EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. 211 Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as practicable among employees in the same classification in their district. An up-to-date list showing overtime hours and unit seniority date will be posted in a prominent place in each district before the 15th of each month. -212 Whenever overtime is required, the person with the least number of overtime hours in that classification within the district will, except in necessary emergencies, be called first and so on down the list in an attempt to equalize the overtime hours. After exhausting this procedure and the need still exists, the Employer may require the least senior available, qualified employee to work. The Union reserves the right to grieve what is an emergency. Employees in other classifications may be called if there is a shortage of employees in the classification needed. In such cases they would be called on the basis of least hours of overtime in their classification provided they are capable of doing the work. When employees are notified by telephone, they will be called in order of lowest hours first. -213 For the purpose of this clause, time not worked because the employee was unavailable, or did not choose to work, will be charged the average number of overtime hours of the employees working during that overtime period (2 hour minimum). -214 On July 1 each year, the amount of overtime hours credited to each employee will be reduced equal to the amount of overtime hours credited to the employee at the bottom of the overtime list and only the excess overtime hours for each employee shall be carried forward. -215 An employee who has changed classifications will be charged with the highest number of overtime hours that exist in the new classification on the day he/she was reclassified. -216 When an employee terminates his/her term as Chief Xxxxxxx, President, Xxxxxxx, or Alternate Xxxxxxx, his/her overtime hours shall be disregarded and he/she shall assume the average number of hours in his/her classification in his/her district, unless he/she is currently charged with less than average hours. ARTICLE 44 - LONGEVITY PAY -217 All regular employees of the Employer hired prior to August 19, 1996 shall be entitled to receive longevity pay for length of continuous service with the Employer according to the following rules and schedule of payment. -218 LONGEVITY YEAR The longevity year is defined as the twelve (12) month period beginning October 1 of each year and ending September 30. For longevity ...
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. (a) Overtime will be administered by the guidelines as set forth; however, the Employer reserves the right, whenever in its opinion an emergency exists to initiate the appropriate action to resolve said emergency.
(b) Pursuant to selection of job assignment as provided in Article 14, all custodial employees, within each building, will be placed on an overtime list in order of seniority. Overtime assignments in each building will be posted each week. All posted overtime assignments will be rotated through the aforementioned list. Any of the posted assignments will be available to eligible custodial employees.
1. Each custodial employee will be placed on the rotating overtime list in each building as regularly assigned within the provisions of Article 14.
2. A split assignment is one which includes more than one (1) building. For purposes of this section, the physical education building and the high school are considered to be one (1) assignment. XxXxxxxxx Middle School and the Administration Building shall likewise be considered to be one (1) assignment so long as both share the same building facility.
(c) Any overtime within a building not bid on by employees assigned to that building will be offered to custodial employees outside that building.
1. The district will maintain a list by seniority for overtime that will be used, on a rotating basis, to fill such overtime assignments. All custodial/warehouse employees are eligible to have their names placed on this list. The list will be established prior to the start of each school year.
2. Overtime assignments not filled in this manner will be offered to other bargaining unit classifications.
(d) Employees who change classifications or buildings will be placed on the overtime rotation list in their new classification or building in order of seniority.
(e) Probationary employees will be placed on the overtime rotation list in their assigned building in order of seniority.
(f) The senior day custodian will be responsible for monitoring the weekly overtime lists. After the posting has closed, and before the overtime is worked, the custodial supervisor will initial the sheet for that week. If the sheet is incorrect, it will be corrected prior to the time that overtime is to be worked for that week. The affected employee will be afforded only one (1) opportunity for placement at the top of the list, and must opt for overtime in the week following or forfeit top placement. In the event that said employee is in a p...
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS a) Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as possible among employees in Classifications 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 under Article 29. Overtime in other classifications will be divided as equally as possible between the employees in the individual classifications. An employee declining overtime will be charged with the average hours worked in that call-out period. Overtime hours shall be computed from July 1 to June 30 each year. An up-to-date list of overtime hours worked by each employee will be published twice if requested by the Union. Regular employees working less than 40 hours shall be given the first opportunity to work extra hours to complete their 40-hour week (within their departments).
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as possible among employees in the same classifications in their department. An up-to- date list showing overtime hours shall be posted in a prominent place in each department and shall be updated on a weekly basis.
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS a. Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as possible among seniority employees in the same classification in their building or work department. An up-to-date list showing overtime hours for all seniority employees will be posted periodically in each building or work area.
b. It is understood that overtime hour assignments for employees may be unequal from time to time.
c. The employer will endeavor to continue to provide the opportunity for employees in the mechanics, grounds, and maintenance classifications to share in the overtime assignments. However, due to the complexity of job assignments, skills needed, equipment available, etc., the overtime hours in these classifications will not always be equalized but the employer will endeavor to equalize whenever possible.
d. Employees who change classification will be charged with the highest number of overtime hours that exists in their new classification on the day he/she is placed in said classification.
e. Newly hired, rehired or transferred employees who successfully complete their probationary/trial period will be charged with overtime as indicated in Section (3)
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. As much as possible, overtime, if any, shall be distributed among employees within the same classification. If any employee desires overtime work, he/she shall have the right to inquire and be given overtime statistics. If the employee is lowest on overtime hours he shall be given the next available opportunity to work overtime. The Administration generally discourages overtime and consequently may structure the work week in such a manner that the work week does not extend beyond 40 hours.
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. Overtime hours shall be divided as equally as possible to employees within the overtime equalization areas shown below 46-2. Overtime Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx 46-3 Whenever overtime is required overtime may be offered first to the employee on shift who began the work being considered for overtime during the employee’s regular shift provided the overtime work shall commence immediately upon completion of the employee’s normal scheduled work hours.
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. A. Equalization - An updated list of overtime hours will be posted by noon on Monday of each week in each department. The employee at the top of the list will be offered all overtime (except incidental overtime as provided below) until that employee has worked twenty five (25) hours of overtime. If the employee reaches twenty-five (25) hours of overtime during an overtime shift, the employee will be allowed to complete the shift. Upon reaching twenty five (25) hours of overtime, the employee will move to the bottom of the list. If an employee is on a scheduled PTO, the employee shall not be charged.
B. Overtime not worked because the employee was unavailable or did not choose to work shall be counted as overtime worked for the purposes of this Section. An employee will be deemed unavailable if the employee is on leave or is not at work and cannot be reached by telephone. Supervisors shall document efforts to reach employees to offer overtime. If an employee is on a scheduled leave (PTO scheduled at least two (2) days in advance), the employee shall not be charged.
EQUALIZATION OF OVERTIME HOURS. (A) For employees other than bus drivers, overtime hours shall be divided as equally as possible among employees in the same classifications, in their buildings.
(B) Whenever overtime is required, the person with the least number of overtime hours in that classification within their building will be called first and so on down the list in an attempt to equalize the overtime hours.
(C) For the purpose of this Article, time not worked because the employee was unavailable, or did not choose to work, will be charged to that employee based on the average number of overtime hours of employees working during that call- out period. However, at no time shall employees refuse overtime to the extent that work cannot be done. It is understood that all employees are expected to work a reasonable amount of overtime provided reasonable notice is given. Overtime will be offered in the following order:
1.) First, to employees in the classification where the overtime opportunity exists, who are then assigned to the building where the overtime opportunity exists.
2.) If the overtime opportunity is not filled in this manner and is known to the Employer at least five (5) work days in advance, employees in the classification where the overtime opportunity exists who are not assigned to the building where the overtime opportunity exists shall be offered the work opportunity from a rotation list established for this purpose at the beginning of each school year.
3.) If the overtime opportunity is not filled after the completion of the above steps, the Employer has the right to either assign the lowest senior employee in the classification where the overtime opportunity exists to the overtime work or to utilize another qualified bargaining unit or non- bargaining unit member to accomplish the work. Overtime hours will be computed from July 1 through June 30 of each school year.