Wheat. Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1107 Malta (barley or other cereals), whether or not roasted. 11071000 Unroasted Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1108 Starches; inulin. 11081 Starches: 11081100 Wheat starch Apart from the tariff desgravacion 11081200 Maize starch Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other starches 11081910 Starches Apart from the tariff desgravacion 11081920 Starch Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1201 (porotos beans, soya beans, fréjoles) * (soya bean), including breached. 12010090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1202 Cacahuates (peanuts, xxxxxx unroasted) * cooked or otherwise, even without shell or violated. 120210 In shell 12021090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12022000 Shell or crushed Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1205 (turnip rape seed) or colza, including breached. 120510 (turnip rape seed) or with low colza erucic acid content 12051090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 120590 The other 12059090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1206 Sunflower seed, including broken. 12060090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1207 The other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, including violated. 120740 (sesame seeds ajonjolí) 12074090 The other Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 00000 The other: 120791 Opium poppy seed () 12079190 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 120799 The other 12079990 The other Except for sowing seeds of karite excepted from desgravacion 12079910 tariff = GT Naladisa 12079990 (2002) 1208 Flour or seed oleaginous fruits, except flour mustard. 12081000 Of beans (porotos, soya beans, fréjoles) * (soya bean) Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 12089010 Sunflower Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12089020 Flax, linseed with) Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12089090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1501 (including the fat lard) poultry and pig fat, except those of headings or 02.09 15.03:. 1501001 (including the pig fat lard), with the exception of bones or waste: 15010011 Butter Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15010019 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15010020 Ave. fats from bones or waste except Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1502 Fat bovine animals, sheep or goats, except those of heading 15.03:. 15020010 Bovine tallow Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15020090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1503 Solar estearina Lard oil, oil, oleoestearina oleomargarina and tallow emulsionar preparation, without, mixing or otherwise. 15030010 Solar estearina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030030 Oleoestearina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030040 Edible oleomargarina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030090 The other Butter oil Pig oil tallow (oleomargarina inedible) Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1504 Fats and oils and fractions of their marine mammals, fish or refined, including but not chemically modified. 150420 Fish oils and fats and oils fractions, except the liver 15042010 Crude oils and fats Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1506 The other animal fats and oils and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15060010 An edible oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15060090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1507 Soya bean (soybean oil) and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15071000 Crude oil, including desgomado Apart from the programme of desgravacion arancelaría 15079000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1508 Cacahuate oil (peanuts, peanuts) * and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15081000 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15089000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1509 Olive oil and refined their fractions, including, but not chemically modified. 15091000 Plain Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15099000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1510 The other oils and their fractions 03tenidos exclusively, including olive refined. but not chemically modified, and These mixtures of oils or fractions of oils or with fractions 1509 heading. 15100000 The other and their fractions oils Crude oil Obtained exclusively from olives, Refined Even refined, but without modifying Apart from the programme Chemically and mixtures of these oils or Of desgravacion Fractions with oils or fractions 1509 heading. Tariff 1511 Palm oil and refined their fractions, including, but not chemically modified. 15111000 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15119000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1512 Safflower or sunflower oils, cotton, and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15121 Safflower or sunflower oils, and their fractions: 151211 Crude oils 15121110 Sunflower Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15121120 Of safflower Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 15121910 Sunflower Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15121920 Of safflower Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15122 Cotton and oil fractions their: 15122100 Crude oil, even free gossypol Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15122900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1513 (coconut oils of copra, palm nut or babasú), and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15131 (copra and coconut oil fractions) their: 15131100 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15131900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132 Oil palm nut or babasú. and their fractions: 151321 Crude oils 15132110 Palm nut Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132120 Of babasú Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 15132910 Palm nut Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132920 Of babasú Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1514 (turnip oils or rapeseed, mustard colza), and their fractions, l refined, including but not chemically modified. 15141 Turnip oils (rape) or with low colza erucic acid content and their fractions: 15141100 Crude oils Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15141900 The other Refined Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 00000 The other: 15149100 Crude oils Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15149900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1515 The other fixed vegetable oils and fats (including oil and jojoba), including their fractions, refined, but not chemically modified. 15152 Maize and their oil fractions: 15152100 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15152900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 151550 Sesame oil fractions (ajonjolí) and their 15155010 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15155090 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 151590 The other 1515909 The other: 15159091 Raw With the exception of jojoba excepted from tariff desgravacion 15159099 The other With the exception of jojoba refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1516 The oils and fats; animal or plant, and their fractions, partially or fully hidrogenados, interesterificados. reesterificados or elaidinizados. even Refined but not prepare otherwise. 151610 Fats and oils and their fractions, animals, 15151010 Fish Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15161020 Of marine mammals Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1517 Mixtures or preparations; margarine edible oils, fats or animal or plant or different fractions fats, oils, or of this Chapter other than edible fats and oils and their fractions, heading 1516. 15171000 Margarine, except margarine settled Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1701 Sugar beet and cane or sucrose chemically pure in solid form. 17011 Raw sugar not containing added flavouring or colouring matter: 17011100 Cane Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17011200 Beet Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17019 The other: 17019100 Containing added flavouring or colouring matter Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17019900 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1702 The other sugars, including lactose, maltose glucose, content and chemically pure fructose (laevulose), in solid form; sugar syrups containing not added flavouring or matter; artificial colouring honey, whether not mixed with natural honey: sugar and molasses caramelizados. 17021 Lactose lactose syrup and: 17021100 With a lactose content equal to or greater than 99% by weight, expressed in lactose, calculated on the dry product anhydrous Lactose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17021900 The other Lactose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17023000 Glucose and glucose syrup, with or without Fructose Fructose content calculated on a dry product, less than 20% Except dextrose excepted from desgravacion Weight Tariff 170240 Glucose and glucose syrup, with a Fructose content in the dry product or more but less than 20% 50 percent in weight, except the invert sugar 17024010 Glucose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17024020 Glucose syrup Apart from the tariff desgravacion 170260 The other inulin fructosas Fructose and, with a Fructose content in the dry product; more than 50% by weight, except the invert sugar 17026010 Fructosas Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17026020 Syrup Fructose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 170290 The other, including invert sugar and syrups and other sugars azúcar. Fructose content on product with a 50% by weight of dry 17029010 Maltose syrup maltose content and content Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17029020 The other sugars, including invert syrups sugar and sugar Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17029040 Sugar and molasses caramelizados Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1703 Molasses from the extraction or refined sugar. 17031000 Cane Molasses Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17039000 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1902 Pasta, including cooked or stuffed meat (or other substances or otherwise prepared), such spaghetti, noodles, macaroni,,,, tallarines lasañas ñoquis ravioles, Canelones, including: couscous prepared. 19021 Uncooked pasta, complete or otherwise prepared: 19021100 Containing eggs Apart from the tariff desgravacion 19021900 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 19022000 Even cooked stuffed pasta, Apart from the programme Or otherwise prepared Of tariff desgravacion 19023000 The other pasta Apart from the tariff desgravacion 2302 Bran, sharps and other residues, sifting of milling or other treatment of cereals and pulses, including "" pellets. 23021000 Maize Apart from the tariff desgravacion 23023000
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Economic Complementarity Agreement, Economic Complementarity Agreement
Wheat. Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1107 Malta (barley or other cereals), whether or not roasted. 11071000 Unroasted Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1108 Starches; inulin. 11081 Starches: 11081100 11031100 Wheat starch Apart from the tariff desgravacion 11081200 Maize starch Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other starches 11081910 Starches Apart from the tariff desgravacion 11081920 Starch Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1201 (porotos beans, soya beans, fréjoles) * (soya bean), including breached. 12010090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1202 Cacahuates (peanuts, xxxxxx unroasted) * cooked or otherwise, even without shell or violated. 120210 In shell 12021090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12022000 Shell or crushed Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1205 (turnip rape seed) or colza, including breached. 120510 (turnip rape seed) or with low colza Apart from the programme Under the erucic acid content Tariff desgravacion 12051090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 120590 The other 12059090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1206 Sunflower seed, including broken. 12060090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1207 The oil and other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, including oleaginous seeds Even violated. 120740 (sesame seeds ajonjolí) 12074090 The other Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 00000 The other: 120791 Opium poppy seed () 12079190 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 120799 The other 12079990 The other Except for sowing seeds seed of karite excepted For sowing Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12079910 tariff = GT Naladisa 12079990 (2002) 1208 Flour or seed oleaginous fruits, except flour mustard. 12081000 Of beans (porotos, soya beans, fréjoles) * (soya bean) Apart from the xxxxxx programme Soya bean (soya) Xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 12089010 Sunflower Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12089020 Flax, linseed with) Apart from the tariff desgravacion 12089090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1501 (including the fat lard) poultry and pig fat, except those of headings or 02.09 15.03:. 1501001 (including the pig fat lard), with the exception of bones or waste: 15010011 Butter Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15010019 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15010020 Ave. fats from bones or waste except Apart from the tariff programme Waste Tariff desgravacion 1502 Fat bovine animals, sheep or goats, except those of heading 15.03:. 15020010 Bovine tallow Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15020090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1503 Solar estearina Lard oil and oil, oil, oleoestearina oleoestearina. oleomargarina and tallow without emulsionar preparation, without, mixing or otherwise. 15030010 Solar estearina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030030 Oleoestearina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030040 Edible oleomargarina Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15030090 The other Butter oil Pig Oil lard (oil tallow (oleomargarina inediblenot Edible) Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1504 Fats and oils and fractions of their marine mammals, fish or refined, including but not chemically modified. 150420 Fish oils and fats and oils fractions, except the liver 15042010 Crude oils and fats Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1506 The other animal fats and oils and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15060010 An edible oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15060090 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1507 Soya bean (soybean oil) and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15071000 Crude oil, including desgomado Apart from the programme of tariff desgravacion arancelaría 15079000 The other Refined Apart excepted from the tariff desgravacion 1508 Cacahuate oil (peanutsoil, peanuts and peanuts) * and "their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15081000 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15089000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1509 Olive oil and refined their fractions, including, but not chemically modified. 15091000 Plain Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15099000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1510 The other oils and their fractions 03tenidos oils obtained exclusively. including, including olive refined. but not chemically refined Chemically modified, and These these mixtures of oils or fractions of oils or with fractions 1509 heading. 15100000 The other and their fractions oils Crude oil Obtained exclusively from olives, Refined Even refined, but without modifying Apart from the programme Chemically and mixtures of these oils or Of desgravacion Fractions with fractions of oils or with fractions 1509 heading. Tariff desgravacion 1511 Palm oil and refined their fractions, including, but not chemically modified. 15111000 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15119000 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1512 Safflower Oils, sunflower and cotton safflower or sunflower oils, cotton, and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15121 Safflower or sunflower oils, and their fractions: 151211 Crude oils 15121110 Sunflower Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15121120 Of safflower Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 15121910 Sunflower Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15121920 Of safflower Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15122 Cotton Their cotton and oil fractions their: 15122100 Crude oil, even free gossypol Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15122900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1513 (coconut oils of copra, palm nut or babasú), and their fractions, refined, including but not chemically modified. 15131 (copra and coconut oil fractions) their: 15131100 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15131900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132 Oil palm nut babasú and fractions, or babasú. and their fractionstheir: 151321 Crude oils 15132110 Palm nut Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132120 Of babasú Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 000000 The other 15132910 Palm nut Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15132920 Of babasú Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1514 (turnip oils or rapeseed, mustard colza), and their fractions, l refined, including but not chemically modified. 15141 Turnip oils (rape) or with low colza erucic acid content and their fractions: 15141100 Crude oils Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15141900 The other Refined Apart from the xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 00000 The other: 15149100 Crude oils Apart from the programme of tariff desgravacion 15149900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1515 The other fixed vegetable oils and fats (including oil and jojoba), including their fractions, refined, but not chemically modified. 15152 Maize and their oil fractions: 15152100 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15152900 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 151550 Sesame oil fractions (ajonjolífractions) and their ajonjolí! 15155010 Crude oil Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15155090 The other Refined Apart from the tariff desgravacion 151590 The other 1515909 The other: 15159091 Raw With the exception of jojoba excepted Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15159099 The other With the exception Refined except of jojoba refined Apart excepted from the tariff desgravacion 1516 The oils and fats; animal or plant, and their fractions, partially or fully hidrogenados, interesterificados. reesterificados or elaidinizados. even Refined refined but not prepare otherwise. 151610 Fats and oils and their fractions, animals, 15151010 15161010 Fish Apart from the tariff desgravacion 15161020 Of marine mammals Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1517 Mixtures or preparations; margarine edible oils, fats or animal or plant or different fractions fats, oils, or of this Chapter other than edible fats and oils and their fractions, heading 1516. 15171000 Margarine, except margarine settled Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1701 Sugar beet and cane or sucrose chemically pure in solid form. 17011 Raw sugar not containing added flavouring colouring or colouring matter: ; 17011100 Cane Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17011200 Beet Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17019 The other: 17019100 Containing added flavouring or colouring matter Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17019900 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1702 The other sugars, including lactose, maltose glucose, content and chemically pure fructose (laevulose), in solid form; sugar syrups containing not added flavouring or matter; artificial colouring honey, whether not mixed with natural honey: ; sugar and molasses caramelizados. 17021 Lactose lactose syrup and: 17021100 With a lactose content equal to or greater than 99% by weight, expressed in anhydrous lactose, calculated on the dry product anhydrous Lactose Apart from the tariff desgravacion Dried product 17021900 The other Lactose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17023000 Glucose and glucose syrup, with or without Fructose Fructose content Fructose, calculated on a dry dried product, less than 20% 20 per cent by weight. Except dextrose excepted Apart from the tariff desgravacion Weight Tariff 170240 Glucose and glucose syrup, with a Fructose content in the dry product than or more equal to 20% but less than 2050% 50 percent in by weight, except the invert sugar 17024010 Glucose Apart from the tariff desgravacion | 17024020 Glucose syrup Apart from the tariff desgravacion 170260 The other inulin fructosas Fructose and, with a Fructose content in the dry on dried product; : more than 50% by weight, except the invert sugar 17026010 Fructosas Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17026020 Syrup Fructose Apart from the tariff desgravacion 170290 The other, including other sugars and invert sugar and sugar, syrups and other sugars azúcar. Fructose content on product with a 50% by weight of dry 17029010 Maltose syrup maltose content and content Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17029020 The other sugars, including invert syrups sugar and sugar Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17029040 Sugar and molasses caramelizados Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1703 Molasses from the The extraction or refined molasses from retinado sugar. 17031000 Cane Molasses Apart from the tariff desgravacion 17039000 The other Apart from the tariff desgravacion 1902 Pasta, including cooked or stuffed meat (or other substances or otherwise prepared), such spaghetti, noodles, macaroni,,,, tallarines lasañas ñoquis ravioles, Canelones; couscous, including: couscous including prepared. 19021 Uncooked pasta, complete or otherwise prepared: 19021100 Containing eggs Apart from the tariff desgravacion 19021900 The other Apart from the tariff programme Tariff desgravacion 19022000 Even cooked stuffed Stuffed pasta, including Apart from the programme Or Cooked or otherwise prepared Of tariff Tariff desgravacion 19023000 The other pasta Apart from the tariff desgravacion 2302 Bran, sharps and other residues, sifting of milling or other treatment of cereals and pulses, including "" pellets. 23021000 Maize Apart from the tariff desgravacion 23023000
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Economic Complementarity Agreement, Economic Complementarity Agreement