Klíčová slova Vzorová ustanovení

Klíčová slova. Slovo nebo slovní spojení definující dotaz uživatele na internetový vyhledávač. Uživatel ve vyhledávači (např. Google, Seznam či jejich vyhledávací síť) definuje klíčové slovo za účelem získání relevantních odpovědí (tzv. hitů) na jeho dotaz. Tyto odpovědi představují odkazy na webové stránky, kde uživatel nalezne širší odpověď na dané klíčové slovo.
Klíčová slova nájem, nájemní smlouva, nájemce, pronajímatel, výpověď z nájmu bytu, judikatura, práva, povinnosti, nový občanský zákoník The bachelor thesis deals with lease agreements concerning the lease of an apartment and a house. Furthermore, the thesis covers the legal regulation, the elements of the contract, the subjects and also the formation and termination of the contract. The thesis mainly focuses on the termination of the lease of a flat. The case law on the termination of the lease of a flat is also included and analysed. It concludes with an example of an incorrectly drafted lease agreement, which is further analysed and corrected. The aim of this paper is to provide practical guidance for tenants and landlords on how to conclude contracts in a way that complies with the law. KEY WORDS‌ lease, lease agreement, tenant, landlord, notice of lease, case law, rights, obligations, new Civil Code
Klíčová slova. Kupní smlouva, smlouva o dílo, smluvní vztahy, občanský zákoník, obchodněprávní vztahy, kupující, prodávající, zhotovitel, objednatel. Purchase agreement and contract for work are the most common types of contracts, which we can meet in real life with. This bachelor´s thesis focuses on the analysis and comparison of these commercial contractual agreements. Participants of the purchase agreement are sellers and buyers. The seller undertakes by purchase agreement to the purchaser, that he submits thing, which is the subject of the purchase, and allow him to acquire title to it, and the buyer agrees that thing takes over and pays the seller the purchase price. The contractor and the client are contractual parties when, under the contract, the contractor commits to make work for the client for a predetermined price. The theoretical part of this work deals with the general points and the mandatory and recommended conditions which would purchase agreement and a contract for work should contain. In the practical part deals with various types of agreements aimed at building industry. For the analysis of the various types of contracts, I used the contracts from the company LD WINDOWS. Thesis is based on a summary of the contracts, the detailed description of the various requirements and ultimately factoring out the shortcomings and defects, which include the contract. Correct assembly of these contracts is important for its subsequent application and resolving any conflicts that might arise in the future. Purchase contract, Contract for work, Contractual relationships, Civil Code, Commercial relationships, Purchaser, Seller, Ordering party, Contractor 1 Úvod 10 2 Cíl práce 11
Klíčová slova. Smluvní úprava zhotovení softwaru, softwarové právo, smlouva o dílo
Klíčová slova. Uveďte charakteristická klíčová slova. Zde můžete začít psát.
Klíčová slova. Neuromarketing, obal, výzkum, vnímání, zákazník
Klíčová slova. Veřejnoprávní smlouva, obec, správní akt, krajský úřad Contracts governed by public law This Bachelor Thesis is specialized in actual legal regulations of contracts governed by public law what is the legal acts, what already have own possition in the frame of public law that,s importance has a rising tendency. The first part is addressed to legal regulations of the contracts governed by public law, gather the basic ideas, consequence, articulation and closing of the contracts governed by public law. The exhibition of proceeding by closing of the contracts governed by public law is the next aim of my Bachelor Thesis. The demonstration of the concrete conctrats governed by public law in particular regions of the Czech republic is the last aim of my Bachelor Thesis.
Klíčová slova. Investice, Investiční projekt, Čistá současná hodnota, Vnitřní výnosové procento, Analýza rizik, Citlivostní analýza, CNC obrábění, Obráběcí stroj, Monte carlo simulace The topic of this diploma thesis is the efficiency evaluation of the investmet in a CNC milling machine at engineering company called CNC Xxxxxxxx, s.r.o. The first part of this thesis is theoretical and focuses on the issue of investment, decision-making and on the evaluation of technical and economic studies. The work also contains a list of the most popular evaluation methods of investment projects and it also deals with the issue of risk assessment. The second part of this diploma thesis is analytical, beginning with the presentation of CNC Xxxxxxxx,
Klíčová slova. Procesní právo, procesní smlouva, přípustnost procesních smluv, účinky procesních smluv, náležitosti procesních smluv, vady procesních smluv, druhy procesních smluv, roz- hodčí smlouva, prorogační smlouva, alternativní řešení sporů, mediační smlouva, pactum de non petendo, důkazní smlouva, důkazní břemeno.