Elements of the Agreement Sample Clauses
Elements of the Agreement. The Agreement establishes a framework for the provision of Services by Liferay to Customer. Liferay offers a variety of Services, including Subscription Services, Professional Services or Training Services. The parties agree that the terms of the Agreement will govern all orders and use by Customer of Services unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. Most of these offerings are standardized and described in Appendices, which augment the Agreement. In order to acquire any Services from Liferay, Customer and Liferay will execute an Order Form, which shall identify the applicable Services and incorporate by reference the Base Agreement and the Appendices applicable to the acquired Services. Liferay acknowledges that some customers require the issuance of a purchase order in order to effect orders as part of their procurement systems and processes. If a Customer’s purchase order is accepted by Liferay, such acceptance is limited to and the Purchase Order will only become part of the Agreement with respect to the terms of the quantities, descriptions, Services, Fees, delivery schedule, and duration of Services, and any additional or different terms or conditions, or any other attempt by Customer to vary in any degree any of the terms of the Agreement or an Order Form by such purchase order, shall be rejected by the parties and null and void. In the event both Liferay’s Order Form and Customer’s purchase order are executed by Customer and presented to Liferay for a specific order, only the terms of Liferay’s Order Form shall apply. If Customer procures any Services from a Business Partner of Liferay, Section 2.4 will apply.
Elements of the Agreement. The respective valid versions of the following documents shall form an integral part of this Storage Services Agreement:
Elements of the Agreement. The following is the suggested curriculum outline and advising guide for students pursuing and AA & S-‐‑ BA from LFCC with the intention of transferring to BSB-‐‑SU for completion of the BBA in four years followed with completion of the MBA at the end of the fifth calendar year. The courses listed in the following table will be completed at LFCC prior to transfer to BSB-‐‑SU. ENG 111 – College Composition I ENG 101 – Composition HIS 111 – History of World Civ I (or HIS 121) HIS 101 – World Civilizations I (or HIS 103) MTH 163 – Pre-‐‑Calculus I MATH 101 SDV 100 – College Success Skills Free-‐‑Elective Science w/ Laboratory1 Elective2 ENG 112 – College Composition II English Elective HIS 112 – History of World Civ II (or HIS 122) HIS 102 – World Civilizations II (or HIS 104) MTH 271 – Applied Calculus I MATH 201 Science w/ Laboratory3 PED/HLT4 ACC 211 – Principles of Accounting I BA 211 – Principles of Accounting I CST 100/101 – Prin. of Public Speaking MCOM 150 – Prin. of Public Speaking ECO 201 – Principles of Macroeconomics EC 211 – Principles of Macroeconomics ENG 241, 243, or 251 ENG-‐‑Elective (applies to all 3) ITE 115 – Intro. to Computer Applications & Concepts IST 204 – Computer Applications in Business Analysis ACC 212 – Principles of Accounting II BA 212 – Principles of Accounting II 1 Science equivalencies are listed in detail in Appendix 2. 2 Equivalency will be based upon course taken.
Elements of the Agreement. The Agreement, as amended hereby, shall consist of the following:
a. The Agreement originally memorialized in original agreement DeGruyter_License_2013.pdf
b. This Amendment; and
c. Schedule 1 d. Schedule 2 e. Titles
Elements of the Agreement. A. Institute A will be the lead US institution for the period of this MOU, but other CRSP institutions may actively cooperate with Institute A and Institute B, both at the project site and in the region. Any necessary agreements between Institute B and other CRSP institutions will be defined in documents separate from this MOU. The research areas to be addressed under this agreement, as determined jointly by scientists representing Institute A and the CRSP are in-depth studies of the physical, chemical and biological processes regulating the productivity of pond culture systems.
C. Experiments conducted under this program will be designed and evaluated by teams composed of selected scientists from participating U.S. universities, as well as scientists designated by Institute A and other participating non-U.S. institutions. U.S. and Institute A project scientists will have access to data, make joint efforts on reports and share authorship as appropriate for publications resulting from CRSP work.
D. Experiments conducted under this program will be jointly accomplished by qualified research scientists employed by the counterpart U.S. institutions in cooperation with Institute A personnel. Institute B project scientists will coordinate logistics, including personnel, equipment and supplies, in cooperation with Institute A scientists.
E. In the event of a need to change either U.S. or Institute A personnel, the project Principal Investigator from either the U.S. university or Institute A may initiate action and finalize it in consultation with the counterpart Principal Investigator, seeking final approval from the CRSP Director.
F. CRSP management may visit Institute A at any time to observe research activities funded under the CRSP.
G. Contingent only upon available funding from USAID, participating U.S. universities will provide:
(1) USAID-approved travel reimbursement to allow Institute A personnel to attend meetings with collaborators, subject to approval by the CRSP Director and Institute B P.I., and to travel in country for project purposes.
(2) Such laboratory equipment, computer facilities and supplies as may be required for successful completion of the experiments, which are not presently available for the project at Institute A.
(3) Funds for renovation and maintenance of CRSP ponds and laboratory, project utility consumption, communication, publication and other support services.
(4) Salary and allowance for biologists and technicians directly hired ...
Elements of the Agreement. The respective valid versions of the following documents shall form an integral part of this Storage Services Agreement: • General Terms and Conditions for Storage Access exclusive Annex Operating Agreement version June 2012 and inclusive Annex Operating Agreement Jemgum 02.03.2016
Elements of the Agreement a. Admission to CCD
i. Completers will be reviewed as applicants for CCD’s AAS Degree in Fabrication Welder. Applicants will be required to complete all CCD admission requirements in force at the time of application. CCD admission requirements are detailed in its most recent Catalog.
ii. Accepted Completers will become students of CCD (“Students”).
iii. Upon acceptance and signing of the CCD enrollment agreement, Students will be subject to all CCD policies, codes of conduct, college procedures, and requirements. These are described in the most recent CCD Catalog and Online Student Handbook.
b. Credit Transferability
i. Students who have completed a certificate program in welding from EGTC will be eligible for transfer of credits for prior certificate completion to satisfy equivalent course requirements for enrollment in the CCD Fabrication Welder AAS Degree.
ii. Students who complete the technical coursework contained in a state- approved career and technical education Welding Certificate program at EGTC can take additional academic credit hours at CCD and earn an AAS Degree in Fabrication Welder. In addition, some individual courses may be approved for transfer on a course-by-course basis and applied to selected degrees. Credit for prior learning may also be considered. A minimum of 15 credits within the program of study must be earned at CCD for the AAS degree. Courses must have a grade of C or better to be considered for transfer. Coursework older than 10 years will not automatically transfer into CCD. Refer questions about the transfer of individual courses to the Program Advisor.
iii. CCD will perform a transfer credit evaluation only after the student has been admitted to CCD, declared a program of study, and submitted official transcripts from their prior school(s). Students are responsible for requesting official transcripts from EGTC.
iv. All EGTC welding courses are common course numbered and match the CCD Fabrication Welder AAS degree with exception of WEL 102 and WEL 125. CCD will accept WEL 201 Gas Metal Arc Welding I from Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Technical College for WEL 125 Intro to Gas Metal Arc Welding. CCD will award transfer credit or credit for prior learning to students that complete the EGTC AWS SENSE Level 1 and Level 2 Certificates in lieu of WEL 102 at CCD.
v. All students completing CCD with an AAS degree in Fabrication Welding are required to show proficiency in welding skills expected by employers in the field, as set forth by AWS stand...
Elements of the Agreement. A. Express Pathway Admissions Requirements
1. Transferring students must meet the admissions requirements of both the UU and the CON’s Express Pathway (EP) RN-BS program.
2. Students who meet the UU CON admission criteria, including application review and approval, are assured acceptance to the Express Pathway RN-BS program. (May be subject to enrollment caps.)
3. Students must complete the admissions process and be accepted to the UU according to published deadlines and criteria for the semester in which they intend to enroll.
4. Students must begin courses at UU within 9 months of completion of the SLCC nursing program.
5. Students can select a full-time or part-time option at the UU CON. Students must be licensed as an RN to begin the full-time program or licensed within two months of starting the part-time program at the UU CON, to continue the program(note: combined with statement below)
6. Students must maintain College of Nursing EP admission requirements in order to remain eligible for the Express Pathway (e.g. GPA).
B. Continuing Eligibility Requirements – Prior to Beginning Program at the UU, students must:
1. Complete both the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Nursing and all general education requirements. General education requirements may be met through completion of the Associate of Science (AS) or General Education Certification of Completion at SLCC.
2. Meet all prerequisite course requirements for application to the UU RN-BS program.
3. Maintain a nursing program and prerequisite grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Elements of the Agreement. The Agreement, as amended hereby, shall consist of the following:
a. The Agreement originally memorialized in original agreement Walter_de_Gruyter_TLL_2011.pdf, dated 6/1/2011.
b. Amendment- 2012 Harvard University Press eBooks for the University of California, San Diego, dated 6/8/2012.
c. Amendment- Journal Archives for the University of California, San Diego, dated 4/25/2013.
d. Amendment- The Diaries of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Online for the University of California, Los Angeles, dated 5/21/ 2013, executed 5/30/2013.
e. Amendment- AKL Online for the University of California, Berkeley, dated 5/21/2013 executed 7/13/2013.
f. Amendment- Journal Subscriptions for the University of California Berkeley, dated 3/28/2014, executed 5/22/2014.
g. Amendment- eBooks through YBP for University of California San Diego, dated 5/1/2014, executed 5/14/2014.
h. Amendment- eBook: Chateauroux Version of the <<Chanson de Roland>> for University of California Berkeley, dated 4/25/2014, executed 6/2/2014.
i. Amendment- Journal Archives purchase (1826-2013) for the University of California San Diego, dated 6/18/2014.
j. Amendment-Harvard University Press 2014 eBook Collection, dated 8/6/2014, executed 10/27/2014.
k. Amendment- Journal Subscription: Frequenz for University of California, Berkeley, dated 10/20/2014, executed 10/27/2014.
l. Amendment- Journal Subscription: Journal of Ancient Near Eastern History for University of California, Berkeley, dated 12/2/2014, executed 1/5/2015
m. Amendment-Journal Subscription: Das Mittelalter: Perspektiven mediaevistischer Forschung for University of California, Berkeley, dated 1/26/2015, executed 2/5/2015
n. Amendment- Journal Archive Purchase: Journal of African Languages and Linguistics for University of California, Berkeley, dated 2/5/2015, executed 3/10/2015
o. Amendment- Journal Subscription: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C for University of California, Berkeley, dated 3/9/2015, executed 3/10/2015
p. Amendment- Journal Archives for University of California, Berkeley, dated 4/16/2015, executed 4/29/2015
q. Amendment- EEG Online for University of California, Berkeley , dated 4/16/2015, executed 4/29/2015, executed 4/29/2015 r. Amendment-Der literarische Expressionismus Online for CDL Campuses, dated 5/22/2015, executed 5/29/2015
s. Amendment-20th Century German History Online : National Socialism, Holocaust, Resistance and Exile 1933-1945 database for University of California, Los Angeles,dated 6/10/2015, executed 9/16/2015
t. Amendment-...
Elements of the Agreement. A. Admission to Xxxxxx University
1. Valencia Community College students in good standing and eligible graduates will be reviewed as pre-qualified applicants for Xxxxxx University degree programs. Applicants will be required to complete all Xxxxxx University admission’s requirements in force at the time of application. Xxxxxx University admissions requirements are detailed in its most recent catalog.
2. To be eligible for application to an advanced start bachelor’s program, a student must be an associate-degree graduate or must submit a letter from the Valencia Community College’s Registrar indicating that the student is in good standing, the expected date of graduation, the associate’s degree expected to be earned, and the program/major. Upon graduation, the student must submit proof of having been awarded an associate’s degree.
B. Credit Transferability
1. Students having completed an associate’s degree program (AA, , AS, ) consisting of a minimum of 90 quarter credits (or at a minimum, 60 semester hours) will be eligible for a block transfer of up to 90-quarter credits and acceptance into Xxxxxx’x “advanced start” baccalaureate option.
2. Xxxxxx University will complete a review of all transfer credits submitted on official transcripts from Valencia Community College for students that have completed a certificate or diploma program. The whole AA or AS degree will be accepted towards general education credit or elective credit. A Prior Learning Assessment Curriculum Evaluation (PLACE) may be developed to aid in the transfer credit evaluation
3. Valencia Community College students who are unable to fulfill Xxxxxx University prerequisites at Valencia Community College must complete them at Xxxxxx University. Prerequisites are listed in its current catalog and vary based on the bachelor’s degree program and emphasis chosen.
4. Valencia Community College students must fulfill Xxxxxx University requirements, which entail completion of no less than 25-percent of their program requirements at Kaplan, including a minimum of 50-percent of the major requirements, including the capstone course, at Kaplan. Credit earned through any combination of Transfer Credit, Challenge Credit or Experiential Credit will not exceed 75-percent of total credits required for graduation.
C. Coordination
1. Xxxxxx University and Valencia Community College agree to:
a. Coordinate their efforts to facilitate a collegial and mutually beneficial relationship;
b. Communicate accurate and t...