USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.)
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) • Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and, if necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. • Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Regional General or Nationwide or Individual Permit (IP)) and, if necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit a permit application (i.e., Regional General Permit (RGP) application, Pre-Construction Notification (PCN), or IP application) to USACE and obtain the permit. RGP applications, PCNs, and IP applications will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations. • If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval by the State, the Engineer shall prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE. • The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ. • The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Nationwide or Individual Permit (IP)) and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications (Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) or individual permit application) to USACE and obtain the permits. PCNs and IPs will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations. If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval by the State, prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE. The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ. The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.)
a. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. DocuSign Envelope ID: 77A45C0A-6CA6-4436-AA61-FD6DAA5DDC8C
b. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Nationwide or Individual Permit (IP)) and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications (Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) or individual permit application) to USACE and obtain the permits. PCNs and IPs will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations.
c. If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval by the State, prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE.
d. The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ.
e. The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) DocuSign Envelope ID: 5A2DC6EC-64DB-4A02-A984-B96FAAFF8279 PeopleSoft Contract No. 7490 Legacy Contract No. 12-7IDP5009 • Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. • Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Nationwide or Individual Permit (IP)) and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications (Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) or individual permit application) to USACE and obtain the permits. PCNs and IPs will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations. • If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval by the State, prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE. • The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ. • The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) • Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit. If necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits after approval of a supplemental agreement by the State. • Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Regional General Permit [RGP], Nationwide Permit [NWP], or Individual Permit [IP]) and, If necessary and upon approval by the State of as supplemental agreement, prepare and submit a permit application (i.e., RGP application, Pre-Construction Notification [PCN], or IP application) to USACE and obtain the permit. If authorized, RGP applications, PCNs, and IP applications will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations. • If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval of a supplemental agreement by the State, the Engineer shall prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE. • The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ upon approval of a supplemental agreement. • The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and, if necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Regional General or Nationwide or Individual Permit DocuSign Envelope ID: FEE70723-A887-4BCC-92B5-33508013EFFC
USACE Permits. (This scope is for the corresponding section(s) as listed in the Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences section of the EA.) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and, if necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 404 permit (Regional General or Nationwide or Individual Permit DocuSign Envelope ID: B3F57688-319D-4340-876F-E11B399F9D4B (IP)) and, if necessary and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit a permit application (i.e., Regional General Permit (RGP) application, Pre-Construction Notification (PCN), or IP application) to USACE and obtain the permit. RGP applications, PCNs, and IP applications will be prepared in accordance with current USACE policies and regulations. If the permit is an Individual Section 404 permit, upon approval by the State, the Engineer shall prepare and submit a Tier 1 checklist or a Tier II 401 certification questionnaire and water quality certification documentation to TCEQ and USACE. The Engineer shall provide the State with documentation (including all original correspondence) of consultation with USACE and TCEQ. The Engineer shall keep the State informed during the permit coordination process.
USACE Permits. The Engineer shall review design plans for proposed roadway and drainage improvements for the project. The plans will be reviewed relative to the boundaries of potentially jurisdictional waters of the United States within the existing and proposed project right-of-way. This scope of services assumes that water bodies and other aquatic resources preliminarily determined by the Engineer, with concurrence from the State, to be potentially jurisdictional waters of the United States will be considered jurisdictional waters for Department of the Army permitting purposes (i.e., a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination). The purpose of the review will be to identify and quantify anticipated temporary and permanent impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States that would occur as a result of constructing the project. The Engineer shall create electronic files of the project and right-of- way limits, showing the areas of identified impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State to review and discuss the anticipated impacts to jurisdictional waters of the United States. The discussions will focus on proposed project features and the cumulative area of identified impacts to address in preparation of a Department of the Army permit application.
USACE Permits. Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 USC 403). The Engineer shall determine whether the Transportation Activity requires a Section 10 permit and upon approval by the State, prepare and submit permit applications to USACE and obtain the permits.