FORCE MAJEURE. 14.1. A Party’s obligations in terms of these Standard Terms shall be suspended for such period during which that Party is prevented from complying with said obligations due to Force Majeure, provided that such Party has:
(a) notified the other Party of the existence of such ForceMajeure,
(b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the obligations in terms of the Credit Agreement not withstanding the existence of Force Majeure; and
(c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other Party.
14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a Party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for the Party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such Party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Credit Agreement. Force Majeure is understood to mean an event that is unpredictable and beyond the Parties’ control, e.g. strike, legislative restriction imposed by the government or an EU authority, sabotage, uprising, natural disasters or similar circumstances causing impossibility in fulfilling the obligations arising from the Credit Agreement but shall not include termination of employment or other conditions effecting your capacity to repay amounts due to Ferratum.
FORCE MAJEURE. Licensor shall not be liable for any failure to deliver any Picture in accordance with the Standard License Agreement for reasons of Force Majeure. "Force Majeure" shall mean any fire, flood, earthquake or public disaster; strike, labour dispute or unrest; unavoidable accident; breakdown of electrical or sound equipment; failure to perform or delay by any laboratory or supplier; embargo, riot, war, insurrection or civil unrest; any Act of God including inclement weather; an act of any legally constituted authority; or any other cause similar or different beyond the reasonable control of Licensor or its production company. If Licensor is unable to deliver the Picture(s) for reasons of Force Majeure, Licensor may agree with Licensee to substitute said Picture. If the Licensee does not want a substitute Picture, Licensor shall return to Licensee the MG/License Fee (or any portion thereof) already paid to Licensor for that particular Picture; and with respect to the Picture in question, the parties shall have no further obligations or responsibilities to each other under the Standard License Agreement nor shall Licensee be entitled to seek any damages or remedies at law or in equity against Licensor.
FORCE MAJEURE. 17.1 Prodávající nenese odpovědnost za neplnění svých povinností vyplývajících ze Smlouvy z důvodu událostí, které jsou mimo jeho přiměřenou kontrolu, včetně, mimo jiné, zásahů vyšší moci, stávek, nepokojů, výluk nebo jiných protestních akcí včetně pracovních sporů (ať již takové spory zahrnují zaměstnance, či nikoliv), nedostatku materiálů anebo z důvodu jakéhokoliv jiného zásahu, záležitosti nebo věci mimo jeho přiměřenou kontrolu.
17.2 V případě, že Prodávající nesplní své povinnosti z jakéhokoliv důvodu uvedeného v Článku 17.1 do šesti měsíců od lhůty pro plnění, může na základě písemné výpovědi kterákoliv ze smluvních stran ukončit Smlouvu bez povinnosti k druhé straně až na to, že Kupující zaplatí veškeré Produkty dodané nebo dokončené v době ukončení Smlouvy.
FORCE MAJEURE. If the Licensor is unable to deliver the Materials, Dubbing and Subtitling Materials due to any cause independent of the will of Licensor, including military conflicts and acts of God (Force Majeure), then the Licensor shall notify the Licensee in writing and the Licensor and the Licensee shall determine as whether to consider this Agreement terminated. In the event of termination due to Force Majeure, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee any advance payment made and this reimbursement shall fully hold the Licensor harmless from any request or claims by the Licensee.
FORCE MAJEURE. 10.1 Neither Party shall be liable for delay or damage caused by an impediment beyond the Party’s control and which the Party could not have reasonably taken into account at the time of conclusion of this Agreement and the consequences of which the Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome. A strike, lockout, boycott and other similar industrial action shall also be considered a force majeure event even when the Party concerned is the target or a party to such an action.
10.2 A force majeure event suffered by a subcontractor of a Party shall also be considered a force majeure event in relation to that Party if the work to be performed under subcontracting cannot be done or acquired from another source without incurring unreasonable costs or significant loss of time.
10.3 Each Party shall without delay inform the other Party in writing of a force majeure event and the termination of the force majeure event.
FORCE MAJEURE. 10.1 Neither Party shall be liable for delay or damage caused by an impediment beyond the Party’s control and which the Party could not have reasonably taken into account at the time of conclusion of this Agreement and the consequences of which the Party could not reasonably have avoided or overcome. A strike, lockout, boycott and other similar industrial action shall also be considered a force majeure event even when the Party concerned is the target or a party to such an action.
10.2 A force majeure event suffered by a subcontractor of a Party shall also be considered a force majeure event in relation to that Party if the work to be performed under subcontracting cannot be done or acquired from another source without incurring unreasonable costs or significant loss of time.
10.3 Each Party shall without delay inform the other Party in writing of a force majeure event and the termination of the force majeure event.
10.3 Každá Smluvní strana bezodkladně písemně oznámí druhé Smluvní straně jakoukoli událost vyšší moci a její skončení.
FORCE MAJEURE. 11.1 V případě vyšší moci všeho druhu zejména, nikoliv však taxativně: při nepředvídatelných překážkách ve výrobě, dopravě nebo transportu, při požáru, povodních, zemětřesení, nepředvídatelném nedostatku pracovních sil, selhání veřejného zásobování nebo zásobování surovinami, v případě stávky, výluky práce, výtržnosti, revoluce, mobilizace, nepřátelské akci, války (vyhlášené i nevyhlášené), epidemie, požáru, zemětřesení, bouře, povodně, vysoké teploty nebo vlhkosti, zvýšení cen surovin, úředního nařízení, příkazů, požadavků nebo opatření jakéhokoli státu, státního nebo správního orgánu nebo jiných
11.1 In the event of a Force Majeure of all kinds, including, without limitation, the following: unforeseeable obstructions in production or transport, fire, floods, earthquake, unforeseen shortage of labour force, failure of public supply system or raw material supplies, strike, work lock- out, disorder, revolution, mobilization, enemy action, war (regardless whether it has been declared or not), epidemics, fire, earthquake, storm, flood, high temperature or humidity, increase of raw material prices, official order, commands, requests, or measures of any state, state or administrative authority or other circumstances independent of and non-influenced by the will of the Company, i.e., any circumstances skutečností na vůli Společnosti nezávislých a ji neovlivnitelných, tzn. nacházejících se mimo kontrolu Společnosti, které omezí, zpozdí nebo zabrání výrobě, dopravě, převzetí nebo užívání Výrobků podle smlouvy nebo jiného závazku, který obsahuje tyto Obchodní podmínky, je Společnost osvobozena od dodací povinnosti, resp. povinnosti převzetí tak dlouho a v takovém rozsahu, v jakém překážka trvá.
11.2 Společnost je oprávněna písemně ukončit jakoukoliv smlouvu nebo jiný závazek, který obsahuje tyto Obchodní podmínky, v případě, že je plnění povinnosti Společnosti, vyplývající z této smlouvy nebo tohoto závazku pozastaveno kvůli události nebo záležitosti uvedené v odstavci 11.1 těchto Obchodních podmínek a trvá déle než tři (3) kalendářní dny.
12. Reklamace a vracení Výrobků
FORCE MAJEURE. If an individual Event or part thereof is not staged on account of any Force Majeure Event or if any one of the Events is not staged at all for any reason, the same shall not be a breach of this Agreement. Should the staging or conduct of the Event or any match hereunder be postponed or delayed due to a Force Majeure Event, then all terms of this Agreement shall apply on their rescheduled date.
FORCE MAJEURE. 15.1. The following impediments shall be considered to constitute the exclusion of liability: occurrences beyond the obligor´s reasonable control and preventing performance of the obligor´s obligations unless there is a reason to believe that the obligor could have avoided or overcome the impediment or its effects, and could have foreseen the impediment when the obligation occurred (including, but not limited to the natural disasters, wars, war operations of various types, riots, civil commotions, acts of sabotage, revolutions, acts of piracy, explosions, fire, flood, general strikes, lock-outs, official interventions of legal or illegal origin and acts of terrorism).
15.2. Party that is breaching or should in consideration of all circumstances know of the upcoming breach is required to notify the other Party of the nature of impediment that prevents or will prevent the breaching party from performing the obligation and of the effects of the impediment. The notification should be given without undue delay after the obligor has been or could have been, if exercising due care, informed of the impediment. Failing to notify the obligor becomes liable for damages, which could have been prevented if early notification takes place.
15.3. The effects of events that exclude liability are only limited to the time (duration) that the related impediment takes.
15.4. The time for performance shall be reasonably extended by the period of time equal to the exclusion of liability duration. The exclusion of liability that lasts more than 3 months entitles any of Parties to repudiate Contract.
15.5. There is no exclusion of liability if the impediment occurs as late as the obligor´s performance of obligation is late or as a result of the obligor´s economic situation.
FORCE MAJEURE. 1. Neither party shall be deemed to be in breach of its obligations under the freight forwarding contract or otherwise liable to the other party for damages or for failure, partial failure or delay in performing its obligations under the freight forwarding contract (other than delay in payment of any amount under the freight forwarding contract) to the extent that such breach is caused by a force majeure event. If the performance of either party's obligations under the freight forwarding contract is prevented by a force majeure event, the time for performance of those obligations shall be postponed for the full period corresponding to the delay caused by the force majeure event. The party concerned shall be obliged to resume performance of the freight forwarding contract immediately after the force majeure event has ended.
2. V prípade vyššej moci, za predpokladu, že DHL je schopná plniť svoje povinnosti avšak len s dodatočnými nákladmi, potom tieto dodatočné náklady hradí Príkazca. Dodatočné náklady DHL oznámi vopred a Príkazca môže buď zrušiť príkaz na dotknuté služby alebo tieto akceptovať s úhradou dodatočných nákladov, pričom v tom ktorom prípade Príkazca uhradí DHL všetky náklady na výkon služieb a ich zrušenie.