Order. 1. The prerequisite for entering into Exchange Agreement I. is, in particular, Client's completion and submission of the order form to Provider via Website, and in the above cases, the provision of the required documents and assistance, the provision of performance in accordance with the order. Client's order in the regime of Exchange Agreement I. shall be considered as a proposal for the conclusion of Exchange Agreement I., whereby such proposal (order) shall include, in particular:
a) the amount of PBX Tokens that Client intends to exchange for BNB Coins under Exchange Agreement I. with Provider; and
b) Immobilization period to be chosen by Provider to fulfill its obligation under the Exchange Agreement I.
2. Exchange Agreement I. is entered into by Client by sending an order according to paragraph 1 of this Article of Terms and Conditions to Provider and providing Client's performance to Provider's designated Electronic Wallet account.
3. Client places an order by filling in and submitting the order form on Website. In doing so, Client is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in the order form. It is assumed that these data correspond to the reality, and Provider is not liable for any damages resulting from any errors and deficiencies in the data provided.
4. The conclusion of the Exchange Agreement II. is in particular subject to
a) Provider making an offer to Client through User Account interface of the amount of PBX tokens offered to Client through that account; and
b) ze strany Klienta vyplnění a odeslání objednávkového formuláře pro Poskytovatele prostřednictvím Webových stránek (k tomuto slouží formulář Poskytovatele v Uživatelském účtu a virtuální tlačítko „Získat“)., a ve shora stanovených případech i poskytnutí požadovaných dokumentů a součinnosti, poskytnutí plnění v souladu s objednávkou.
5. Objednávka Klienta v režimu Směnné smlouvy II. je považována za přijetí návrhu k uzavření Směnné smlouvy II., přičemž tato akceptace návrhu (objednávka) bude obsahovat zejména množství PBX tokenů, jež má Klient v úmyslu na základě Směnné smlouvy II. s Poskytovatelem nabýt za své BNB Coiny (k tomuto slouží formulář Poskytovatele v Uživatelském účtu a virtuální tlačítko „Získat“).
6. Směnná smlouva II. je uzavřena doručením potvrzení Poskytovatele o doručení akceptace návrhu Poskytovatele na uzavření Směnné smlouvy II. na e-mailovou adresu sdělenou Klientem při založení Uživatelského účtu. Součástí potvrzení...
Order. The prerequisite for concluding PROFITGUARD Agreement is, in particular, the Client's completion of Order in the form of the electronic form submitting this form via User Account on Website. The submitting of the form via User Account by Client in PROFITGUARD Agreement regime shall be deemed to be a proposal for the conclusion of PROFITGUARD Agreement pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, whereby such proposal shall contain, in addition to the general requirements for the identification of the specific Client, in particular, but not limited to:
Order. The prerequisite for concluding PROFITGUARD Agreement is, in particular, the Client's completion of Order in the form of the prescribed form and sending this form to the e-mail address established for this purpose by Provider xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx. The sending of the form to the above-mentioned e-mail address by Client in PROFITGUARD Agreement mode shall be deemed to be a proposal for the conclusion of PROFITGUARD Agreement pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, whereby such proposal shall contain, in addition to the general requirements for the identification of the specific Client, in particular, but not limited to: a) the amount of PBX tokens that Client intends to entrust to Provider under PROFITGUARD Agreement to conclude Exchange Agreements; and b) minimum Payment for which Provider is to exchange Client's PBX tokens with a third party on the basis of Exchange Agreement, with the amount of such Payment determines the other terms of Exchange Agreement as well as PROFITGUARD Agreement, including Payment calculation model according to PROFITGUARD Calculator. c) the identification details of his Electronic Wallet to which Payment is to be credited. 2. PROFITGUARD Agreement is entered into at the moment of fulfilling the conditions set in Art. VI(4) of these Terms and Conditions. 3. Client is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided in
Order. 3.1. The order for delivery of the Goods or performance of the Work must be made by the Client in writing with a reference to the appropriate offer of the Supplier, it must not diverge from the offer and it must be delivered to the Supplier within the period of validity of the offer. In such case, the Contract between the Client and the Supplier shall be concluded upon delivery of the order to the Supplier. An eventual subsequent Supplier's confirmation of the order is in such case considered a confirmation of the concluded Contract.
3.2. By making the order the Client expresses its consent with the entire content of the offer and with these Terms and Conditions. If the order is delivered to the Supplier after the date of validity of the offer, or it diverges from the content of the offer, the Contract between the Client and the Supplier shall be made only if the Supplier confirms to the Client that it approves the order or if it can z Dodavatelova jednání možné dovodit souhlas s objednávkou. Pro vyloučení pochybností se uvádí, že odkaz na jiné obchodní podmínky obsažený v objednávce se s ohledem na ustanovení článku
Order. 3.1.1. The Buyer can place an order using the form on the Buyer's online shop website. The Buyer selects the product, chooses the size, colour and number of pieces of the product. He adds the product to the basket and proceeds to checkout. The buyer enters basic information such as contact information, shipping address, shipping method, payment information, or billing information. The buyer confirms his order, thereby making a binding proposal for a purchase contract between the buyer and the seller.
3.1.2. By sending an order, the buyer confirms that he/she has read these terms and conditions and that he/she agrees to them.
Order. (1) The supplier is obliged to accept the binding order (proposal to conclude a contract) issued by Akkodis CZ at latest within a deadline of three (3) business days, by sending back its confirmation via electronic mail.
(2) If the supplier for whom these GT are binding in the meaning of Art. 2 (1) does not confirm the reception and acceptance of the binding order from Akkodis CZ, but does not expressly refuse this order within three (3) business days from receiving it, the contract shall be considered concluded. The provisions of Section 1740, second sentence, of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code (hereinafter the “Civil Code”) shall not apply.
(3) Any change, reservation or addendum to the order shall be considered a counter-proposal and requires the express (written) consent of Akkodis CZ; without such nevznikne, a to i pokud uplatněné výhrady nebo změny nemění podstatně podmínky objednávky (návrhu smlouvy).
(4) Pokud by vzhledem ke specifikaci dodávky vznikly, anebo mohly vzniknout, pochybnosti o jejím rozsahu anebo technických parametrech, je dodavatel povinen bezodkladně o takové skutečnosti Akkodis CZ prostřednictvím elektronické pošty, případně též osobní nebo telefonickou konzultací, uvědomit, a vyčkat s prováděním dodávky na upřesnění a pokyny ze strany Akkodis CZ.
(5) Akkodis CZ si vyhrazuje vlastnická a autorská práva k vyobrazením, nákresům, výpočtům a ostatním podkladům, které jsou součástí nebo přílohou objednávky anebo které budou předány dodavateli v průběhu realizace příslušné smlouvy; tyto podklady nesmějí být bez výslovného písemného souhlasu Akkodis CZ zpřístupněny třetím osobám, jsou určeny výlučně pro realizaci dodávky na základě objednávky Akkodis CZ a po vyřízení objednávky musí být společnosti Akkodis CZ bez vyzvání vráceny. V této souvislosti platí dále ustanovení § 13. consent, the contract is not concluded, even if the applied reservation or change does not fundamentally alter the order (draft contract).
Order. 1. The precondition for concluding the Partnership Agreement A, Partnership Agreement B, or the Cooperation Agreement is, in particular, (i) on the part of the Partner: creation of a User Account; filling in and sending the order form on the Trader's Website (identifying, among other things, which of the above agreements the Partner intends to enter into with the Trader) and, in the above cases, provision of the dokumentů a součinnosti, poskytnutí plnění v souladu s required documents and cooperation, and provision of potvrzenou Objednávkou, (ii) na straně Obchodníka: zaslání performance in accordance with the confirmed Order, and
Order. 2.1 Orders shall be placed in writing (without signature) from the BSH Order Centers. Changes to the order or other agreements must be made in writing.
2.2 Orders shall be deemed accepted if the Contractor does not object in writing within 5 calendar days, insofar as BSH has expressly pointed out this legal consequence in the order/call-off.
Order. Předpokladem uzavření Směnné smlouvy a/nebo Kupní smlouvy je zejména ze strany Klienta vyplnění a odeslání objednávkového formuláře Směnárně prostřednictvím Webových stránek, a ve shora stanovených případech i poskytnutí požadovaných dokumentů a součinnosti, poskytnutí plnění v souladu s objednávkou.
Order. Prior to approval of its order, the Customer must check the order summary, and its delivery contact information. Payment is made exclusively online and constitutes the final approval of the order. The contract will be concluded as soon as Nu Skin confirms by email that the products ordered have been despatched and when Nu Skin has received the wire transfer or transaction approval from the credit card issuer or debit from the Customer. Nu Skin reserves the right to suspend or refuse any order if the payment authorisation is rejected by financial institutions, and/or if an order is issued by a Customer who has not paid for a previous order in full or partially.