Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of Article 27, the following goods shall be considered as being wholly obtained or produced in a Party:
(a) live animals born and raised in the Party;
(b) animals obtained by hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering or capturing in the Party;
(c) goods obtained from live animals in the Party;
(d) plants and plant products harvested, picked or gathered in the Party; Note: For the purposes of this subparagraph, the term “plant” refers to all plant life, including fruit, flowers, vegetables, trees, seaweed, fungi and live plants.
(e) minerals and other naturally occurring substances, not included in subparagraphs (a) through (d), extracted or taken in the Party;
(f) goods of sea-fishing and other goods taken by vessels of the Party from the sea outside the territorial seas of the Parties;
(g) goods produced on board factory ships of the Party, outside the territorial seas of the Parties from the goods referred to in subparagraph (f);
(h) goods taken from the sea-bed or subsoil beneath the sea-bed outside the territorial sea of the Party, provided that the Party has rights to exploit such sea-bed or subsoil in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay, December 10, 1982;
(i) articles collected in the Party which can no longer perform their original purpose in the Party nor are capable of being restored or repaired and which are fit only for disposal or for the recovery of parts or raw materials;
(j) scrap and waste derived from manufacturing or processing operations or from consumption in the Party and fit only for disposal or for the recovery of raw materials;
(k) parts or raw materials recovered in the Party from articles which can no longer perform their original purpose nor are capable of being restored or repaired; and
(l) goods obtained or produced in the Party exclusively from the goods referred to in subparagraphs (a) through (k).
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of Article 3.2 (Originating Goods), a good that is wholly obtained or produced in the territory of one or both of the Parties means:
(a) mineral and other naturally occurring substances extracted or taken there;
(b) plants formed or naturally grown or planted there, or products obtained from such plants;
(c) live animals born and raised there;
(d) goods obtained from live animals there;
(e) goods obtained directly from hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering, capturing or aquaculture conducted there;
(f) goods (fish, shellfish, plant and other marine life) taken from the high seas by a vessel registered to a Party and flying its flag;
(g) goods obtained or produced on board factory ships registered to a Party and flying its flag from the goods referred to in subparagraph (f);
(h) goods taken by a Party, or a person of a Party, from the seabed or beneath the seabed beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent Continental Shelf of that Party and beyond areas over which non- Parties exercise jurisdiction, under exploitation rights granted in accordance with international law;
(i) goods which are:
(i) waste and scrap derived from production and consumption there provided that such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; or
(ii) used goods collected there provided that such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; and
(j) goods produced or obtained entirely there, exclusively from goods referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (i) or from their derivatives.
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of Article 3.2(1)(a) (Origin Criteria), the following goods shall be considered as wholly produced or obtained:
(a) plant and plant goods, including fruit, flowers, vegetables, trees, seaweed, fungi and live plants, grown, cultivated, harvested, picked, or gathered in the territory of a Party;
(b) live animals born and raised in the territory of a Party;
(c) goods obtained from live animals in the territory of a Party;
(d) goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing, farming, cultivating, aquaculture, gathering, or capturing in the territory of a Party;
(e) minerals and other naturally occurring substances extracted or taken from the soil, waters or seabed and subsoil, in the territory of a Party;
(f) goods of sea-fishing and other marine goods taken from the high seas, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (“UNCLOS”), by any vessel registered or recorded and entitled to fly the flag of that Party;
(g) goods produced on board any factory ship registered or recorded and entitled to fly the flag of a Party from the goods referred to in subparagraph (f);
(h) goods taken by a Party, or a person of a Party, from the seabed and subsoil beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone and adjacent Continental Shelf of that Party and beyond areas over which third parties exercise jurisdiction under exploitation rights granted in accordance with the UNCLOS;
(i) goods which are:
(i) waste and scrap derived from production and consumption in the territory of a Party provided that such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; or
(ii) used goods collected in the territory of a Party provided that such goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; and
(j) goods produced or obtained in the territory of a Party solely from products referred to in subparagraphs (a) to (i) or from their derivatives.
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For purposes of Article 3.1.1(a), the following goods are wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or both of the Parties: (a) live animals born and raised in the territory of Korea or Peru; (b) goods obtained from live animals born and raised in the territory of Korea or Peru; (c) goods obtained by hunting, trapping, fishing, or aquaculture in the territory of Korea or Peru1; (d) goods of sea-fishing and other goods taken from the sea outside the territory of a Party by vessels registered or recorded with a Party and flying its flag; (e) goods produced on board factory ships, exclusively from the goods referred to in subparagraph (d), provided that such factory ships are registered or recorded with a Party and fly its flag; (f)
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. Goods Produced Using Non-Originating Materials Article 30 Calculation of Qualifying Value Content Article 31 Accumulation Article 32 De Minimis Article 33 Non-Qualifying Operations Article 34 Consignment Criteria Article 35 Unassembled or Disassembled Goods Article 36 Fungible Goods and Materials Article 37 Indirect Materials Article 38 Accessories, Spare Parts, Tools and Instructional or Other Information Materials Article 39 Packing and Packaging Materials and Containers Article 40 Operational Certification Procedures
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. Within the meaning of Article 26(a), the following shall be considered as wholly obtained or produced in the exporting Member State:
(a) Plant and plant products, including fruit, flowers, vegetables, trees, seaweed, fungi and live plants, grown and harvested, picked or gathered in the exporting Member State;
(b) Live animals, including mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans, molluscs, reptiles, bacteria and viruses, born and raised in the exporting Member State;
(c) Goods obtained from live animals in the exporting Member State;
(d) Goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing, farming, aquaculture, gathering or capturing conducted in the exporting Member State;
(e) Minerals and other naturally occurring substances, not included in paragraphs (a) to (d) of this Article, extracted or taken from its soil, waters, seabed or beneath its seabed;
(f) Products of sea-fishing taken by vessels registered with a Member State and entitled to fly its flag and other products4 taken from the waters, seabed or beneath the seabed outside the territorial waters5 of that Member State, provided that that Member State has the rights to exploit such waters, seabed and beneath the seabed in accordance with international law6; 4 “Other products” refers to minerals and other naturally occurring substances extracted from the waters, seabed or beneath the seabed outside the territorial waters.
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of Article 4.2 (Origin Criteria) the following goods shall be considered as wholly obtained or produced in the territory of one or both of the Parties if they are:
(a) a plant, plant good, or fungus, grown, cultivated, harvested, picked, or gathered there;
(b) alive animal born and raised there;
(c) a good obtained from a live animal there;
(d) an animal obtained by hunting, trapping, fishing, gathering, or capturing there but not beyond the outer limits of a Party's territorial sea;
(e) a good obtained from aquaculture there but not beyond the outer limits of a Party's territorial sea;
(f) a mineral or other naturally occurring substance, not included in subparagraphs (a) through (e), extracted or taken from there;
(g) fish, shellfish, and other marine life taken from the sea, seabed, or subsoil beyond the outer limits of:
(i) Australia's territorial sea but within the territory of Australia by vessels that are registered, listed, or recorded in Australia; or
(ii) the United Kingdom's territorial sea but within the territory of the United Kingdom by vessels that are registered in the United Kingdom and entitled to fly the flag of the United Kingdom;
(h) fish, shellfish, and other marine life taken from the sea, seabed, or subsoil beyond the outer limits of the territories of each Party and, in accordance with international law, outside the territorial sea of non-parties by vessels that are registered, listed, or recorded with a Party and entitled to fly the flag of that Party;
(i) a good produced from goods referred to in subparagraph (g) or subparagraph (h) on board a factory ship that is registered, listed, or recorded with a Party and entitled to fly the flag of that Party;
(j) a good other than fish, shellfish, and other marine life taken or extracted by a Party or a person of a Party from the seabed or subsoil outside the territories of the Parties, and beyond areas over which non-parties exercise jurisdiction provided that Party or person of that Party has the right to exploit that seabed or subsoil in accordance with international law;
(k) a good that is:
(i) waste or scrap derived from production there; or
(ii) waste or scrap derived from used goods collected there, provided that those goods are fit only for the recovery of raw materials; and
(l) a good produced there, exclusively from goods referred to in subparagraphs (a) through (k), or from their derivatives.
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of Article 3 (Origin Criteria), the following goods shall be considered as wholly obtained or produced in the exporting Party:
(a) plants and plant products, including fruits, flowers, vegetables, trees, seaweed, fungi and live plants, grown, harvested, picked or gathered in a Party1;
(b) live animals including mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans, molluscs, reptiles, bacteria and viruses, born and raised in a Party;
(c) goods obtained from live animals in a Party;
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. For the purposes of this Agreement, goods wholly obtained or produced in the territory of a Party shall be treated as originating goods of that Party. The following goods shall be considered as being wholly obtained or produced in the territory of a Party:
Wholly Obtained or Produced Goods. Goods wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or both Parties means goods that are:
(a) plants and plant products harvested or gathered in the territory of one or both Parties;
(b) live animals born and raised in the territory of one or both Parties;
(c) goods obtained in the territory of one or both Parties from live animals;
(d) goods obtained from hunting, trapping, fishing, or aquaculture conducted in the territory of one or both Parties;
(e) minerals and other non-living natural resource not included in subparagraphs (a) through (d) extracted or taken from the territory of one or both Parties;
(f) goods of sea fishing and other marine goods taken from outside its territory by a vessel registered, recorded or licensed with that Party, and entitled to fly its flag3;
(g) goods produced and/or made on board a factory ship from goods referred to in subparagraph (f), provided such factory ship is registered, recorded or licensed with that Party and entitled to fly its flag; 2 “Simple” generally describes an activity which does not need special skills, machines, apparatus or equipment specially produced or installed for carrying out the activity.