Warranty of Habitability. Landlord hereby warrants that at all times during the tenancy it will comply with all applicable provisions of any Federal, State, County or municipal statute, code, regulation or ordinance governing the maintenance, construction, use, or appearance of the Premises and the property of which it is a part. Landlord covenants that the Premises and all common areas will be delivered in a clean, safe and sanitary condition, free of rodents and vermin, in a habitable condition, and in complete compliance with all applicable laws.
Warranty of Habitability. Landlord warrants that the Unit and Premises are suitable for living and that they are free from any condition that is dangerous to health, life and/or safety.
Warranty of Habitability. Landlord represents and states that the Premises and all areas used in connection with it are fit for human habitation and for the use reasonably intended by the parties and there are no conditions dangerous, hazardous or detrimental to life, health and safety.
Warranty of Habitability. Under Colorado Statute 00-00-000, in every rental agreement, the landlord is deemed to warrant that the residential premises is fit for human habitation. If a landlord breaches the warranty of habitability the tenant must first have sent wri tten notice of the condition and landlord has the right to cure the problem within a “reasonable time” unless a specific time frame is requited by Colorado law. Lessor wil l cure any condition that constitutes a breach of the warranty of habitability within 30 days after its receipt of written notice from Tenant identifying such xxxxxx ion, unless a shorter or longer time frame is requited or allowed by Colorado law, and in such event such alternate time frame shall apply.
Warranty of Habitability. The Owner promises that the leased premises and building are fit to live in and not dangerous to life, health, or safety of the occupants and that the apartment and building meet the standards required by all applicable housing codes, building codes, health codes and Section 83.51 of the Florida Statues. At all times during Xxxxxx’s tenancy, Owner shall maintain the premises in good condition as required by all applicable building, housing, health codes and Section 83.51 of the Florida Statues. Owner agrees to meet all requirements of applicable codes and laws, including but not limited to:
1. Maintaining the roofs, windows, screens, doors, floors, steps, porches, exterior and interior walls, foundations and all other structural components.
2. Maintain all plumbing in reasonable and working order.
3. Maintain all electrical systems in reasonable and working order.
4. Provide hot and cold running water 24-hours a day.
5. Provide for regular extermination of rats, mice, roaches, ants, wood-destroying organisms and bedbugs.
6. Provide for the clean and safe condition of all inside and outside common areas including garbage pickup, lawn maintenance and maintenance of exterior lighting.
Warranty of Habitability. The Owner guarantees the above rental unit is fit for human habitation, and the occupants shall not be subjected to any conditions which would be dangerous to their lives, health or safety.
Warranty of Habitability. Agent hereby warrants that at all times during the Term it will substantially comply with applicable provisions of any Federal, state, county, or municipal statute, code, regulation or ordinance governing the maintenance, use, or appearance of the Apartment and Fayette Square. Agent covenants that the Apartment and all common areas of Fayette Square will be delivered in a clean, safe and sanitary condition, free of rodents and vermin, in a habitable condition, and in substantial compliance with applicable laws. Licensee agrees that no action or proceeding for the breach of the warranty of habitability shall be instituted unless the Agent has notice of the conditions on the premises which constitute the breach of the warranty of habitability and Agent has a reasonable opportunity to cure the alleged condition.
Warranty of Habitability. A. All of the sections of this Lease are subject to the provisions of the Warranty of Habitability Law in the form it may have from time to time during this Lease. Nothing in this Lease can be interpreted to mean that You have given up any of your rights under that law. Under that law, Owner agrees that the Apartment and the Building are fit for human habitation and that there will be no conditions that Owner creates that will be detrimental to life, health or safety.
B. You will do nothing to interfere or make more difficult Owner’s efforts to provide You and all other occupants of the Building with the required facilities and services. Any condition caused by your misconduct or the misconduct of anyone under your direction or control shall not be a breach by Owner.
Warranty of Habitability. Florida law provides that every contract for a new home, as here, carries with it a warranty that the home will be free of defects and will be fit for its intended use as a home. This law further provides that this Implied Warranty does not have to be in writing to be a part of the Agreement and that it covers not only structural and mechanical defects such as may be found in the foundation, roof, masonry, heating, electrical and plumbing, but it also covers any defect in workmanship which may not easily be seen by the Buyer. However, the law also provides that a Warrantor (or a builder or developer) and Bxxxx may agree in writing, as here, that this Implied Warranty is not included as a part of their particular contract. 2.
Warranty of Habitability. UMB hereby warrants that at all times during the Term it will substantially comply with applicable provisions of any Federal, state, county, or municipal statute, code, regulation or ordinance governing the maintenance, use, or appearance of the Apartment and Pascault Row. UMB covenants that the Apartment and all common areas of Pascault Row will be delivered in a clean, safe and sanitary condition, free of rodents and vermin, in a habitable condition, and in substantial compliance with applicable laws. Licensee agrees that no action or proceeding for the breach of the warranty of habitability shall be instituted unless the Agent has notice of the conditions on the premises which constitute the breach of the warranty of habitability.