General provisions. 1.1 The company Operátor ICT a.s., registered in the Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague under document number B 19676, as an issuer and operator of the mobile app PIDLítačka (hereafter the “Operator”), will define these Business Terms and Conditions for Using the Mobile App PIDLítačka (hereafter “Conditions”). The mobile app PIDLítačka is an integral part of the Multichannel Check-in System (hereafter “MCS”), and via this system, the Operator provides a check-in service in public transport. Another part of the MCS is particularly the MCS portal via which the MCS e-shop is operated.
General provisions. (a) This Appendix sets out the arrangements between the ECB and participants, or ancillary systems, if one or more components of the SSP or the telecommunications network fail or are affected by an abnormal external event, or if the failure affects any participant or ancillary system.
General provisions. 1.1 The company Operátor ICT a.s., registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under the Commercial Register No. B 19676, as the publisher and operator of the PID Lítačka mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), establishes the following Terms and Conditions for the use of the PID Lítačka mobile application (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions"). The PID Lítačka mobile application is an integral part of the Multichannel Check-in System (hereinafter referred to as "MOS"), through which the Operator provides check-in services in public transport. Another component of the MOS is in particular the MOS portal, through which the MOS e-shop is operated.
1.2 The PID Lítačka mobile application is a client application designed for passenger check-in in public transport, through which the passenger has access to the following services (hereinafter referred to as "Services"):
1.2.1 searching for public transport connections,
1.2.2 purchase and management of Tickets,
1.2.3 payment card management, in the sense of associating payment cards to specific accounts,
1.2.4 use of the PID Lítačka mobile application as an Identifier for Long-Term Fare,
1.2.5 purchase of Long-Term Fare and management of Identifiers,
1.2.6 purchase and management of Parking Fare,
1.2.7 searching for Intermodal transport connections.
1.3 Services are provided through the PID Lítačka mobile application in accordance with the Prague Integrated Transport Tariff (hereinafter referred to as the "PID Tariff"), which sets out the method and procedure for the application of fares in public transport within the PID system and the conditions for its use. The PID Tariff is announced by the Regional Organiser of Prague Integrated Transport (hereinafter referred to as "ROPID") and its full text is available at
1.4 The legal relationship between the Operator and the Client is established by the installation of the PID Lítačka mobile application and is governed by these Terms and Conditions, as a framework contract, the PID Tariff, the Paid Parking Price List and the legal regulations of the Czech Republic, in particular Act 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. Consent to these Terms and Conditions is required when installing the PID Lítačka mobile application, as this step constitutes a proposal to the Operator to conclude a contract. The Operator's consent to the conclusion of the contract is given at the moment of ...
General provisions. 1. In all other matters not regulated by this agreement, the legal relationship established by this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, namely the provisions of the Civil Code. This agreement contains the entire agreement of the contractual parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and pursuant to Section 1902 first sentence of the Civil Code shall fully supersede all other written or oral contracts, agreements and arrangements entered into with respect to the subject matter of this agreement.
2. The contractual parties agree that in the event of any change in their contact details, the relevant contractual party shall notify the other contractual party of such change. Should it fail to do so, delivery of correspondence to the last known contact address of the relevant contractual party shall be deemed valid delivery.
3. This agreement shall be entered into for an indefinite period of time. Each contractual party shall be authorised to terminate this agreement by virtue of serving a written termination notice to the other contractual party without giving any reason. The notice period shall be 15 days and shall commence on the first day
6. Změny a doplňky této smlouvy, vč. jejích příloh, mohou být činěny pouze formou číslovaných písemných dodatků podepsaných smluvními stranami.
7. Tato smlouva se řídí a vykládá v souladu s právem České republiky. Případné spory, pokud nebudou vyřešeny smírnou cestou, budou postoupeny do výlučné pravomoci soudů v České republice.
8. Smlouva je vyhotovena ve dvou stejnopisech, přičemž každá ze smluvních stran obdrží po jednom.
9. Tato smlouva je vyhotovena v českém a anglickém jazyce. V případě jakýchkoli rozporů mezi jednotlivými jazykovými verzemi této smlouvy má přednost česká verze. 10.Objemový bonus sjednaný podle této smlouvy bude odběrateli poskytován za dodávky zboží realizované s účinností ode dne 1.1.2024. 11.Smluvní strany prohlašují, že si smlouvu před jejím podepsáním přečetly a že její obsah odpovídá jejich pravé, vážné a svobodné vůli, což stvrzují svými níže připojenými podpisy. of the calendar month following the delivery to the other contractual party.
General provisions. In all other matters not regulated by this agreement, the legal relationship established by this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, namely the provisions of the Civil Code. This agreement contains the entire agreement of the contractual parties with regard to the subject matter hereof and pursuant to Section 1902 first sentence of the Civil Code shall fully supersede all other written or oral contracts, agreements and arrangements entered into with respect to the subject matter of this agreement. The contractual parties agree that in the event of any change in their contact details, the relevant contractual party shall notify the other contractual party of such change. Should it fail to do so, delivery of correspondence to the last known contact address of the relevant contractual party shall be deemed valid delivery. This agreement shall be entered into for an indefinite period of time. Each contractual party shall be authorised to terminate this agreement by virtue of serving a written termination notice to the other contractual party without giving any reason. The notice period shall be 15 days months and shall commence on the first day of the calendar month following the delivery to the other contractual party. A reply of a party to this agreement pursuant to Section 1740 (3) of the Civil Code, containing an amendment or deviation, shall not constitute acceptance of the offer to conclude this agreement, even if it does not materially change the terms of such offer. Without the prior written consent of the supplier, the customer shall not be authorised to assign or otherwise transfer to any third party or encumber, in whole or in part, its rights and obligations under this agreement. This agreement including its annexes may only be amended and modified by virtue of numbered written amendments executed by both contractual parties. The agreement shall be executed in two counterparts, of which each of the contractual parties shall receive one. This agreement is executed in Czech and English language. In the event of any discrepancies between the individual language versions hereof, the Czech version shall prevail. The volume-based bonus agreed upon in this agreement shall be granted to the customer for actual supplies of goods with effectiveness as of 1. 1. 2022 The contractual parties hereby represent that they have read this agreement before signing it and that its content corresponds to their true, earnest and definite will, ...
General provisions. 1. Citibank issues the Cards in compliance with the Agreement, these Conditions, General Business Conditions and generally applicable rules of law. In a case of discrepancy between these Conditions and General Business Conditions, these Conditions prevail.
2. The Card will be issued following execution of the Agreement.
3. By concluding the Agreement, the Account Owner agrees to debit from the Account any and all Transactions and fees charged in accordance with the List of Charges.
4. The Account Owner is obliged to keep sufficient available balance on the Account to cover any and all Transactions and fees charged according to the List of Charges. In case no such available balance is on the Account, the Bank is entitled to debit such amount in their entirety from the Account and thus cause or, respectively, increase an overdraft balance at the Account. For the avoidance of any doubt, it is agreed that to the extent such final overdraft balance exceeds
0. Předáním Karty vzniká Držiteli Karty právo xx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xx xxxxx xxxx xxxx platnosti.
6. V odůvodněných případech, zejména při porušení Smlouvy nebo z technických důvodů, je Banka oprávněna bez předchozího upozornění zrušit právo používat Kartu bez ohledu na datum platnosti uvedený na Kartě nebo odmítnout uskutečnění Transakcí. V případě zrušení práva Kartu používat, jsou Majitel Účtu a/nebo Držitel Karty povinni na výzvu Banky vrátit tuto Kartu Bance bez zbytečného odkladu a vyrovnat bez zbytečného odkladu veškeré splatné či nesplatné pohledávky Banky plynoucí z používání Karty.
7. Banka má právo v souvislosti s jakoukoliv Transakcí z bezpečnostních důvodů pozastavit právo Majitele Účtu nakládat s Účtem do výše částky Transakce a to do doby konečného vypořádání Transakce.
General provisions. 1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “GTC”) govern the relationship between EXACT SYSTEMS SLOVAKIA s.r.o. with registered office: Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx 00, Xxxxxx 010 01, Business ID: 36687596, VAT nr.: SK 2022263122, Tax ID: 2022263122, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Žilina, Section: Sro, file nr.:18847/L (hereinafter referred to as „EXS”) and to the entity ordering its services (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) unless when EXS and the Customer have entered into a separate service agreement. These GTC within the meaning of Section 273 of Act no. 513/1991 Coll. Of the Commercial Code are always part of the contractual terms and conditions of the contracts or framework contracts for work, contracts or framework contracts for the provision of services or any contracts or framework contracts where EXS acts as one of the entities and the subject matter of which is the provision of inspection services as defined in the following point of this Article (hereinafter referred to as “Contracts” or “the Contract”).
2. The subject of the Contracts is the provision of services by EXS, which consist in particular in ensuring product quality control, repair / modification of components and products, or any other component quality assurance services, including production support, logistics and assistance services (hereinafter referred to as "services")
3. The specific type and scope of provided services is specified in the contract / order.
4. ExS declares to have necessary knowledge for proper completion of the Contract.
5. Persons providing services as defined in the contract on behalf of the EXS shall be called "EXS personnel", regardless of the legal relationship between the EXS and such persons.
6. EXS undertakes to provide the services that are the subject of the Contracts in the Customer's premises or in another location each time specified by the Customer in writing in the Order.
General provisions. These operating rules (hereinafter referred to as the rules) regulate the conditions for the use of parking spaces (hereinafter referred to as the parking lot) in the Botanická 68a area. By parking their vehicles in the car park, vehicle owners and operators agree to the Regulations and undertake to comply with them. The provisions of Act No. 361/2000 Coll., on Road Traffic, Act No. 13/1997 Coll., on Roads, together with Decree No. 30/2001 Coll., on Rules of Traffic on Roads and other legal regulations related to car traffic apply in the car park. The speed of cars throughout the parking area is limited to a maximum of 10 km/h. Neither the owner of the premises, MU Brno, nor its operator and administrator shall be liable for loss or damage to vehicles used or parked in the car park, their accessories or items stored therein. Each driver and operator of a vehicle is solely responsible for all risks of loss and damage to vehicles (and their contents) parked there, as well as for all other losses and damages related thereto. No person who parks their vehicle in the car park shall be entitled to assume that they have entrusted their vehicle to the custody of the owner or manager of the premises. The parking lot is not guarded, but only monitored, where such monitoring does not create any liability on the part of the owner or the manager of the premises for damage to vehicles, their accessories and items therein. The monitoring complies with the Data Protection Act, Act No. 101/2000 Coll. Users of the car park are obliged to use only their employee cards to operate the barrier system. The reception service is not authorized to allow entry/exit of employee vehicles to/from the car park. Users are obliged to inform the reception service of all emergencies in the car park (traffic accidents, injuries, entrance/exit barrier failure, etc.). • Parking in non-designated spaces. Vehicles obstructing traffic in the parking lot will be towed from the parking area at the expense of the owners of those vehicles. • Introduction and handling of hazardous and noxious substances. • Refuelling or handling. • Storage or other handling of waste, especially waste containing oil or flammable substances. • Storage of any substances or items except in designated areas. • Carrying out maintenance and repair of vehicles, including checking the electrolyte level in vehicle batteries. • Washing or cleaning the interior of the vehicle, bodywork and engines of parked vehicles. • Parking ve...
General provisions. By concluding the purchase contract or contract for work with Akkodis CZ (in the form of a confirmed order or written contract) (both referred to herein as the “contract”), the supplier (seller or contractor) expresses its consent to the text of these GPC, which are valid for the contractual relationship between Akkodis CZ and the supplier, and confirms that these General Purchasing Terms and Conditions are an integral part thereof.
General provisions. 1.1 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Czech s.r.o., Company Reg. No.: 48948764, seated at Evropska 000/000, Xxxxxx 160 00, is a trading company incorporated in the Commercial Register held by the Municipal Court in Prague, Part C, Section 28174.
1.2 These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "Terms and Conditions") govern the relationships between the trading company Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Czech s.r.o., as the Seller (hereinafter the "Seller"), and the buyer with respect to a purchase contract concerning the purchase of goods. The buyer is a legal or natural person that makes a purchase order for the goods from the Seller (hereinafter the "Buyer"). Where these Terms and Conditions or the purchase contract governing the relationships between the Seller and the Buyer do not specify otherwise, it shall be governed by the provisions of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, and such statutory provisions shall be deemed to be part of these Terms and Conditions.
1.3 The contractual relationships between the Seller and the Buyer shall be governed by the Terms and Conditions in force and effect on the date of confirmation of the Buyer's purchase order by the Seller. The Terms and Conditions currently in force and effect are available at xxxx://