Summary Vzorová ustanovení

Summary. The BUT Faculty of Business and Management alumni could reminisce about their college days at a reunion held on Friday 23rd September, 2011. “I believe the reunion to be a good idea for the alumni to meet and talk beside this being a good opportunity for companies to present themselves to the alumni offering them job opportunities”, said Xxx Xxxxxxx, a KB bank manager. Letošní cenou Česká hlava v kategorii cena Ministra životního prostředí byl vyznamenán xxxx. Xxx. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, CSc., z Fakulty strojního inženýrství VUT v Brně, který je spolu s prof. Xxx. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, CSc., z Bo- tanického ústavu AV ČR autorem Flexibilních destratifikačních technologií pro řízení kvality vody ve vodních nádržích (psali jsme v Událos- tech 4/2011, s. 8). Projekt laureátů přinesl flexibilní řešení problé- mu, jak se bez použití chemikálií zbavit sinic okysličováním spodní vrstvy vody, který byl v reálných podmínkách odzkoušen dvě sezony na Brněnské přehradě. Komplex opatření proká- zal, že cílenými opatřeními a jejich kombinací lze omezit rozvoj sinic a vrátit nádrže jejich původ- nímu účelu pro rekreaci, pitnou vodu nebo chov ryb. Zařízení se používá na Brněnské přehradě již dva roky a v přehradě sinice prakticky nejsou. Oba laureáti pokračují na vývoji dalších pro- středků pro nechemickou likvidaci sinic.
Summary. Xxxxxxxxxxxx X., Xxxxxxxxxx X., Xxxxxx L. & Lacina D.: The Lednické rybníky Fishponds in 2011. How to Ensure Their Good Conservation Status? In 2011, the Lednické rybníky Fishponds National Nature Reserve (NNR) Management Plan launched in 2007 had expired. After assessing the Management Plan implementation including management of the current fishery company, the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA CR) prepared, in collaboration with experts in hydrobiology, botany, ornithology and fish management a new Management Plan for 2012–2021, based on the experience raised in previous years, particularly on those in fishpond summer drainage in 7 year cycles. In Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Trestněprávní úprava Dne 1. 1. 2010 nabyl účinnosti nový trest- ní zákoník (zákon č. 40/2009 Sb.), který na- hradil dosavadní zastaralou právní úpravu. V hlavě VIII upravuje trestné činy proti život- nímu prostiedí. S účinností od 1. 12. 2011 byla tato část trestního zákoníku novelizová- addition, the document takes into account fishery management which should be directed by nature conservation and landscape conservation targets, particularly maintaining the NNR favourable conservation status. The NNR had been established as early as in 1953 to provide water and wetland birds with adequate habitat and trophic conditions, to maintain and to improve conservation status in shallow fishpond ecosystems, in wildlife inhabiting them and in the landscape character/scenery. In autumn 2011, a rental contract with the new tenant of the whole fishpond system who pledged himself to fully respect the criteria/standards set-up was concluded. The respecting the criteria/standards will be regularly checked. Even if under new regime a favourable conservation status of the specially protected elements is not maintained pursuant to the above contract, fishery management has to be changed or adjusted accordingly. Moreover, if the criteria/standards are not respected by a tenant, the contract can be immediately broken by the NCA CR.
Summary. This paper focuses on the issue of interpretation of texts, in particular on the relationship between the per- sonality and intent of the author and his/her text. It ma- kes use of various literary theories, especially of the seminal piece of writing in this context: The Death of the Author by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx. The paper follows his line of argumentation and subsequently addresses also related approaches. The findings are further discussed in relation to the interpretation of legal texts, in par- ticular the issue of purposive interpretation in law. Stát a náboženství: vývoj k postsekularismu? Xxxx Xxxxx* Společným rysem právně filozofických úvah v ob- lasti vztahu práva a náboženství je nazírání oddělování náboženství a státu jako završeného historického proce- su sekularizace. Cílem tohoto článku je představení a kritické zhodnocení současného konceptu postsekula- rismu v právním myšlení Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. Jedná se současného mimořádně vlivného filozofa a sociologa navazujícího na tzv. frankfurtskou školu, inspirující se v marxismu. Nejčastěji je spojován s teorií komunika- tivního jednání pronikající i do práva jako diskursivní teorie práva. V posledních letech se velice intenzivně tické aspirace racionalistického osvícenství, nikoliv tedy exkluzivní hodnotové propojení na okcidentální křes- ťanství. V předmoderním státě mohlo náboženství plnit tme- lící roli ve společnosti. Habermas navazuje na Durkhei- ma v náhledu, že sociální normy byly v historii respek- továny, protože byly posvátné; jejich zaštítění světskou autoritou bylo toliko důsledkem, nikoliv příčinou zá- vaznosti. Úpadek tradičně závazných norem však ne- znamená rozpad společnosti: posvátnost norem je na- hrazována komunikativní racionalitou,2 a to prostřed- věnuje právě vztahu náboženství a státu (práva). Sekulární odmítnutí metafyzických zdrojů Konzervativnímu pojetí sekularismu, k němuž řadí- me např. Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Habermas oponuje z pozice postmetafyzického racionalismu. Ve vztahu k Böckenfördeho pojetí1 zdůrazňuje univerzalis- * Xxx. Xxxx Xxxxx, Ph.D., asistent soudce Ústavního soudu, externí vyučující na Katedře ústavního práva a politologie Právnické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, UČO 14422.
Summary. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Definition of the term employment relationship, its essential requirements and basic division are regulated by the chapter number one. The second chapter elaborates the general principles of the labor law relationships. The third chapter works with the term the employment relationship, its characteristic features, as well as subject, object and content of this relationship. In chapter four, different types of contracts are listed the, divided by specific points of view. The procedure before the commencement of employment, information exchange between employee and employer and compulsory medical examinations are regulated in chapter five. The sixth chapter concerns the definition of a contract of employment and its formality. Chapter seven relates to the substantive content requirements of the employment contract, therefore the type of work, place of work and days of onset of work, but also the most frequently used side agreements. The final, eighth chapter describes comparison of the legislation of the employment contract in the Czech Republic and the Great Britain. Keywords: employment relationship, contract of employment, employer, employee, type of work, place of work, date of commencement of employment, working time, probationary period, non-competition clause. 1GERLOCH, A. Teorie práva. 5. upravené vydání, Plzeň: Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Xxxx Xxxxx, s.r.o., 2009, s. 145 2GALVAS, M. a kol. Pracovní právo. 1. vydání. Brno: MuniPRESS, 2012, s. 129. 3PÍCHOVÁ, I. K některým aktuálním problémům vzniku pracovního poměru v teorii a praxi. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 1998, s. 44. 4Ke zmíněné novelizaci došlo zákonem č. 365/2011 Sb. s účinností od 1. 1. 2012. 5Jedná se o ustanovení, podle něhož zaměstnavatel nesmí přenášet riziko z výkonu závislé práce na zaměstnance, nesmí zaměstnanci za porušení povinností vyplývajících ze základního pracovněprávního vztahu ukládat peněžité postihy ani je od něho požadovat, stejně jako od něho nesmí požadovat peněžitou záruku. 6„Zaměstnanci mají právo na spravedlivou odměnu za práci a na uspokojivé pracovní podmínky. Podrobnosti stanoví zákon.“ 7BĚLINA, M., XXXXXX, X. a kol. Zákoník práce: Komentář. 1. vydání. Praha: X. X. Xxxx, 2012. 1087 s. 26 8BĚLINA, M. Pracovní právo. 3. vydání. Praha: Nakladatelství X. X. Xxxx, 2013, s. 163 9Zákon č. 198/2009 Sb. o rovném zacházení a o právních prostředcích ochrany před diskriminací a o změně některých zákonů (antidiskriminační zákon), v...
Summary. This paper analyses and compares the regulation of industrial property licensing agreement before and after the effective date of the new civil code. The general section introduces the conceptual change in the understanding of the licensing agreement as well as the new concept of immaterial things. The special part presents in further detail the regulation of the formation, form, parties and content of the licensing agreement as well as the possible disposition there- with. The broadening of the scope of the licensing agreement (industrial and other intellectual property rights), the possibility to negotiate a royalty-free li- cense, the changes in the subject entitled to enfor- ce the rights from the license, the preference of an exclusive license as well as to possibility to assign the license with written consent of the licensor were identified as major changes. Overall, the new legisla- tion concerning licensing agreements is evaluated as adequately reflecting the needs of practice. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx* Cílem mezinárodního práva soukromého, jako právní disciplíny, je řešení kolizí právních řádů států. Vnitrostátní a mezinárodní úpravy využívají různých metod či prostředků k tomu, aby byla zodpovězena otázka, jakým právním řádem se bude řídit posuzo- vaný soukromoprávní vztah s mezinárodním prvkem. Xxxxxxx užívanou v řadě právních řádů, zejména po- tom evropských, je metoda kolizní. Ta využívá koliz- ních norem k tomu, aby byla kolize právních řádů vy- řešena a byl určen právní řád, který řídí posuzovaný právní vztah. Nadpis naší studie však ukazuje na to, že existují i další možné problémy, resp. kolize, kte- ré souvisejí s užitím kolizních norem. A to zejména tam, kde se opíráme o kolizní normy neunifikované na universální mezinárodní úrovni. Což je dnes větši- nová situace. Realitou současného světa jsou kolizní normy unifikované na národní úrovni a/nebo kolizní normy unifikované na regionální úrovni.1 * Xxxx. XXXx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, CSc., profesor na Katedře mezinárodního a evropského práva, Právnic- ká fakulta Masarykovy univerzity Brno.
Summary. In a purchase agreement the seller agrees to submit the thing that is the subject of the purchase to the buyer and allow him/her to acquire the right of ownership to it. The buyer agrees to take over the thing and pay the purchase price to the seller. The purchase agreement shall always mean an agreement to supply consumer goods which need to be assembled or created. If the parties decide to conclude the purchase agreement without the stipulation of the purchase price, the agreed price shall be a purchase price paid for the same or a comparable item offered on the market at the time of conclusion of the agreement and under similar terms and conditions.
Summary. Explanatory report prepared for the Commercial Code states that new adjustment to the piece of work (according to § 2586-2635 of the civil code) is to remove the dualism of the regulation of non-commercial and commercial contracts on activities. For the grounds of the proposal for the new regulation was taken the regulation of the previous Commercial Code, taking into account some foreign regulations. The former civil law was not used, because the concept of the contract in the former Civil Code, as it was similar to the concept of 1964 and the model of the Civil Code of 1950. In some respects, today´s regulation takes into account some enactments of the former International Trade Code. This paper is focused on given contract. e-mail: x.xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx tel.: 000 000 000,
Summary. This bachelor degree thesis focuses on the components of the memorandum of association in case of the establishment of a limited liability company and it pays special attention to the optional components of the memorandum. The thesis examines possible wordings of some of the provisions which the business corporation act determines in a non-mandatory way. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the possibilities of formulating certain optional components of the memorandum of association for a limited liability company under the applicable practice of courts and at the same time to draw attention to the possible legal context. The aim of the thesis is achieved mainly through the analysis of individual areas of the memorandum of association. The analysis offers the readers an overview of the issues and acquaints them with the possibilities of treating the issues in the memorandum of association. Key words: limited liability company, memorandum of association, establishment of a company, business share, optional data, obligatory data. Obsah práce
Summary. The topic of my work is about public law contracts. This topic is quite interesting and for effective public administration is trying to clarify a topic very important. This institute has already dealt by our legal theorists from ages of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Public law contract can be defined as bilateral or multilateral legal act that establishes, alters or cancels rights and obligations in the field of public law. It means there may be shifts in the activity of state administration or local government. Public law contract is appropriate tool to recipient public administration peacefully engage in the tasks of public administration. If you are using a public law contract to transfers power between government administrations, it is a source of law. Public law contract has many differences, but also a lot of common features with private contracts. On one side is usually a public body, but it is not the rule. The object must be the performance of public administration in the public interest. Public law contract to replace the administrative decision. Even after the conclusion of the administrative authority to enforce performance of the contract issue of an administrative decision. When entering into such contracts must ensure that the principles are for example the principle of expediency or principle of assessment contracts by content. General legislation adjustment of public law contracts waited for their modification until year 2006, when the Code of Administrative Procedure entered into force. They are also regulated in many special laws for which the administrative procedure is lex generalis. It can be expected that the judicial practice aligns with that doctrinal concept, since the legal wording is not clear enough, and is not possible to give without a doubt the truth of the Interior Ministry, which believes that the current regulation de lege lata this concept don´t corresponds. In my work I tried to find as many opinions that occur in a variety of sources - books, professional articles or on the Internet. The work is divided into chapters. The first chapter covers general provisions and explanations of basic concepts. The next chapter deals with the process of concluding public law contracts. In terms of formal requirements are almost identical to those of a public law contract to private contracts. The dualism of offer-acceptance is used here. In the following chapters I have analyzed the issue of labor disputes, review of their compliance...
Summary. Although the Czech Republic was not a Member State, EU/EC law was not foreign to its order but rather relevant for its decision-making. The basic prerequisite for accession was represented not only by amendments to the existing or the adoption of entirely new legal re- gulations, but primarily by amendments to constitutio- nal rules and, after accession to the EU on May 1, 2004, a fundamental change in the functioning of the Czech Republic as a state. The author concentrates only on the following basic constitutional aspects of these changes such as the determination of the relationship of national laws (particularly constitutional law) to EU law (the supremacy clause), the determination of the rule to be used in addressing a variance of national laws with EU law (the collision clause) and the determination of the manner in which EU law will affect national laws (the incorporation clause). He analyses the manner in which are these clauses formulated in the judicature of the Czech Constitutional Court.