Common and Final Provisions Vzorová ustanovení

Common and Final Provisions. 1. The term of the Contract is for a limited period of time and shall terminate on December 31st, 2024.
Common and Final Provisions. 1. This Agreement has been entered into for the time of due performance of actions specified in the Agreement and the settlement of financial obligations of the Partner to the Provider and the settlement of all financial obligations of the Beneficiary to the Provider.
Common and Final Provisions a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement b) Smlouva může být upravována nebo doplňována pouze prostřednictvím číslovaných písemných dodatků. c) Smlouva je vyhotovena ve 2 stejnopisech s platností originálu, přičemž každá smluvní strana obdrží po jednom vyhotovení. d) Smluvní strany se dohodly, že obsah této smlouvy nepodléhá obchodnímu tajemství, to znamená, že jej lze v plném rozsahu zveřejnit. e) Smlouva nabývá platnosti a účinnosti dnem podpisu oběma smluvními stranami. f) Zástupci smluvních stran si text smlouvy přečetli, s obsahem souhlasí, což stvrzují vlastními podpisy. V Ostravě, dne ………………………. V …………………., dne ……………….. Xxx. Xxxxx Xxx Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic of the parties regarding the subject matter hereof. b) A contract may be modified or amended only by numbered written amendments. c) Contract is executed in duplicate as of the original; each Contracting Party shall receive one copy. d) The Parties agree that the contents thereof are not subject to business confidentiality. This means that it can be fully disclosed. e) The contract comes into force upon signature by both parties. f) Representatives of the Parties to the Treaty declare to have read the text, agree with the content, which they confirm with their own signatures. In…………………., on ………………………. In …………………., on ……………….. _
Common and Final Provisions. 1. The rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties not explicitly regulated herein shall be regulated by Copyright Act, as amended. 2. This Contract is executed in three identical copies, of which two shall go to the Commissioner and one copy to the Author. 3. The Author understands that this Contract is mandatorily published in the Central Register of Contracts maintained by the Governmental Office of the Slovak Republic. This Contract shall come into force on the day of its being signed by the Contracting Parties, and shall become effective as of the day following the date of its publication in the Central Register of Contracts. 4. The Contracting Parties hereby declare that they have read the Contract, agree to its contents, and in proof of the above attach their signatures hereunder. In Bratislava o ......................................... .....................................
Common and Final Provisions. 7.1 This Agreement supersedes all previous arrangements of the Parties regarding the subject-matter of this Agreement. 7.2 Contract can be amended only by written amendments signed by both Parties. 7.3 Any rights and obligations not provided by this Agreement shall be governed by the Commercial code and other applicable laws of the Slovak Republic. 7.4 This Contract is executed in two (2) counterparts, containing both the Slovak and English language version, which versions are deemed to be identical. In case of any dispute between the Slovak and English version hereof the Slovak version shall prevail. Both Parties will receive one counterpart hereof. The Parties declare that they have read this Contract, they have understood it, and as their consent they sign it voluntarily and without duress: V / In  dne / on V / In  dne / on Půjčitel / Borrower _________________________ Meno/Name: xxxxxxx Funkcia / Position: Country Head Radiology, na základě plné moci / based on the Power of Attorney Vypůjčitel / Lender _________________________ Meno/Name: XXXx. Xxx Xxxxxxx, MBA Funkcia / Position: ředitel/ director
Common and Final Provisions. 1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of its signing by all the Contracting Parties and into effect on the day following the date of its publication in the Central Register of Contracts of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic.