by law, with other third parties. However, if you prefer that we not share such information with our affiliate companies, just call us at (000) 000-0000 or outside the Albuquerque area, 0-000-000-0000. You may also write to us at Nusenda Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 8530, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198. Closing Your Account. You may close your Account at any time by notifying us in writing. However, you remain responsible to pay the balance according to the terms of this Agreement. We may close your Account or suspend your Account privileges at any time without prior notice. We may also reissue a different Card, Account number, or different checks at any time. You must return the Card or the checks to us upon request. Lost or Stolen Cards. If any Card, Account Number or PIN is lost or stolen, or if you think someone used or may use them without your permission, notify us at once by calling the telephone number shown on the billing statement or by calling 0-000-000-0000. We may require you to provide certain information in writing to help us find out what happened. Do not use the Card after we've been notified, even if it is found or returned. You will not be liable for any unauthorized purchases or cash advances made after we've been notified of the loss or the theft; however, you must identify for us the charges on the billing statement that were not made by you or someone authorized by you, and from which you received no benefit. Credit Authorizations. We are not responsible if we do not approve a purchase or cash advance on your Account, or if a third party refuses to accept or honor the Card, even if you have sufficient credit available. We may limit the number of purchases or cash advances which may be approved in one day. If we detect unusual or suspicious activity on your Account, we may temporarily suspend your credit privileges until we can verify the activity. We may approve purchases or cash advances that cause the balance to exceed your credit line without waiving any of our rights under the Agreement. Waiver. Our failure to exercise, or our delay in exercising any of our rights under this Agreement for any reason does not mean that we will be unable to exercise these rights later.
SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR REFERRED CLIENTS A. Agent agrees to respond to any communications from a Referred Client within two (2) hours after receipt if such communication is received between 9:00am to 5:00pm local time. For communications received outside of these hours, Agent agrees to respond by 10:00am the next day. B. Agent agrees to update XXXX.xxx with status updates within 48 hours after initial communication with a Referred Client and upon every significant status change until closing or abandoned. Updates shall be made by Agent via email to xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx. C. Vacations or extended absences shall be reported, with length of pause, to XXXX.xxx via email to D. Agent will not add Referred Client to any email list or calling list without the express permission of Referred Client. E. Agent agrees XXXX.xxx has the right to survey the Referred Client at any time. F. If Agent is contacted by a Referred Client that Agent is unwilling or unable to assist, Agent shall direct such Referred Client back to XXXX.xxx for assistance and notify XXXX.xxx at xxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx. G. Agent agrees that XXXX.xxx has no obligation to provide Agent with any number of referrals and that prospective clients are free to select the agent they wish to work with for any particular real estate transaction.
Adverse Event Reporting Both Parties acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Protocol and / or applicable regulations governing the collection and reporting of adverse events of which they may become aware during the course of the Clinical Trial. Both Parties agree to fulfil and ensure that their Agents fulfil regulatory requirements with respect to the reporting of adverse events.
Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.