VOC’s. Only construction materials that emit low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC) shall be used within indoor areas. Adequate ventilation of packaged dry products shall be used prior to installation. Contractor is responsible to ventilate the building during the application of wet products (e.g., paints, glues, sealants), which release their highest levels of VOC's during the curing period immediately after the application. Also, wet products shall be applied before installing materials that act as "sinks" such as carpets, fabric, ceiling tiles, movable partitions, furniture, etc. in order to reduce the chance of the "sinks" absorbing contaminants and slowly releasing them into the building over time.
VOC’s. Petroleum hydrocarbons;
VOC’s. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature. There are many different types of VOCs. VOCs can be either man-made or naturally occurring. Certain VOCs may be dangerous to human health or have unappealing odors. VOCs can result from paint, construction materials as well as new furnishings and certain types of equipment. Good ventilation and air-conditioning systems may reduce VOCs in the indoor environment. Neither Seller nor the Association has any expertise in the measurement or reduction of VOCs in homes or residential buildings or regarding acceptable levels or possible health hazards associated with VOCs. Neither Seller nor the Association makes any warranty or representation of any kind, express or implied, regarding the
VOC’s. All Institutional Furniture under the resulting Price Agreement shall be third-party certified as to meeting the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method v1.1.-2010 (or most current), for the testing and evaluation of VOC emissions from indoor sources using the office environment exposure scenario (Emission testing method California Specification 01350). Third-party certification must be performed by a certification organization that is ISO 17065:2012 compliant and the laboratory’s Quality Management System (QMS) and applicable test procedures are conducted in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Documentation demonstrating compliance with this requirement shall be provided to the City upon request. Third-party VOC certification documentation shall be provided to the City for all Institutional Furniture. The third-party product certification documentation must specifically state: Product manufacturer name and address Brand name of certified product(s) Any exclusions to the certifications (e.g. specific product configurations/options that are not certified) Certified product conforms to the required specification The exposure scenario used to determine compliance Certification start date and expiration date Name and address of the certification organization