Workover and drilling of Avenue Kahta Wellx Sample Clauses

Workover and drilling of Avenue Kahta Wellx. (a) At any time and from time up to anx xxxluding 14 November 2004, Avenue shall have the right, by notice to AME, to require AME to workover up to 5 (in the aggregate) existing wells on the Kahta Field and drill up to 0 (xx the aggregate) new wells on the Kahta Field or other prospecxx xx its choice in the Kahta Lease (hereinafter referred to as the 'Avenue Kahta Wells'). (b) AME shall conduct the workover xxxxxtions on the Avenue Kahta Wells at a fixed turnkey price payable by Xxxxue in the amount of US$150,000 per well (exclusive of any applicable VAT). (c) AME shall conduct drilling operations on the Avenue Kahta Wells at a fixed turnkey cost payable by Avenue in the amount of US$400,000 per well (exclusive of any applicable VAT. (d) Avenue shall pay to AME 100% of the costs of such workover and drilling operations 30 days before commencement of such operations.
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Related to Workover and drilling of Avenue Kahta Wellx

  • Summer Session A. All ASEs employed in the Summer Session shall receive the same general range adjustment as ASEs received in the preceding Fall term. B. The following articles apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session: Recognition, Wages (range adjustment only), DCP, Travel, Health and Safety, Leaves, Holidays, Duration, Workspace and Instructional Support, Parking, Grievance and Arbitration, Waiver, Management and Academic Rights, No Strikes, Non-Discrimination, Union Access and Rights, Union Security, Discipline and Dismissal, Emergency Layoff, Employment Files and Evaluations, Definitions, Severability, Labor-Management Meetings, and Classifications. C. The remainder of the articles in the agreement does not apply to ASEs who are employed in the summer session. D. The topic of Summer Session, and effects of changes on terms and conditions of employment for ASEs employed in Summer Session, shall be reopened for bargaining commencing no later than January 2, 2001.

  • RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY Teachers and staff

  • Pendahuluan Industri perbankan syari’ah di Indonesia tengah memasuki fase growth (pertumbuhan) xxx sangat membutuhkan kepercayaan xxx loyalitas masyarakat untuk terus meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas mutlak dibutuhkan untuk memasuki fase maturity perbankan syariah dalam menghadapi kompetisi global. Kepercayaan xxx loyalitas tidak dapat diperoleh tanpa adanya produk- produk yang mampu menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Produk bank syariah sudah semestinya mampu memenuhi seluruh komponen masyarakat, baik dalam produk funding, financing, xxx services. Oleh karenanya, inovasi produk bank syariah menjadi syarat mutlak sebagai indikator bahwa bank syariah mampu beradaptasi dengan kebutuhan manusia modern. Inovasi produk merupakan salah satu unsur penting untuk dapat menjaga sustainabilitas perusahaan. Inovasi produk merepresentasikan kemampuan perusahaan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sekaligus sebagai upaya untuk memperoleh keuntungan perusahaan. Bank syariah pada dasarnya telah melakukan serangkaian upaya inovasi, salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan “rekayasa” (engineering) terhadap akad- akad dalam fiqh muamalah. Beberapa akad dalam fiqh muamalah tidak begitu saja diadopsi oleh perbankan syariah, namun juga “diadaptasikan” dengan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap xxxx-xxxx perbankan. Rekayasa xxx adaptasi ini memang sebuah keniscayaan, karena jika adopsi dilakukan secara apa adanya maka produk bank syariah diragukan dapat memberikan manfaat yang tepat bagi masyarakat. Prinsip keleluasan bermuamalah dalam Islam merupakan modal utama untuk menghadapi kompleksitas permasalahan ekonomi serta besarnya tuntutan masyarakat akan peran perbankan syariah.1 Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat xxx mengembangkan industri perbankan xxx keuangan xxxx xxxx kompetitif, inovasi dalam berbisnis yang dilakukan oleh perbankan syariah melalui serangkaian adaptasi tersebut memang sudah menjadi tuntutan bisnis. Sebagai contoh dapat dikemukakan xxxxxx xxxx kartu kredit syariah, asuransi syariah, obligasi syariah, FX iB, xxx Islamic Swap. Produk-produk dalam kegiatan keuangan syariah tersebut mengandung beberapa akad. Sebagai contoh, dalam transaksi kartu kredit syariah terdapat akad ijarah, qardh, xxx kafalah. Obligasi syariah mengandung sekurang-kurangnya akad mudharabah (atau ijarah) xxx wakalah, serta terkadang disertai kafalah atau wa’d. Islamic swap mengandung beberapa kali akad tawarruq, bay‘, wakalah, xxxxx, xxx terkadang disertai wa’d.2 Dalam setiap transaksi, akad-akad tersebut dilakukan secara bersamaan atau setidak-tidaknya setiap akad yang terdapat dalam suatu produk tidak bisa ditinggalkan, karena kesemuanya merupakan satu kesatuan. Transaksi seperti 1 Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, “Konstruksi Akad dalam Pengembangan Produk Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-‘Adalah, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Juni, 2015), 493. 2 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, “Multiakad dalam Transaksi Syariah Kontemporer pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia”, Al-Iqtishad, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Januari, 2011), 156. inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah multiakad (Indonesia) atau hybrid contract (Inggris) atau al-’uqud al-murakkabah (Arab). Hybrid contract merupakan perbincangan yang masih hangat dikalangan para cendikiawan muslim untuk menentukan keabsahan hukumnya. Pendapat pertama mengatakan hukumnya mubah berdasar kaidah fiqh al-ashlu fi al-mu’amalat al-ibahah (hukum asal muamalah adalah boleh). Pendapat kedua mengharamkan berdasarkan dengan hadits-hadits yang mengharamkan dua jual beli dalam satu jual beli (bai’ataini fi bai’atin), atau mengharamkan dua akad dalam satu akad (shafqatain fi shafqatin).3 Sebagai entitas bisnis yang menjadi bagian penting dalam sistem ekonomi syariah sebagai induknya, tentunya industri perbankan syariah tidak boleh keluar dari nilai-nilai syariah. Melakukan inovasi memang tuntutan bisnis, namun menjaga shariah compliance juga menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap pelaku bisnis syariah, tidak terkecuali perbankan syariah. Profit-oriented hanya boleh dijadikan sebagai media (tool) untuk mencapai tujuan (goal), yaitu benefit-oriented. Produk bank syari’ah seyogyanya memiliki multi benefit, yaitu: material benefit, emotional benefit, xxx spiritual benefit.4 Mengacu pada kondisi tersebut, maka inovasi produk perbankan syariah setidaknya memerhatikan inovasi dalam dua dimensi, yaitu dimensi ekonomi xxx dimensi sosial. Inovasi dalam dimensi ekonomi artinya bahwa produk perbankan syariah harus mampu menghadirkan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga bank syariah menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat. Jika hal ini dapat dilakukan, maka fungsi-fungsi bank syariah akan mampu memainkan perannya sebagai intermediary institution. Pada dimensi sosial, sebagai produsen jasa keuangan syariah, bank syariah bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan edukasi terhadap perilaku masyarakat. Bank syariah xxx masyarakat xxxxxx melekat xxx memengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. Pada satu sisi, bank syariah melalui pola inovasinya harus mampu “men-syariah- kan” perilaku masyarakat, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan lembaga 3 Najamuddin, “Al-‘Uqud Al-Murakkabah dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syariah”, Jurnal Syariah, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Oktober, 2013), 6.

  • Format and Signing of Tender 19.1 The Tenderer shall prepare one original of the documents comprising the Tender as described in ITT 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” Alternative Tenders, if permitted in accordance with ITT 12, shall be clearly marked “ALTERNATIVE.” In addition, the Tenderer shall submit copies of the Tender, in the number specified in the TDS and clearly mark them “COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail. 19.2 Tenderers shall mark as “CONFIDENTIAL” information in their Tenders which is confidential to their business. This may include proprietary information, trade secrets, or commercial or financially sensitive information. 19.3 The original and all copies of the Tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Tenderer. This authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in the TDS and shall be attached to the Tender. The name and position held by each person signing the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of the Tender where entries or amendments have been made shall be signed or initialed by the person signing the Tender. 19.4 In case the Tenderer is a JV, the Tender shall be signed by an authorized representative of the JV on behalf of the JV, and so as to be legally binding on all the members as evidenced by a power of attorney signed by each members' legally authorized representatives. 19.5 Any inter-lineation, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the Tender.

  • meminta nasihat daripada Pihak Xxxxxx dalam semua perkara berkenaan dengan jualan lelongan, termasuk Syarat-syarat Jualan (iii) membuat carian Hakmilik Xxxxx xxxxxx rasmi di Pejabat Tanah xxx/atau xxxx-xxxx Pihak-pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan xxx (iv) membuat pertanyaan dengan Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan samada jualan ini terbuka kepada semua bangsa atau kaum Bumiputra Warganegara Malaysia sahaja atau melayu sahaja xxx juga mengenai persetujuan untuk jualan ini sebelum jualan lelong.Penawar yang berjaya ("Pembeli") dikehendaki dengan segera memohon xxx mendapatkan kebenaran pindahmilik (jika ada) daripada Pihak Pemaju xxx/atau Pihak Tuanpunya xxx/atau Pihak Berkuasa Negeri atau badan-badan berkenaan (v) memeriksa xxx memastikan samada jualan ini dikenakan cukai. HAKMILIK : Hakmilik strata bagi hartanah ini masih belum dikeluarkan HAKMILIK INDUK / NO. LOT : Pajakan Negeri 35263, Lot No.29096 MUKIM/DAERAH/NEGERI : Setapak / Kuala Lumpur / Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur PEGANGAN : Pajakan selama 82-tahun berakhir pada 08/08/2085 KELUASAN LANTAI : 81.104 meter persegi ( 873 kaki persegi ) PEMAJU/PENJUAL : Mega Planner Jaya Sdn Bhd (326287-W)(Dalam Likuidasi) TUANPUNYA : Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur PEMBELI : Xxxxxxxx Bin Xxxxx @ Xxxx BEBANAN : Diserahhak kepada RHB Bank Berhad [196501000373 (6171-M)] Hartanah tersebut terletak di tingkat 9 pada bangunan apartment 14-tingkat terletak di Melati Impian Apartment, Setapak Fasa 1, Kuala Lumpur. Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah unit apartment 3 xxxxx dikenali sebaga Xxxxx Pemaju No. 9, Tingkat No.9, Pembangunan dikenali sebagai Melati Impian Apartment Setapak Fasa 1, Kuala Lumpur xxx mempunyai alamat surat-xxxxxxxx xx Xxxx Xx. 0-0, Xxxxxx Impian Apartment, Xxxxx 0/00X, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Harta ini dijual “keadaan seperti mana sediada” dengan harga rizab sebanyak RM 300,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA: TIGA RATUS RIBU SAHAJA) xxx tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat Jualan xxx melalui penyerahan hakkan dari Pemegang Serahak, tertakluk kepada kelulusan di perolehi oleh pihak Pembeli daripada pihak berkuasa, jika ada, termasuk semua terma, syarat xxx perjanjian yang dikenakan xxx mungkin dikenakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan. Pembeli bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memperolehi xxx mematuhi syarat-syarat berkenaan daripada Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan, jika ada xxx semua xxx xxx perbelanjaan ditanggung xxx dibayar oleh Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.Pembeli atas talian (online) juga tertakluk kepada terma-terma xxx syarat-syarat terkandung dalam Pembeli yang berminat adalah dikehendaki mendeposit kepada Pelelong 10% daripada harga rizab dalam bentuk Bank Draf atau Cashier’s Order di atas nama RHB Bank Berhad sebelum lelongan awam xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx hendaklah dibayar dalam tempoh sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh lelongan kepada RHB Bank Berhad melalui Bank Draf / XXXXXX. Butir-butir pembayaran melalui XXXXXX, xxxx berhubung dengan Tetuan Zahrin Emrad & Sujaihah. Untuk maklumat lanjut, xxxx berhubung dengan TETUAN ZAHRIN EMRAD & SUJIAHAH, yang beralamat di Suite 10.3, 10th Floor, Xxx Xxxx Building, Xx.00, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, 00000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Tel: 00-0000 0000 / Fax: 00-0000 0000. [ Ruj: ZES/ZHR/RHB-FC/16250-17/0614-pae ], peguamcara bagi pihak pemegang xxxxx xxx atau pelelong yang tersebut dibawah.

  • FIPPA The HSP acknowledges that the LHIN is bound by FIPPA and that any information provided to the LHIN in connection with this Agreement may be subject to disclosure in accordance with FIPPA.

  • Checkoff A. In conformity with Section 2 of the Act, 39 U.S.C. 1205, without cost to the Union, the Employer shall deduct and remit to the Union the regular and periodic Union dues from the pay of employees who are members of the Union, provided that the Employer has received a written assignment which shall be irrevo- cable for a period of not more than one year, from each employee on whose account such deductions are to be made. The Employer agrees to remit to the Union all deductions to which it is entitled fourteen (14) days after the end of the pay period for which such deductions are made. Deductions shall be in such amounts as are designated to the Employer in writing by the Union. B. The authorization of such deductions shall be in the fol- lowing form: I hereby assign to the National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL- CIO, from any salary or wages earned or to be earned by me as your employee (in my present or any future employment by you) such regular and peri- odic membership dues as the Union may certify as due and owing from me, as may be established from time to time by said Union. I authorize and direct you to deduct such amounts from my pay and to remit same to said Union at such times and in such manner as may be agreed upon between you and the Union at any time while this authori- zation is in effect, which includes a $8.00 yearly subscrip- tion to the Postal Record as part of the membership dues. Notice: Contributions or gifts to the National Association of Letter Carriers, AFL-CIO are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible under other provi- sions of the Internal Revenue Code. This assignment, authorization and direction shall be irrevocable for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery hereof to you, and I agree and direct that this assignment, authorization and direction shall be automatically renewed, and shall be irrevocable for suc- cessive periods of one (1) year, unless written notice is given by me to you and the Union not more than twenty

  • Felling of trees The Authority shall assist the Contractor in obtaining the Applicable Permits for felling of trees in non-forest area to be identified by the Authority for this purpose if, and only if, such trees cause a Material Adverse Effect on the construction or maintenance of the Project Highway. The Contractor shall fell these trees as per the Permits obtained. The cost of such felling shall be borne by the Authority and in the event of any delay in felling thereof for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor; it shall be excused for failure to perform any of its obligations hereunder if such failure is a direct consequence of delay in the felling of trees. The Parties hereto agree that the felled trees shall be deemed to be owned by the Authority and shall be disposed in such manner and subject to such conditions as the Authority may in its sole discretion deem appropriate. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree that if any felling of trees hereunder is in a forest area, the Applicable Permit thereof shall be procured by the Authority within the time specified in the Agreement.

  • Joint Funded Project with the Ohio Department of Transportation In the event that the Recipient does not have contracting authority over project engineering, construction, or right-of-way, the Recipient and the OPWC hereby assign certain responsibilities to the Ohio Department of Transportation, an authorized representative of the State of Ohio. Notwithstanding Sections 4, 6(a), 6(b), 6(c), and 7 of the Project Agreement, Recipient hereby acknowledges that upon notification by the Ohio Department of Transportation, all payments for eligible project costs will be disbursed by the Grantor directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation. A Memorandum of Funds issued by the Ohio Department of Transportation shall be used to certify the estimated project costs. Upon receipt of a Memorandum of Funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation, the OPWC shall transfer funds directly to the Ohio Department of Transportation via an Intra- State Transfer Voucher. The amount or amounts transferred shall be determined by applying the Participation Percentages defined in Appendix D to those eligible project costs within the Memorandum of Funds. In the event that the Project Scope is for right-of-way only, notwithstanding Appendix D, the OPWC shall pay for 100% of the right-of-way costs not to exceed the total financial assistance provided in Appendix C.

  • Xxxxx, Haldimand, Norfolk An employee shall be granted five working days bereavement leave with pay upon the death of the employee’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandchild or step-grandchild.

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