Right to Union Representation An employee shall have the right to Union representation if requested by the employee, only as provided below. There will be no exceptions to this rule. In any investigatory interview or discussion, conference or meeting with an employee who is the subject of an investigation which may lead to disciplinary action. At any disciplinary hearing, discussion, conference or meeting (including settlement discussions) with the employee who is the subject of the disciplinary hearing. Management shall allow reasonable time for the Union Representative to attend said meeting but in no case less than one (l) hour if there is a representative on duty at the worksite. If there is no Union representative on duty at the worksite, the employee shall be allowed at least four (4) hours to obtain a Union representative; however, the employee must sign a waiver extending the time limits for imposition of any disciplinary action by no more than one (l) workday, excluding weekends and holidays, for FLSA non-exempt employees and no more than five (5) workdays for FLSA exempt employees. Management shall ensure that an employee has an opportunity to exercise the right to secure Union representation. If the Union cannot or does not have a representative available within a reasonable period of time, the meeting may be conducted without representation. If the Employer disapproves release time for the representative under Article 4, the meeting shall be delayed until the representative is released from duty. The role of the Union Representative during an initial investigation interview conducted by Management is to assist in the clarification of questions and otherwise advise the employee of his/her rights. However, it is the employee who must answer the questions posed to him/her as best as possible, and under no circumstances may the Union Representative answer for the employee, dominate the meeting, or interfere with the Employer's investigating process. At a meeting to discuss mitigating circumstances or to impose disciplinary action or in the course of representing an employee who has filed a disciplinary appeal under SPP Title 11 or a grievance under SPP Title 12, the Union Representative may act as spokesperson on behalf of the employee with prior approval of the employee. An employee shall not have the right to a Union Representative in attendance during a discussion solely related to performance or during a performance review. The right to representation does include a criminal investigation.
Notice of Union Representative Visits The Union shall inform the Company when any representative of the Union intends to visit the worksite for the purpose of conducting Union business. Such visits will not disrupt employees working without the supervisor/manager’s permission.
Notification to Union The Hospital will provide the union with a list, monthly of all hirings, lay-offs, recalls and terminations within the bargaining unit where such information is available or becomes readily available through the Hospital's payroll system."
Right to Have Union Representative Present (a) An employee shall have the right to have her xxxxxxx present at any discussion with supervisory personnel which the employee believes might be the basis of disciplinary action. Where a supervisor intends to interview an employee for disciplinary purposes, the supervisor shall make every effort to notify the employee in advance of the purpose of the interview in order that the employee may contact his/her xxxxxxx, providing that this does not result in an undue delay of the appropriate action being taken. This Article shall not apply to those discussions that are of an operational nature. (b) A xxxxxxx shall have the right to consult with a Staff Representative of the Union and to have a local Union Representative present at any discussion with supervisory personnel which the xxxxxxx believes might be the basis of disciplinary action against the xxxxxxx, providing that this does not result in an undue delay of the appropriate action being taken.
Xxxxxxxx Tobacco Co the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, found the decedent, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 50% at fault, RJR Tobacco to be 25% at fault, and the other defendant 25% at fault, and awarded $2 million in compensatory damages and $750,000 in punitive damages against each defendant.
Union Representative Upon mutual agreement of the parties, the number may be altered from time to time. Where a Union Representative commences on an extended leave of absence, the Union will endeavour to find a temporary replacement for the Union Representative from within the Home.
Xxxxxxxxxx Rights Upon request, an employee shall have the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview that an employee reasonably believes will result in disciplinary action. The employee will have the opportunity to consult with a local Union Xxxxxxx or Organizer before the interview, but such designation shall not cause an undue delay. (See Last Chance Agreements, Article 21, Section 12).
Right to Have Xxxxxxx Present (a) An employee shall have the right to have their xxxxxxx present at any discussion with supervisory personnel which the employee believes might be the basis of disciplinary action. Where a supervisor intends to interview an employee for disciplinary purposes, the supervisor shall make every effort to notify the employee in advance of the purpose of the interview in order that the employee may contact their xxxxxxx, providing that this does not result in an undue delay of the appropriate action being taken. This clause shall not apply to those discussions that are of an operational nature and do not involve disciplinary action. (b) A xxxxxxx shall have the right to consult with a staff representative of the Union and to have a local union representative present at any discussion with supervisory personnel which the xxxxxxx believes might be the basis of disciplinary action against the xxxxxxx, providing that this does not result in an undue delay of the appropriate action being taken.
List of Union Representatives The Union agrees to provide and maintain an up-to-date list of all Union Representatives (including Union Stewards, Union Executive, Grievance Committee, Labour/Management Committee and Negotiating Committee) to the Director of Human Resources or designate.
Xxxxxxx, P E., as named in your application will receive a separate mailing detailing other program requirements, including Equal Employment Opportunity, reporting in-kind contributions, and Requests to Proceed. This information is also provided on our web site noted above. Your Chief Fiscal Officer will also receive a mailing pertaining to project financial information.