RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Teachers and staff
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Length of school day and year
2.1. The length of the school day and year is the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.2. In complying with the Independent School Standards, the Academy Trust must require enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) certificates as appropriate for members of staff, supply staff, members of the Academy Trust, individual Charity Trustees and the chair of the Board of Charity Trustees.
2.3. The Academy Trust must promptly submit to the Secretary of State, on request, the information contained in any enhanced DBS certificate that it receives.
2.4. Subject to clauses 2.5 and section 67 of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Academy Trust may, in accordance with any relevant Guidance, employ anyone it believes is suitably qualified or is otherwise eligible to plan and prepare lessons and courses for pupils, teach pupils, and assess and report on pupils’ development, progress and attainment.
2.5. The Academy Trust must designate a staff member at the Academy as responsible for promoting the educational achievement of registered pupils at the Academy who are being looked after by an LA, and in doing so must comply with the law, regulations and guidance that apply to maintained schools.
2.6. Teachers’ pay and conditions of service are the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.7. The Academy Trust must ensure that all teachers employed at the Academy have access to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and, in so doing, must comply with the requirements of this scheme and with Fair Deal for staff pensions guidance published by HM Treasury.
2.8. The Academy Trust must, in accordance with the Local Government Pension Scheme (Administration) Regulations 2008 and with Fair Deal for staff pensions guidance published by HM Treasury, ensure that all affected staff employed in the Academy other than teachers have access to the Local Government Pension Scheme, unless an individual expressly chooses to opt out of the Scheme in accordance with the regulations.
2.9. Where a member of the Teaching Staff employed at the Academy applies for a teaching post at another academy, a maintained school, or a further education institution, the Academy Trust must at the request of the board of governors or academy trust of that other educational institution:
a) advise in writing whether or not, in the previous two years, there have been any formal capability considerations or proceedings for that teacher at the Academy or the Predecessor School;
b) give wri...
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Length of school day and year
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Length of school day and year
2.1. The length of the school day and year is the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.2. In complying with the Independent School Standards, the Academy Trust must require enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) certificates as appropriate for members of staff, supply staff, members of the Academy Trust, individual Charity Trustees and the chair of the Board of Charity Trustees.
2.3. The Academy Trust must promptly submit to the Secretary of State, on request, the information contained in any enhanced DBS certificate that it receives.
2.4. Subject to clause 2.5 and section 67 of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Academy Trust may, in accordance with any relevant Guidance, employ anyone it believes is suitably qualified or is otherwise eligible to plan and prepare lessons and courses for pupils, teach pupils, and assess and report on pupils’ development, progress and attainment.
2.5. The Academy Trust must designate a staff member at the Academy as responsible for promoting the educational achievement of registered pupils at the Academy who are being looked after by an LA, or are no longer looked after by an LA because of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order, or because they have been adopted from ‘state care’ outside England and Wales, and in doing so must comply with the law, regulations and guidance that apply to maintained schools. The Academy Trust must ensure the designated person undertakes appropriate training and has regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State..
2.6. Teachers’ pay and conditions of service are the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.7. The Academy Trust must ensure that all teachers employed at the Academy have access to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and, in so doing, must comply with the requirements of this scheme and with Fair Deal for staff pensions guidance published by HM Treasury.
2.8. The Academy Trust must ensure that all affected staff employed in the Academy other than teachers have access to the Local Government Pension Scheme in line with that Scheme’s main regulations being the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013 and the Local Government Pension Scheme (Transitional Provisions, Savings and Amendment) Regulations 2014. Access to the Scheme must also be in accordance with HM Treasury’s published guidance on New Fair Deal which sets out how pensions issues are to be dealt with when staff are compulsorily transferred from th...
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Teachers and staff Subject to clause 2.4 of the Master Agreement, 7.A of this Agreement and section 67 of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Academy Trust may, in accordance with any relevant Guidance, employ anyone it believes is suitably qualified or is otherwise eligible to plan and prepare lessons and courses for pupils, teach pupils, and assess and report on pupils’ development, progress and attainment.
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. 9 ANNEXES 29 Information about the Academy: Date of Master Funding Agreement 3OHDVH FRQILUP ZKLFK FODXVH YDULDWLRQV KDYH XVHG¶ Clause No. Descriptor Applied Not used
A.1 Clause applies where an academy was previously a VC or foundation school designated with a religious character 9
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. 14 Length of school day and year 14 Teachers and staff 14 School meals 17 Pupil Premium 18 Charging 19 Admissions 19 Exclusions 20 Curriculum 21 Assessment 23
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Length of school day and year
2.1. The length of the school day and year is the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.2. In complying with the Independent School Standards, the Academy Trust must require enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (“DBS”) certificates as appropriate for members of staff, supply staff, members of the Academy Trust, individual Charity Trustees and the chair of the Board of Charity Trustees.
2.3. The Academy Trust must promptly submit to the Secretary of State, on request, the information contained in any enhanced DBS certificate that it receives.
2.4. Subject to clause 2.5 and section 67 of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Academy Trust may, in accordance with any relevant Guidance, employ anyone it believes is suitably qualified or is otherwise eligible to plan and prepare lessons and courses for pupils, teach pupils, and assess and report on pupils’ development, progress and attainment.
2.5. The Academy Trust must designate a staff member at the Academy as responsible for promoting the educational achievement of registered pupils at the Academy who are being looked after by a LA, or are no longer looked after by a LA because of an adoption, special guardianship or child arrangements order, or because they have been adopted from ‘state care’ outside England and Wales, and in doing so must comply with the law, regulations and Guidance that apply to maintained schools. The Academy Trust must ensure the designated person undertakes appropriate training and has regard to any Guidance.
2.6. Teachers’ pay and conditions of service are the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
RUNNING OF THE ACADEMY. Length of academy day and year
2.1. The length of the Academy day and year is the responsibility of the Academy Trust.
2.2. The Academy Trust must comply with the obligations that apply to it by virtue of the Safeguarding and Vulnerable Groups Xxx 0000 in respect of, but not limited to, the performance of barred list checks.
2.3. The Academy Trust must comply with the Further Education (Providers of Education) (England) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006/3199) as if the Academy were a further education institution subject to the following modifications:
a) references to “a further education institution” or “the institution” shall be treated as references to the Academy, except in regulations 9(1)(b) and 19(2)(a)(ii) where they shall have their normal meaning;
b) the Academy Trust is not obliged to comply with any of the requirements in relation to staff qualifications namely, in section 3(2), section 5(3); section 17
(1) only in so far as it relates to section 18(3); section 22 only in so far as it relates to paragraph 4 of Part 1 of the Schedule. For the avoidance of doubt, the relevant staff qualification requirements do not need to be met by members of staff at the Academy; and
c) references to “new member of staff” shall include individual Charity Trustees and the Chair of the Board of Charity Trustees and in respect of them:
i. the obligation to carry out an enhanced disclosure and barring service check as provided for in section 5(5) will apply whether or not their position will involve a relevant activity;
ii. the reference in section 6 to “considering his suitability for a position that will involve a relevant activity” will be treated as a reference to considering his suitability for a position as a Charity Trustee or Chair of the Board of Charity Trustees, as appropriate;
iii. references to “beginning work at the further education institution” shall be treated as references to beginning work as a Charity Trustee or Chair of the Board of Charity Trustees, as appropriate;
iv. where the Academy Trust is required to carry out an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check in respect of the Chair of the Board of Charity Trustees it must be counter signed by the Secretary of State.
2.4. The Academy Trust must promptly submit to the Secretary of State, on request, the information contained in any enhanced DBS certificate that it receives.
2.5. Subject to clause 2.6 and section 67 of the Children and Families Xxx 0000 the Academy Trust may, in accordance ...