DRILLING OPERATIONS. 24.01 Lessee shall submit to Department and to District Forester for their approval as to location, a plat showing the location of each well before drilling is commenced, and no well shall be commenced until a permit has been issued by Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Oil and Gas Management. 24.02 A legible sign listing the name and address of the well operator, the permit number, the farm name, and well number shall be placed in a conspicuous place near where the access road enters the well location. In addition, a legible sign listing the name of the operator and well number shall be attached or painted on the pumping unit, wellhead or meter box of each well. 24.03 Except where Lessee intentionally drills a deviated well to a bottomhole location not vertically beneath the well site, Lessee shall drill a straight hole to the best of its ability. The maximum 24.04 Lessee shall run a device for measuring deviation from the vertical periodically during the drilling of the well and at the total depth, if requested by Department. 24.05 After the completion of an intentionally deviated well, a complete angular deviation and directional survey of the well obtained by an approved well surveying company and certified as to correctness shall be furnished to Department. 24.06 Lessee shall maintain, at all times, the casing control equipment in such condition that will effectively control any oil, gas, or water encountered during operations in a well being drilled, tested, completed, or reconditioned. All drilling xxxxx which are shallower than ten-thousand (10,000) feet shall be equipped with working blowout control equipment tested to twice normal hydrostatic pressure for the depth drilled, and tested to at least ten-thousand (10,000) psia for xxxxx deeper than ten-thousand (10,000) feet that will completely close off the open hole and that will completely close off around any equipment being employed in the well and will be equipped with a bleed-off valve of the proper size and working pressure. If the blowout preventer is hydraulically operated, adequate pressure shall, at all times, be available for efficient operations. Blowout control equipment must be capable, in case of an emergency, to shut in the well at a point at least fifty (50) feet from the wellhead. For xxxxx being serviced, blowout protection equipment shall be of sufficient capacity to control pressures and flow rates measured in the xxxxx being serviced. 24.07 All xxxxx shall be eq...
DRILLING OPERATIONS. The term "Drilling Operations" means the actual drilling of an oil or gas well, together with work in the hole necessary to properly complete or abandon the oil or gas well, conducted with due diligence and in a good and workmanlike manner. Drilling Operations will be deemed to have commenced when a xxxxxxx, a rig, and machinery capable of drilling an oil or gas well to a depth sufficient to test a permitted objective have been erected, and when such well has been spudded-in and the rotary bit is rotating under power. Sidetracking, re-entering, reworking, recompletion, plugging back, or repairing an existing oil or gas well will not constitute Drilling Operations. Drilling Operations will be deemed to have been completed (whether as a dry hole or as a producing oil or gas well) on the earliest of the following dates:
DRILLING OPERATIONS. 17 E. Water Quality - Waste Disposal................... 17 F. Fish and Game Notice - Interference.............. 18
DRILLING OPERATIONS. 11.1 From the Signature Date to the earlier of the date of completion of the Drilling Operations or the date on which this Agreement lapses in accordance with the provisions of clause 4.6, subject to a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, Harmony shall allow Wits Gold access to the Merriespruit South Area in order to allow Wits Gold to conduct the Drilling Operations, which Drilling Operations shall be undertaken at the sole cost and expense of Wits Gold as independent contractor as contemplated by section 101 of the MPRDA. 11.2 Wits Gold hereby, irrevocably and unconditionally – 11.2.1 undertakes that in performing the Drilling Operations, it will comply in all respects, with all applicable laws and regulatory obligations and/or requirements, including such obligations and/or requirements as may be imposed on Harmony, as holder of the Mining Right, were Harmony to undertake the Drilling Operations; 11.2.2 undertakes to and in favour of Harmony, that the Drilling Operations shall not, in any way, impact adversely on the mining operations of Harmony in respect of the Mining Right Area; 11.2.3 indemnifies Harmony against and shall hold it harmless from all claims, liability, damage, loss, penalty, expense and cost (including legal costs on an attorney and own client scale, clean-up costs and reasonable expert fees) of any nature whatsoever which Harmony may sustain as a result of or attributable to all or any rehabilitation costs incurred in relation to the Drilling Operations, including all costs of and incidental to the rehabilitation of the Merriespruit South Area flowing from such Drilling Operations; and 11.2.4 indemnifies Harmony against and shall hold it harmless from all claims, liability, damage, loss, penalty, expense and cost (including legal costs on an attorney and own client scale, clean-up costs and reasonable expert fees) of any nature whatsoever which Harmony may sustain under the COR in relation to the Drilling Operations, including all costs of and incidental to the rehabilitation of the Merriespruit South Area flowing from such Drilling Operations. 11.3 Wits Gold shall be entitled to retain as its property all information and data gathered and drill core received as a result of the Drilling Operations, notwithstanding any lapse or cancellation of this Agreement. In the event that this Agreement fails to become unconditional in accordance with the provisions of clause 4, Wits Gold shall forthwith provide Harmony with copies...
DRILLING OPERATIONS. The Operator may have drilling operations conducted by qualified and responsible independent contractors who are not an Affiliate of the Operator and are employed under competitive contracts. A competitive contract is a contract, or any extension thereof (a) that was entered into within five (5) years before the commencement of drilling operations and (b), that contains terms, rates, and provisions that, when the contract was entered into, did not exceed those generally prevailing on the OCS for operations involving drilling rigs of an equivalent type, operating in similar environments and water depths, equipped to the Operator’s standard conditions, and capable of drilling the proposed well or conducting other required operations within the schedule in the well AFE. The Operator may employ its own or its Affiliate’s equipment, personnel, drilling rig, Workover rig, and snubbing unit in the conduct of those operations, either under Exhibit “C” or under a written agreement among the Participating Parties. If the Operator’s or its Affiliate’s equipment, personnel, drilling rig, Workover rig, or snubbing unit is employed in conducting operations under this Agreement, the terms, conditions, and rates for that employment shall be consistent with those currently prevailing in competitive contracts for the deepwater OCS.
DRILLING OPERATIONS. All drilling ahd production operations shall be conducted in such manner as to eliminate as far as practicable dust, noise, vibration, or noxious odors. The operating site shall be kept neat, clean and safe. Drilling dust shall be controlled to prevent widespread deposition of dust. Detrimental material deposited on trees and vegetation shall be removed. Lessee will take such steps as may be required to prevent damage to crops. The determination as to what is detrimental will be made by the Lessor. No well shall be drilled within five hundred (500) feet of any residence or building on the leased lands without first obtaining the occupier's written consent. In any well drilled by Lessee hereunder sufficient casing shall be set and cemented so as to seal off surface and subsurface waters, any of which would be harmful to agricultural or other operations.
DRILLING OPERATIONS. 4.1 CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE - CONTRACTOR warrants that all work will be performed safely and in good and workmanlike manner in accordance with accepted international oilfield practices and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations; that CONTRACTOR's equipment shall be in good working order and its personnel fully trained and capable of safely operating such equipment and performing services required herein for OPERATOR; that CONTRACTOR regularly conducts training and safety programs; that all materials, equipment, goods, supplies or manufactured articles furnished by CONTRACTOR in the performance of the work or services shall be of suitable quality and workmanship for their intended purposes, in accordance with specifications, and shall be free from defects; and that CONTRACTOR will not employ any employee whose employment violates applicable labor or other laws. CONTRACTOR further covenants, warrants and represents that all work performed by it hereunder shall be conducted in accordance with accepted international safety regulations (as used in the country of Colombia), environmental laws and regulations, precautions and procedures in effect as of the effective date and by employing the necessary protective equipment and devices described in the attached inventory. Any breach of this safety covenant shall be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract by Operator. 4.2 THE RIG - CONTRACTOR shall furnish its' MARLXX XXX 8 which is a complete drilling rig as described in Exhibit "B". CONTRACTOR shall operate the rig and ancillary equipment at eighty five (85) percent of manufacturer's rated operating specifications. Contractor shall provide 12,000 of new S-135 grade, 5" Drill Pipe, 1800 of 5" heavy weight Drill Pipe, rig conversions to operate with 5" Drill Pipe, a new top drive system with sufficient torque capacity to drill Operator's horizontal wellx, xxg modifications (at OPERATOR's expense, the cost for which shall be amortized over the initial term of the contract) as necessary, to accommodate underbalanced drilling equipment (so long as any modifications are mutually agreed between OPERATOR and CONTRACTOR) and one additional mud pump independently powered and compatible with the existing drilling rig equipment. The Drilling Tubulars (Drill Pipe, Heavy Weight Drill Pipe, Collars, Cross-Overs, Stabilizers, Subs, etc.) will be subject to Exhibit E, "Tubular Standards". In special circumstances, at OPERATOR request,...
DRILLING OPERATIONS. (a) The designation of a Prospect Area in accordance with the terms of Article V above does not constitute a commitment to participate in the drilling of a well within the Prospect Area. After a Prospect Area has been designated in accordance with terms of Article V above, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6.8 below, any Party owning an interest in Options, Leases or Farm-Ins within such Prospect Area may propose the drilling of the initial well (being the first well drilled by any of the Parties within the applicable Prospect Area and being hereinafter referred to as an "Initial Well") or any subsequent well (being any well drilled within a Prospect Area following the drilling of the Initial Well within such Prospect Area and being hereinafter referred to as a "Subsequent Well") within the Prospect Area in accordance with the procedures set forth in the form Operating Agreement which is attached hereto as Exhibit F. In the event that a Party proposes a completion operation within an Initial Well or Subsequent Well hereunder, in addition to the information which must be included with the completion proposal as set forth in the Operating Agreement, such proposing Party shall specify the exact interval (by log depths) within the well bore which such Party reasonably believes may produce from the completion operations which are proposed (the formation(s) or partial formation(s) which are located between the high and low log depth which are reasonably described in such completion proposal being herein referred to as the "Completion Interval," regardless of the exact location of the perforations within said Completion Interval). (b) In the event that a Party does not participate in the drilling of the Initial Well proposed and drilled within the Prospect Area, anything to the contrary contained in the applicable (or deemed applicable) Operating Agreement to the contrary, such Party (i) must permanently relinquish and assign (without reimbursement for costs) to the Parties participating (in proportion to the interest in the Initial Well acquired by such Party from the non-participating Party in accordance with the terms of the Operating Agreement) in the drilling of such Initial Well all of its right, title and interest in the applicable Prospect Area as to all depths from the surface to two hundred feet (200') below the deepest depth drilled in such Initial Well, and (ii) shall not own or acquire any mineral, leasehold, royalty or other interest i...
DRILLING OPERATIONS. The terms “Drill”, “Drilling”, “Drilled” and/or “Drilling Operations” means the actual drilling of a Development Well, together with work in the hole necessary to properly complete or abandon such Development Well, conducted with due diligence and in a good and workmanlike manner so that when Drilling Operations are completed such Development Well will be capable of being properly equipped with the necessary production casing and ready so that Completion Operations can occur in the horizontal lateral section of the wellbore of such Development Well. “Drilled” more specifically means that a Development Well is being drilled so that when drilling operations are finished it will be capable of being properly equipped with the necessary production casing and ready so that Completion Operations can occur in the horizontal lateral section of the wellbore. Sidetracking, re-entering, reworking, recompletion, plugging back, or repairing an existing oil or gas well shall not constitute Drilling Operations. Drilling Operations shall be deemed to have been completed (whether as a dry hole or as a producing oil or gas well) on the earliest of the following dates: (i) the date on which the initial potential test is run; (ii) the date on which a dry hole is plugged; (iii) the date thirty (30) days after the date on which the total depth for the applicable Development Well has been reached.
DRILLING OPERATIONS. All costs associated with services and equipment required to drill new wellbores (either injector wellbores or producer wellbores). Such costs shall include all drilling rig costs, fuel, cement services, bits, drilling mud, drill site preparation, rig mobilization, surface casing, well logs or other well evaluation services, surface damages paid to surface owners, and any other costs incurred as a direct result of drilling a well to completion depth and evaluating the well as a producer / injector.