Common use of WEEK AND OVERTIME Clause in Contracts

WEEK AND OVERTIME. The regular work week shall be forty hours, consisting of five days of eight hours per day, Monday through Friday. The regular work day shall be eight hours per day on each day from Monday to Friday, inclusive. ha Each employee receive wages at the appropriate basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of wages contained in Article hereof, for eight per regular work day (Monday through Friday) whether or not called upon to work the said full eight hours, provided that he is available for work during the said eight hours. Considering that the operation of ships of a continuous nature and that consequently work must be performed in excess of the regular work week, it is agreed that overtime shall be paid for such work in accordance with the following provisions. It is further agreed that no employee shall be required to perform more than sixteen hours of continuous work, excluding meal hours, in a twenty-four hour period. During the navigation season, while the vessel is on the run or at anchorage, the Company agrees to make available to non- watchkeepers in the deck and engine room departments, eight consecutive hours of work at the overtime rate between the hours of and on Saturday oc if not worked on Saturday, between the same hours on Sunday in every week. The overtime rate is defined as being one and one-half the applicable basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of Wages contained in Article hereof. The overtime rate shall be paid for the eight hours worked on Saturday and Sunday and for all hours worked in excess of eight per day Monday through Friday. For hours worked in excess of eight on Saturdays and Sundays, the rate of pay shall be double time, An employee performing overtime work which ceases before the expiration of one hour shall nevertheless be credited with one hour's overtime. After the first hour of overtime, each further period of one-half hour shall entitle the employee to one-half hour at the overtime rate. When men are called out to work on overtime and then "knocked off" for less than two hours, excepting where a man is recalled for his regular duties, overtime shall be paid straight through For the purpose of calculating overtime, a shall refer in all cases to the period from midnight to midnight. Overtime payment shall not be duplicated for any hour of work, i.e., there shall be not pyramiding of overtime. An employee who is not on regular duty when called for overtime work shall be allowed as a general practice thirty minutes in which to dress. Otherwise overtime shall commence at the actual time such employee reports for duty, and such overtime shall continue until the employee is released, Within 24) hours of completion of any overtime work, the employee the officer in charge shall both sign duplicate overtime recording the duration of such work. One copy of the sheet shall be to the employee and the other by the Captain. In the event a question arises as to whether work performed is payable as overtime, or if the claim is rejected, the Senior-Officer must sign and indicate the for In the case of a dispute, the matter shall enter the Grievance Procedure as provided for in this Agreement, The Company agrees to supply overtime books or sheets for the purpose of keeping a record of overtime worked. Where the Company fails to supply the said overtime books or sheets, employees' overtime shall be considered as valid on any form of Overtime shall be divided as equally as may be reasonably practicable among the employees who normally perform the work. Watchkeepere shall have the right to select their watch by once per year on January The Captain shall have the right to alter should he it on occasion for the safe of the OF WORK The regular hours of work for all employees who are assigned to standard watches shall be eight hours during each calendar day on a three watch system, that four hours on watch shall be followed by eight hours off watch, except when in the Captain's or Chief Engineers' discretion it is deemed advisable to break watches while a vessel is in port, anchored or not otherwise under way. When watches are so broken and "day work" is undertaken, then hours of work shall be from to and no employee shall be called upon to work more than eight hours during each calendar day without payment of overtime, taking into consideration watches which he has stood before "day work" commenced or which he will stand on completion of "day work" The regular hours of work for in the Deck and Engine Room Departments shall be any eight hours in a spread of eleven hours from to Monday through Friday. are those employees who are not assigned to standard watches. They may include the following classifications: Able Mechanical and also all other employees who have not been assigned to standard watches excluding members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department who are covered under Article When employees of the Department are required to do spray painting, they shall be "knocked off" one-half hour early to clean up. Coveralls and respirators will be supplied. The regular hours of work for Chief Cooks, Second and Xxxxxxx, who are classified as shall be eight hours during each calendar day, in a spread of twelve hours determined by the Captain from time to time. The Company undertakes to post a working schedule aboard all ships that each member of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be aware of this actual duty time. Members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be paid the applicable overtime rate for all work performed outside their posted working schedule, provided such work has the prior approval of the Captain. Between the hours Monday, and between Saturday and on of and on on weekdays, watchkeeping employees perform only necessary work, Necessary work may include the following: Navigation duties, including the keeping of watches. Xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, handling of mooring lines, preparing for loading and unloading of the vessel including ballasting and Battening down, opening up and closing of hatches, securing the vessel in preparation for the voyage. Washing down by the Deck Department immediately after loading and unloading of cargo. Cleaning of cargo holds if it is necessary to to the immediate loading of cargo and/or water ballast. Sanitary work, which shall include cleaning the wheelhouse, wheelhouse windows and mopping out wheelhouse, also rinsing down the forward and aft housing. It shall also include sweeping and general cleaning of quarters, washrooms, hallways, recreation rooms and messrooms, burning and/or other required methods of garbage disposal, It is understood that any of the above mentioned sanitary work may be performed on Sunday only if it cannot wait until the following regular work day. Taking on board fuel and stores required for the continuous operation of the vessel. mopping, wiping and cleaning floor plates and deck oil in machinery space areas including the exterior of main engines and auxiliaries. work" shall not include scraping, chipping, painting or Watchkeeping employees, excluding watchkeeping ordinary seamen between the hours of and on Saturday Sunday, required to perform work not described in this paragraphe to shall be paid overtime outside the hours of to Monday through Friday and between the hours of to on Saturday and Sunday and Statutory Holidays, the rate of pay shall be double time. Whenever possible, and the vessel is in port, Saturday and Sunday shall be given off. Every consideration shall be given to reasonable requests for time off in 'port for the purpose of obtaining the necessities of life. Should watchkeeper fail to report at regular at the beginning of his watch, his mate on the preceding watch shall remain on duty until a substitute is secured. The missing employee, when he reports, may then work extra time so that each will have worked only his regular eight hours for that day. If it is necessary to pay overtime because of these circumstances, the additional cost will be deducted from the wages of the employee who was missing from his watch. Should a be short of a watchkeeper, the remaining two watchkeepers will go on six hour watches until a suitable replacement can be secured. Should a vessel sail from port short one or more watchkeepers, the Captain or Chief Engineer may promote on a permanent basis a member of the vessel's crew to reestablish the three watch system. The Company crews sufficient and operations. agrees that all vessels shall be manned with efficient to meet the requirements of the When a vessel sails without a full complement of day workers through negligence in not requesting replacements through an the wages of the absent members be divided equally among the remaining day workers in that Department, well, recognizing that the crew at ita when the in Port, the Company w i l l that all vacancier are filled to avoid undue hardship. When men standing watches are promoted for the purpose of replacing men who are injured, sick or absent, they shall receive the differential in pay while so acting. required to on board in port after the of their or the regular day work, for other than listed in Article be paid required to remain on board at the appropriate hourly rate. ARTICLE WORK BY THE CREW If an employee is required to perform work usually done by Longshoremen, such as operating cargo winches for the purpose of loading or unloading cargo or the handling of cargo, including dunnage, he shall perform such work and shall be paid time and one half the basic rate during regular hours of work Monday through Friday, and two times the basic rate the regular hours of work Monday through Friday and for all hours worked on Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays. It understood that into cargo hold shall be classed work usually done by and shall therefore warrant the payment of the rate. The watch on deck may be required to secure cargo, research equipment and ship's gear without the payment of overtime between the hours of and weekdays. If a watch below is called to secure cargo, it shall be paid at the regular overtime rate

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

WEEK AND OVERTIME. The regular work week workweek shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) days of eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday. The regular work day workday shall be eight (8) hours per day on each day from Monday to Friday, inclusive. ha Each employee shall receive wages at the appropriate basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of wages contained in Article hereof, for eight (8) hours per regular work day (Monday through Friday) whether or not he is called upon to work the said full eight (8) hours, provided that he is available for work during the said eight hours(8)hours. Considering that the operation of ships is of a continuous nature and that consequently work must be performed in excess of the regular work week, it is agreed that overtime shall be paid for such work in accordance with the following provisions. It is further agreed that no employee shall be required to perform more than sixteen (16) hours of continuous work, excluding meal hours, in a twenty-four (24) hour period. During the navigation season, while the vessel is on the run or at anchorage, the Company agrees to make available to non- watchkeepers in the deck and engine room departments, eight (8) consecutive hours of work at the overtime rate between the hours of and on Saturday oc if not worked on Saturday, and between the same hours on Sunday in every week. Should the vessel be in port for the weekend, only one (1) day shall be guaranteed as per the above hours. The overtime rate is defined as being one and one-half (1%) the applicable basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of Wages contained in Article hereof. The overtime rate shall be paid for the first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday and Sunday and for all hours worked in excess of eight per (8)per day Monday through Friday. For hours worked in excess of eight on (8)on Saturdays and Sundays, the rate of pay shall be double time, . An employee performing overtime work which ceases before the expiration of one (1) hour shall nevertheless be credited with one (1) hour's overtime. After the first hour of overtime, each further period of one-half hour shall entitle the employee to one-half hour at the overtime rate. When men employees are called out to work on overtime and then "knocked off" for less than two (2) hours, excepting where a man an employee is recalled for his regular duties, overtime shall be paid straight through through. For the purpose of calculating overtime, a "day" shall refer in all cases to the period from midnight to midnight. Overtime payment shall not be duplicated for any hour of work, i.e., there shall be not no pyramiding of overtime. I An employee who is not on regular duty when called for overtime work shall be allowed as a general practice thirty (30) minutes in which to dress. Otherwise overtime shall commence at the actual time such employee reports for duty, and such overtime shall continue until the employee is released, Within 24) hours of completion of any overtime work, the employee the officer in charge shall both sign duplicate overtime recording the duration of such work. One copy of the sheet shall be to the employee and the other by the Captain. In the event a question arises as to whether work performed is payable as overtime, or if the claim is rejected, the Senior-Officer must sign and indicate the for In the case of a dispute, the matter shall enter the Grievance Procedure as provided for in this Agreement, The Company agrees to supply overtime books or sheets for the purpose of keeping a record of overtime worked. Where the Company fails to supply the said overtime books or sheets, employees' overtime shall be considered as valid on any form of Overtime shall be divided as equally as may be reasonably practicable among the employees who normally perform the work. Watchkeepere shall have the right to select their watch by once per year on January The Captain shall have the right to alter should he it on occasion for the safe of the OF WORK The regular hours of work for all employees who are assigned to standard watches shall be eight hours during each calendar day on a three watch system, that four hours on watch shall be followed by eight hours off watch, except when in the Captain's or Chief Engineers' discretion it is deemed advisable to break watches while a vessel is in port, anchored or not otherwise under way. When watches are so broken and "day work" is undertaken, then hours of work shall be from to and no employee shall be called upon to work more than eight hours during each calendar day without payment of overtime, taking into consideration watches which he has stood before "day work" commenced or which he will stand on completion of "day work" The regular hours of work for in the Deck and Engine Room Departments shall be any eight hours in a spread of eleven hours from to Monday through Friday. are those employees who are not assigned to standard watches. They may include the following classifications: Able Mechanical and also all other employees who have not been assigned to standard watches excluding members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department who are covered under Article When employees of the Department are required to do spray painting, they shall be "knocked off" one-half hour early to clean up. Coveralls and respirators will be supplied. The regular hours of work for Chief Cooks, Second and Xxxxxxx, who are classified as shall be eight hours during each calendar day, in a spread of twelve hours determined by the Captain from time to time. The Company undertakes to post a working schedule aboard all ships that each member of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be aware of this actual duty time. Members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be paid the applicable overtime rate for all work performed outside their posted working schedule, provided such work has the prior approval of the Captain. Between the hours Monday, and between Saturday and on of and on on weekdays, watchkeeping employees perform only necessary work, Necessary work may include the following: Navigation duties, including the keeping of watches. Xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, handling of mooring lines, preparing for loading and unloading of the vessel including ballasting and Battening down, opening up and closing of hatches, securing the vessel in preparation for the voyage. Washing down by the Deck Department immediately after loading and unloading of cargo. Cleaning of cargo holds if it is necessary to to the immediate loading of cargo and/or water ballast. Sanitary work, which shall include cleaning the wheelhouse, wheelhouse windows and mopping out wheelhouse, also rinsing down the forward and aft housing. It shall also include sweeping and general cleaning of quarters, washrooms, hallways, recreation rooms and messrooms, burning and/or other required methods of garbage disposal, It is understood that any of the above mentioned sanitary work may be performed on Sunday only if it cannot wait until the following regular work day. Taking on board fuel and stores required for the continuous operation of the vessel. mopping, wiping and cleaning floor plates and deck oil in machinery space areas including the exterior of main engines and auxiliaries. work" shall not include scraping, chipping, painting or Watchkeeping employees, excluding watchkeeping ordinary seamen between the hours of and on Saturday Sunday, required to perform work not described in this paragraphe to shall be paid overtime outside the hours of to Monday through Friday and between the hours of to on Saturday and Sunday and Statutory Holidays, the rate of pay shall be double time. Whenever possible, and the vessel is in port, Saturday and Sunday shall be given off. Every consideration shall be given to reasonable requests for time off in 'port for the purpose of obtaining the necessities of life. Should watchkeeper fail to report at regular at the beginning of his watch, his mate on the preceding watch shall remain on duty until a substitute is secured. The missing employee, when he reports, may then work extra time so that each will have worked only his regular eight hours for that day. If it is necessary to pay overtime because of these circumstances, the additional cost will be deducted from the wages of the employee who was missing from his watch. Should a be short of a watchkeeper, the remaining two watchkeepers will go on six hour watches until a suitable replacement can be secured. Should a vessel sail from port short one or more watchkeepers, the Captain or Chief Engineer may promote on a permanent basis a member of the vessel's crew to reestablish the three watch system. The Company crews sufficient and operations. agrees that all vessels shall be manned with efficient to meet the requirements of the When a vessel sails without a full complement of day workers through negligence in not requesting replacements through an the wages of the absent members be divided equally among the remaining day workers in that Department, well, recognizing that the crew at ita when the in Port, the Company w i l l that all vacancier are filled to avoid undue hardship. When men standing watches are promoted for the purpose of replacing men who are injured, sick or absent, they shall receive the differential in pay while so acting. required to on board in port after the of their or the regular day work, for other than listed in Article be paid required to remain on board at the appropriate hourly rate. ARTICLE WORK BY THE CREW If an employee is required to perform work usually done by Longshoremen, such as operating cargo winches for the purpose of loading or unloading cargo or the handling of cargo, including dunnage, he shall perform such work and shall be paid time and one half the basic rate during regular hours of work Monday through Friday, and two times the basic rate the regular hours of work Monday through Friday and for all hours worked on Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays. It understood that into cargo hold shall be classed work usually done by and shall therefore warrant the payment of the rate. The watch on deck may be required to secure cargo, research equipment and ship's gear without the payment of overtime between the hours of and weekdays. If a watch below is called to secure cargo, it shall be paid at the regular overtime rate.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

WEEK AND OVERTIME. The regular work week workweek shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) days of eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday. The regular work day workday shall be eight (8) hours per day on each day from Monday to Friday, inclusive. ha Each employee shall receive wages at the appropriate basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of wages contained in Article hereof, for eight (8) hours per regular work day (Monday through Friday) whether or not he is called upon to work the said full eight (8) hours, provided that he is available for work during the said eight (8) hours. \ Considering that the operation of ships is of a continuous nature and that consequently work consequentlywork must be performed in excess of the regular work week, it is agreed that overtime shall be paid for such work in accordance with the following provisions. It is further agreed that no employee shall be required to perform more than sixteen (16) hours of continuous work, excluding meal hours, in a twenty-four (24) hour period. During the navigation season, while the vessel is on the run or at anchorage, the Company agrees to make available to non- watchkeepers in the deck and engine room departments, eight (8) consecutive hours of work at the overtime rate between the hours of and on Saturday oc if not worked on Saturday, and between the same hours on Sunday in every week. However, an employee may, upon request, take time off without pay. Should the vessel be in port for the weekend, only one (1) day shall be guaranteed as per the above hours. The overtime rate is defined as being one and one-half (1%) the applicable basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of Wages contained in Article hereof. The overtime rate shall be paid for the first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday and Sunday and for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) per day Monday through Friday. For hours worked in excess of eight (8) on Saturdays and Sundays, the rate of pay shall be double time, . An employee performing overtime work which ceases before the expiration of one (1) hour shall nevertheless be credited with one (1) hour's overtime. After the first hour of overtime, each further period of one-half hour shall entitle the employee to one-half hour at the overtime rate. When men employees are called out to work on overtime and then "knocked off" for less than two (2) hours, excepting where a man an employee is recalled for his regular duties, overtime shall be paid straight through through. For the purpose of calculating overtime, a "day" shall refer in all cases to the period from midnight to midnight. Overtime payment shall not be duplicated for any hour of work, i.e., there shall be not no pyramiding of overtime. An employee who is not on regular duty when called for overtime work shall be allowed as a general practice thirty (30) minutes in which to dress. Otherwise overtime shall commence at the actual time such employee reports for duty, and such overtime shall continue until the employee is released, Within 24) hours of completion of any overtime work, the employee the officer in charge shall both sign duplicate overtime recording the duration of such work. One copy of the sheet shall be to the employee and the other by the Captain. In the event a question arises as to whether work performed is payable as overtime, or if the claim is rejected, the Senior-Officer must sign and indicate the for In the case of a dispute, the matter shall enter the Grievance Procedure as provided for in this Agreement, The Company agrees to supply overtime books or sheets for the purpose of keeping a record of overtime worked. Where the Company fails to supply the said overtime books or sheets, employees' overtime shall be considered as valid on any form of Overtime shall be divided as equally as may be reasonably practicable among the employees who normally perform the work. Watchkeepere shall have the right to select their watch by once per year on January The Captain shall have the right to alter should he it on occasion for the safe of the OF WORK The regular hours of work for all employees who are assigned to standard watches shall be eight hours during each calendar day on a three watch system, that four hours on watch shall be followed by eight hours off watch, except when in the Captain's or Chief Engineers' discretion it is deemed advisable to break watches while a vessel is in port, anchored or not otherwise under way. When watches are so broken and "day work" is undertaken, then hours of work shall be from to and no employee shall be called upon to work more than eight hours during each calendar day without payment of overtime, taking into consideration watches which he has stood before "day work" commenced or which he will stand on completion of "day work" The regular hours of work for in the Deck and Engine Room Departments shall be any eight hours in a spread of eleven hours from to Monday through Friday. are those employees who are not assigned to standard watches. They may include the following classifications: Able Mechanical and also all other employees who have not been assigned to standard watches excluding members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department who are covered under Article When employees of the Department are required to do spray painting, they shall be "knocked off" one-half hour early to clean up. Coveralls and respirators will be supplied. The regular hours of work for Chief Cooks, Second and Xxxxxxx, who are classified as shall be eight hours during each calendar day, in a spread of twelve hours determined by the Captain from time to time. The Company undertakes to post a working schedule aboard all ships that each member of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be aware of this actual duty time. Members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be paid the applicable overtime rate for all work performed outside their posted working schedule, provided such work has the prior approval of the Captain. Between the hours Monday, and between Saturday and on of and on on weekdays, watchkeeping employees perform only necessary work, Necessary work may include the following: Navigation duties, including the keeping of watches. Xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, handling of mooring lines, preparing for loading and unloading of the vessel including ballasting and Battening down, opening up and closing of hatches, securing the vessel in preparation for the voyage. Washing down by the Deck Department immediately after loading and unloading of cargo. Cleaning of cargo holds if it is necessary to to the immediate loading of cargo and/or water ballast. Sanitary work, which shall include cleaning the wheelhouse, wheelhouse windows and mopping out wheelhouse, also rinsing down the forward and aft housing. It shall also include sweeping and general cleaning of quarters, washrooms, hallways, recreation rooms and messrooms, burning and/or other required methods of garbage disposal, It is understood that any of the above mentioned sanitary work may be performed on Sunday only if it cannot wait until the following regular work day. Taking on board fuel and stores required for the continuous operation of the vessel. mopping, wiping and cleaning floor plates and deck oil in machinery space areas including the exterior of main engines and auxiliaries. work" shall not include scraping, chipping, painting or Watchkeeping employees, excluding watchkeeping ordinary seamen between the hours of and on Saturday Sunday, required to perform work not described in this paragraphe to shall be paid overtime outside the hours of to Monday through Friday and between the hours of to on Saturday and Sunday and Statutory Holidays, the rate of pay shall be double time. Whenever possible, and the vessel is in port, Saturday and Sunday shall be given off. Every consideration shall be given to reasonable requests for time off in 'port for the purpose of obtaining the necessities of life. Should watchkeeper fail to report at regular at the beginning of his watch, his mate on the preceding watch shall remain on duty until a substitute is secured. The missing employee, when he reports, may then work extra time so that each will have worked only his regular eight hours for that day. If it is necessary to pay overtime because of these circumstances, the additional cost will be deducted from the wages of the employee who was missing from his watch. Should a be short of a watchkeeper, the remaining two watchkeepers will go on six hour watches until a suitable replacement can be secured. Should a vessel sail from port short one or more watchkeepers, the Captain or Chief Engineer may promote on a permanent basis a member of the vessel's crew to reestablish the three watch system. The Company crews sufficient and operations. agrees that all vessels shall be manned with efficient to meet the requirements of the When a vessel sails without a full complement of day workers through negligence in not requesting replacements through an the wages of the absent members be divided equally among the remaining day workers in that Department, well, recognizing that the crew at ita when the in Port, the Company w i l l that all vacancier are filled to avoid undue hardship. When men standing watches are promoted for the purpose of replacing men who are injured, sick or absent, they shall receive the differential in pay while so acting. required to on board in port after the of their or the regular day work, for other than listed in Article be paid required to remain on board at the appropriate hourly rate. ARTICLE WORK BY THE CREW If an employee is required to perform work usually done by Longshoremen, such as operating cargo winches for the purpose of loading or unloading cargo or the handling of cargo, including dunnage, he shall perform such work and shall be paid time and one half the basic rate during regular hours of work Monday through Friday, and two times the basic rate the regular hours of work Monday through Friday and for all hours worked on Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays. It understood that into cargo hold shall be classed work usually done by and shall therefore warrant the payment of the rate. The watch on deck may be required to secure cargo, research equipment and ship's gear without the payment of overtime between the hours of and weekdays. If a watch below is called to secure cargo, it shall be paid at the regular overtime rate.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

WEEK AND OVERTIME. The regular work week shall be forty (40) hours, consisting of five (5) days of eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday. The regular work day shall be eight (8) hours per day on each day from Monday to Friday, inclusive. ha Each employee shall receive wages at the appropriate basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of wages contained in Article hereof, for eight hours per regular work day (Monday through Friday) whether or not he is called upon to work the said full eight (8) hours, provided that he is available for work during the said eight (8) hours. Considering that the operation of ships is of a continuous nature and that consequently work must be performed in excess of the regular work week, it is agreed that .that overtime shall be paid for such work in accordance with the following provisions. It is further agreed that no employee shall be required to perform more than sixteen (16) hours of continuous work, excluding meal hours, in a twenty-four (24) hour period. During the navigation season, while the vessel is on the run or at anchorage, the Company agrees to make available to non- non-watchkeepers in the deck and engine room departments, eight consecutive hours of work at the overtime rate between the hours of and on Saturday oc if not worked on Saturday, and between the same hours on Sunday in every week. Should the vessel be in port the weekend, only one day shall be guaranteed as per the above hours. The overtime rate is defined as being one and one-half the applicable basic hourly wage rate for each job classification as stipulated in the Schedule of Wages contained in Article hereof. The overtime rate shall be paid for the first eight (8) hours worked on Saturday and Sunday and for all hours worked in excess of eight per day Monday through Friday. For hours worked in excess of eight on Saturdays and Sundays, the rate of pay shall be double time, . An employee performing overtime work which ceases before the expiration of one hour shall nevertheless be credited with one hour's overtime. After the first hour of overtime, each further period of one-half hour shall entitle the employee to one-half hour at the overtime rate. When men employees are called out to work on overtime and then "knocked off" for less than two (2) hours, excepting where a man an employee is recalled for his regular duties, overtime shall be paid straight through through. For the purpose of calculating overtime, a shall refer in all cases to the period from midnight to midnight. Overtime payment shall not be duplicated for any hour of work, i.e., there shall be not no pyramiding of overtime. An employee who is not on regular duty when called for overtime work shall be allowed as a general practice thirty (30) minutes in which to dress. Otherwise overtime shall commence at the actual time such employee reports for €or duty, and such overtime shall continue until the employee is released, . Within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of any overtime work, the employee and the officer in charge shall both sign duplicate overtime sheets recording the duration of such work. One copy of the sheet shall be given to the employee and the other retained by the Captain. In , the event a question arises as to whether work performed is payable as overtime, or if the claim is rejected, the Senior-Officer Off must sign "Disputed" and indicate the for non-approval. In the case of a dispute, the matter shall immediately enter the Grievance Procedure as provided for in this Agreement, . The Company agrees to supply overtime books or sheets for the purpose of keeping a record of overtime worked. Where the I Company fails to supply the said overtime books or sheets, employees' overtime claims shall be considered as valid on any form of paper. Overtime shall be divided as equally as may be reasonably practicable among the employees who normally perform the work. Watchkeepere Hours offered and refused shall be counted as hours worked for calculation of equal distribution, Watchkeepers shall have the right to select their watch by seniority once per year on January 1st. The Captain shall have the right to alter watchkeepers should he consider it necessary on occasion for the safe of the OF WORK The regular hours of work for all employees who are assigned to standard watches shall be eight hours during each calendar day on a three watch system, that four hours on watch shall be followed by eight hours off watch, except when in the Captain's or Chief Engineers' discretion it is deemed advisable to break watches while a vessel is in port, anchored or not otherwise under way. When watches are so broken and "day work" is undertaken, then hours of work shall be from to and no employee shall be called upon to work more than eight hours during each calendar day without payment of overtime, taking into consideration watches which he has stood before "day work" commenced or which he will stand on completion of "day work" The regular hours of work for in the Deck and Engine Room Departments shall be any eight hours in a spread of eleven hours from to Monday through Friday. are those employees who are not assigned to standard watches. They may include the following classifications: Able Mechanical and also all other employees who have not been assigned to standard watches excluding members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department who are covered under Article When employees of the Department are required to do spray painting, they shall be "knocked off" one-half hour early to clean up. Coveralls and respirators will be supplied. The regular hours of work for Chief Cooks, Second and Xxxxxxx, who are classified as shall be eight hours during each calendar day, in a spread of twelve hours determined by the Captain from time to time. The Company undertakes to post a working schedule aboard all ships that each member of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be aware of this actual duty time. Members of the Xxxxxxx'x Department will be paid the applicable overtime rate for all work performed outside their posted working schedule, provided such work has the prior approval of the Captain. Between the hours Monday, and between Saturday and on of and on on weekdays, watchkeeping employees perform only necessary work, Necessary work may include the following: Navigation duties, including the keeping of watches. Xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx, handling of mooring lines, preparing for loading and unloading of the vessel including ballasting and Battening down, opening up and closing of hatches, securing the vessel in preparation for the voyage. Washing down by the Deck Department immediately after loading and unloading of cargo. Cleaning of cargo holds if it is necessary to to the immediate loading of cargo and/or water ballast. Sanitary work, which shall include cleaning the wheelhouse, wheelhouse windows and mopping out wheelhouse, also rinsing down the forward and aft housing. It shall also include sweeping and general cleaning of quarters, washrooms, hallways, recreation rooms and messrooms, burning and/or other required methods of garbage disposal, It is understood that any of the above mentioned sanitary work may be performed on Sunday only if it cannot wait until the following regular work day. Taking on board fuel and stores required for the continuous operation navigation of the vessel. mopping, wiping and cleaning floor plates and deck oil in machinery space areas including the exterior of main engines and auxiliaries. work" shall not include scraping, chipping, painting or Watchkeeping employees, excluding watchkeeping ordinary seamen between the hours of and on Saturday Sunday, required to perform work not described in this paragraphe to shall be paid overtime outside the hours of to Monday through Friday and between the hours of to on Saturday and Sunday and Statutory Holidays, the rate of pay shall be double time. Whenever possible, and the vessel is in port, Saturday and Sunday shall be given off. Every consideration shall be given to reasonable requests for time off in 'port for the purpose of obtaining the necessities of life. Should watchkeeper fail to report at regular at the beginning of his watch, his mate on the preceding watch shall remain on duty until a substitute is secured. The missing employee, when he reports, may then work extra time so that each will have worked only his regular eight hours for that day. If it is necessary to pay overtime because of these circumstances, the additional cost will be deducted from the wages of the employee who was missing from his watch. Should a be short of a watchkeeper, the remaining two watchkeepers will go on six hour watches until a suitable replacement can be secured. Should a vessel sail from port short one or more watchkeepers, the Captain or Chief Engineer may promote on a permanent basis a member of the vessel's crew to reestablish the three watch system. The Company crews sufficient and operations. agrees that all vessels shall be manned with efficient to meet the requirements of the When a vessel sails without a full complement of day workers through negligence in not requesting replacements through an the wages of the absent members be divided equally among the remaining day workers in that Department, well, recognizing that the crew at ita when the in Port, the Company w i l l that all vacancier are filled to avoid undue hardship. When men standing watches are promoted for the purpose of replacing men who are injured, sick or absent, they shall receive the differential in pay while so acting. required to on board in port after the of their or the regular day work, for other than listed in Article be paid required to remain on board at the appropriate hourly rate. ARTICLE WORK BY THE CREW If an employee is required to perform work usually done by Longshoremen, such as operating cargo winches for the purpose of loading or unloading cargo or the handling of cargo, including dunnage, he shall perform such work and shall be paid time and one half the basic rate during regular hours of work Monday through Friday, and two times the basic rate the regular hours of work Monday through Friday and for all hours worked on Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays. It understood that into cargo hold shall be classed work usually done by and shall therefore warrant the payment of the rate. The watch on deck may be required to secure cargo, research equipment and ship's gear without the payment of overtime between the hours of and weekdays. If a watch below is called to secure cargo, it shall be paid at the regular overtime rate.

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