COMMUNICATION Vzorová ustanovení

COMMUNICATION. Communication shall be carried out exclusively in written electronic form. Communication, information exchange and storage shall be carried out in the way ensuring integrity and confidentiality of the data provided in the bid. The contents of bids may be made accessible and may be reviewed only after the expiry of the period specified for their submission.
COMMUNICATION. Under Article 20 of the Public Procurement Act, the competitive dialogue shall be organised fully electron- ically using the XXXXXXXXX system. XXXXXXXXX is a web application accessible through the domain xxxxx:// Each economic entity/candidate has the oppor- tunity to register into the XXXXXXXXX system using a password or an ID with an electronic chip and a security personal code (eID). The submission of requests to participate and ten- ders is only accessible to authenticated candidates. Communication, providing explanations between the Contracting Authority and candidates, the submis- sion of requests to participate and the submission of tenders shall be performed in the Slovak or the English language exclusively through the XXXXXXXXX informa- tion system. More detailed information about electronisation requirements with links to a simple user guide for the system is included in the annex Electronisation Requirements. The Contracting Authority points out to the can- didates that because of the time organisation of registration and authentication, they should perform registration and authentication in good time before the deadline for requests to participate elapses.
COMMUNICATION. 1. Citibank must be notified of any change of personal details of the Cardholder, including the name and the address of the Cardholder. 2. All notices, documents and instructions from the Cardholder and/or the Company to Citibank and related to the Agreement shall be delivered to Citibank via Program Administrator, by registered mail or by other agreed secure way. 3. Citibank shall deliver the notices, documents and instructions associated with the Agreement to the Cardholder and/or the Company on the correspondence address given in the Application Form if not amended otherwise. 4. Any advice or Bank Statement sent by Citibank to the Cardholder and/or the Company in writing shall be deemed duly delivered if sent to the last address for delivery notified by the Cardholder and/or Company, with delivery taking place upon receipt of the consignment by the Cardholder and/or Company, or otherwise (i) upon refusal by the Cardholder and/or Company to take delivery, or (ii) on the third day (if sent within the Czech Republic), or on the fifteenth day (if sent to an address in another state) from dispatch, even if the Company and/or Cardholder did not learn of the dispatch of the consignment, or did not dwell at the place of delivery. A Billing Statement sent through the CitiManager System shall be deemed delivered to the Cardholder and the Company as soon as the statement in electronic form is entered into the system. 5. Citibank may record and/or monitor telephone calls to help maintain a high quality service and for security, data collection and training purposes. All recordings are Citibank’s sole property. 6. At least the following information regarding all Transactions will be specified in the Billing Statement, where applicable to the given Transaction: a) information allowing the Cardholder and/or the Company to identify the Transaction, and
COMMUNICATION. 1. Citibank must be notified of any change of personal details of the Cardholder, including the name and the address of the Cardholder. 2. All notices, documents and instructions from the Cardholder and/or the Company to Citibank and related to the Agreement shall be delivered to Citibank via Program Administrator, by registered mail or by other agreed secure way. 3. Citibank shall deliver the notices, documents and instructions associated with the Agreement to the Cardholder and/or the Company on theto their correspondence address givenprovided in the Application Form if not amendedor to their e-mail address, unless the parties have agreed otherwise. Billing Statements are sent by Citibank to the Cardholder and the Company through the CitiManager System. 4. Any advice or Bank Statementnotice sent by Citibank to the Cardholder and/or the Company in writingpaper form shall be deemed duly delivered if sent to the last correspondence address for delivery notified by the Cardholder and/or Company, with delivery taking place upon receipt of the consignment by the Cardholder and/or Company, or otherwise (i) upon refusal by the Cardholder and/or Company to take delivery, or (ii) on the third day (if sent within the Czech Republic), or on the fifteenth day (if sent to an address in another state) from dispatch, even if the Company and/or Cardholder did not learn of the dispatch of the consignment, or did not dwell at the place of delivery. A Billing Statement sent through the CitiManager System shall be deemed delivered to the Cardholder and the Company as soon asonce the statement in electronic form is entered into the system. 5. Citibank may record and/or monitor telephone calls to help maintain a high quality service and for security, data collection and training purposes. All recordings are Citibank’s sole property. 6. At least the following information regarding all Transactions will be specified in the Billing Statement, where applicable to the given Transaction: a) information allowing the Cardholder and/or the Company to identify the Transaction, and information regarding the Payee, where applicable; and b) the Transaction amount in the currency in which the amount was debited from the Account or the currency used in the Payment Order. a) údaj umožňující Držiteli karty a/nebo Společnosti identifikovat příchozí platbu, a pokud to připadá v úvahu, také údaje o plátci příchozí platby a další údaje předané v souvislosti s příchozí platbou; a b) částka příchozí...
COMMUNICATION. 1. Citibank must be notified of any change of personal details of the Cardholder, including the name and the address of the Cardholder. 2. All notices, documents and instructions from the Cardholder and/or the Company to Citibank and related to the Agreement shall be delivered to Citibank via Program Administrator, by registered mail or by other agreed secure way. 3. Citibank shall deliver the notices, documents and instructions associated with the Agreement to the Company to its correspondence address provided in the Application Form or to their e-mail address, unless the parties have agreed otherwise. Billing Statements are sent by Citibank to the Cardholder and the Company through the CitiManager System. 4. Any notice sent by Citibank to the Cardholder and/or the Company in paper form shall be deemed duly delivered if sent to the last correspondence address for delivery notified by the Cardholder and/or Company, with delivery taking place upon receipt of the consignment by the Cardholder and/or Company, or otherwise (i) upon refusal by the Cardholder and/or Company to take delivery, or (ii) on the third day (if sent within the Czech Republic), or on the fifteenth day (if sent to an address in another state) from dispatch, even if the Company and/or Cardholder did not learn of the dispatch of the consignment, or did not dwell at the place of delivery. A Billing Statement sent through the CitiManager System shall be deemed delivered to the Cardholder and the Company once the statement in electronic form is entered into the system. Upon delivery of the notice and document to the Cardholder, these are also delivered to the Company. 5. Citibank may record and/or monitor telephone calls to help maintain a high quality service and for security, prostřednictvím Systému CitiManager se považuje za doručený Držiteli karty a Společnosti, jakmile je tento výpis umístěn v elektronické podobě v uvedeném systému. Doručením oznámení a písemnosti Držiteli karty dochází k jejich doručené též Společnosti. 5. Citibank je oprávněna nahrávat a/nebo monitorovat telefonické hovory k zajištění vysoké kvality svých služeb, z bezpečnostních důvodů, za účelem shromažďování informací a testování. Jediným vlastníkem veškerých takto pořízených nahrávek je Citibank. 6. Na Bankovním výpisu budou uvedeny alespoň následující informace o veškerých Transakcích, pokud to v případě daných Transakcí připadá v úvahu: (a) údaj umožňující Držiteli karty a/nebo Společnosti identifikovat Transakci,...
COMMUNICATION. 1. Communication between the announcers and participant shall be carried out in the Slovak, Czech or English language solely with the use of the Xxxxxxxxx information system. 2. If it is necessary to explain or clarify the data specified in the Competition conditions and annexes thereof, the participant may request their explanation via the Xxxxxxxxx system. 3. All the explanations and positive processing of the requests for review shall be published by the announcer on its profile on the web page: xxxxx:// . 4. The announcer shall issue the call for this design competition by the publication of the Notice of design competition in the Journal of Public Procurement available at: xxxxx:// nik-590.html. 5. Immediately after the decision of the jury in the 1st round, the Announcer shall notify the competi- tor of the jury’s decision regarding the 1st round’s evaluation and of the result of the competition in the 2nd round. This shall be done in writing, i.e. electronically, via the Xxxxxxxxx information system together with an enclosed copy of the minutes of the jury’s meeting with its annexes. 6. Publication of the competition result shall be carried out by the announcer by sending the de- sign competition result for publication to the Journal of Public Procurement. At the same time, the announcer shall publish the result on its profile at: xxxxx:// summary . 7. After the announcement of the design competition result, the competition designs included in the jury evaluation may be published at an exhibition, on the web and even in a printed publication, as per the announcer´s decision.
COMMUNICATION. Komunikácia medzi Organizátorom trhu a Účastníkom KT prebieha písomne, faxom alebo elektronickou komunikáciou a vo výnimočných prípadoch telefonicky, pričom všetky uvedené postupy sú podrobne popísané v platnom Prevádzkovom poriadku.


  • Obecné informace 2.1.1. Banka Klientovi vydává Kartu příslušné kartové asociace. 2.1.2. Banka vydává Kartu a poskytuje Bankovní služby s ní spojené Klientovi, pro něhož současně vede Účet, a to podle Xxxxxxx uzavřené na žádost Klienta o vydání Karty (dále jen „Žádost“), či případně jinému Držiteli Karty, kterého určí Klient. Užívání různých druhů Karet může být dále upraveno zvláštními podmínkami pro daný druh Karty; konkrétní druh Karty je uveden v Žádosti, přičemž podpisem Žádosti Klient vyjadřuje souhlas i s těmito případnými podmínkami. 2.1.3. Banka je oprávněna Žádost Klienta o vydání Karty odmítnout. 2.1.4. Smlouva o vydání platební Karty se uzavírá na dobu neurčitou. Smlouva o vydání platební Karty se sjednává jako závislá na Smlouvě o vedení Účtu s tím, že zánik této Smlouvy o vedení Účtu má za následek zánik Smlouvy o vydání platební Karty. Smlouva o vedení Účtu není zánikem Smlouvy o vydání platební Karty dotčena. Klient a Banka se dohodli, že ustanovení § 1727 občanského zákoníku se nepoužije. 2.1.5. Banka je oprávněna, avšak nikoli povinna, uzavřít s Klientem více Smluv o vydání platební Karty a vydat mu více různých Karet. 2.1.6. Banka může vydat Kartu k určitému Účtu i pro Držitele Karty, pro které Banka nevede Účet, k němuž je Karta vydávána, a to za podmínek uvedených v těchto PP. 2.1.7. Klient je povinen seznámit Držitele Karty se zněním příslušné Žádosti, Smlouvy o vydání platební Karty a těchto PP a dále je povinen zajistit, aby se Držitel Karty těmito smluvními ujednáními řídil. 2.1.8. Banka nevydává Karty k Účtům sloužícím pro složení základního kapitálu společností před jejich vznikem.