Other arrangements Vzorová ustanovení

Other arrangements. 7.1. The contractual relationship provided in this agreement may be terminated: - by mutual agreement (with 2 month’s notice period), - the period laid down in Article 3.1., - in case of substantial breach of the conditions.
Other arrangements. 10.1 Without the Seller's written consent, the Buyer is not entitled to assign to third parties any of its receivables arising under a purchase contract from the Seller. The Buyer is not entitled to set off one-sidedly any of its receivables generated on the basis of a purchase contract against the Seller's receivables.
Other arrangements a) The Seller explicitly undertakes to adhere to the instructions set out in the document titled I MM OS 02 13 Principles for adherence to environmental protection, OHS and fire prevention by independent companies, in the scope valid for their activities at the PPG Deco Czech a.s. Company. This document is available to the Seller for downloading from the Buyer’s website at xxxx://xxxxxxx.xx/00-xxxxxxxx, the link – Information for suppliers of PPG DECO are available for downloading here.
Other arrangements. 1. The sponsor will supply the medical institution and principal investigator for free with the study drug masitinib AB1010 which is needed for the performance of the study in such a way that the length of the study as set in Article III hereof can be adhered to. The Sponzor undertakes, if necessary, pay the associated product use for the purposes of this study to treat patients participating in this study. 2. Medication, a specification of which is set in the clinical study protocol [Article IV par. 1. letter b) hereof] supplied by the sponsor can be used by the investigator only for the clinical study performance. 3. The medical institution and sponsor shall undertake to retain all the study documentation kept the research file, as well as the documentation related to the subjects of the study for a period of at least 15 years since the date of study termination, unless the applicable law provides for a longer period. 4. The sponsor undertakes to provide to the investigator the complete scientific information on the study medication. 5. The medical institution acknowledges that a study team member will be a pharmacist who is an employee of the medical institution, and who will be responsible for taking-over the study drug, the check (like other shipments - ie. Unless shipment is damaged, if special requirements on transport, whether these requirements are met), its proper storage and evtl. its administration for the purposes of the performance of the study in accordance with the relevant legislation, especially according to § 19, paragraph 1, letter d), Decree No. 226/2008 Coll., as amended, and according to instructions of SÚKL LEK-12. The medical institution is responsible for the proper performance of these pharmacist activities. Pharmacist shall perform all services for the Study in accordance with all generally accepted professional standards as applied to the monitoring and/or management of clinical trials and all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure the accuracy of all reports prepared for Sponsor.
Other arrangements. 1. Legal relations between DHL and the Principal are governed by Slovak law. Legal relations arising from the purchase order and these GTC not governed by the purchase order and/or these GTC applicable to contractual relations between the Principal and DHL are further governed by other regulations applicable in the Slovak Republic and international treaties to which the Slovak Republic is bound (United Nations Convention on the Transport of Goods by Sea - Hamburg Rules, applicable to maritime carriage; Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air - Montreal Agreement, applicable to air carriage; Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail - COTIF, applicable to rail carriage; Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road - CMR, applicable to road carriage). The Principal extends DHL's limitation period for DHL claims to 10 years from the time the claim is due. 2. If, as a result of the Principal's breach of contractual and/or statutory obligations or other action/inaction or omission of the Principal, DHL incurs damages or has to incur expenses that it would not otherwise have to incur, the Principal promises to indemnify DHL and reimburse DHL for all damages, costs and expenses within 15 days of DHL's written demand to the Principal. This promise by the Principal shall survive the termination of the freight forwarding contract/these GTC. 3. The Principal shall not be entitled to unilaterally set off against any claims of DHL against the Principal any of its claims against DHL. 4. The Principal is entitled to assign claims against DHL arising out of or relating to the purchase order/these GTC only with the prior written consent of DHL.

Related to Other arrangements

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