Applicable Version Musterklauseln

Applicable Version. Im Zweifel ist die deutsche Fassung dieser Allgemei- nen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen maßgebend. In cases of doubt, the German version of these Gen- eral Conditions of Sale shall apply.
Applicable Version. In cases of doubt, the German version of these General Conditions of Purchase shall prevail.
Applicable Version. The German version of these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall take precedence. As of: September 2008
Applicable Version. Im Zweifel ist die deutsche Fassung dieser Allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingun- gen maßgebend. In cases of doubt, the German version of these General Conditions of Sale shall ap- ply.
Applicable Version. Insofar as these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase are made available in another lan- guage, the German version shall take precedence.
Applicable Version. In cases of doubt, the German version of these General Conditions of Purchase shall prevail. Soest, Dresden, Eisenhüttenstadt, Xxxxx (Xxxxx), Xxxxxxxxxxx, 00. February 2018
Applicable Version. Im Zweifel ist die deutsche Fassung dieser Bedingun- gen maßgebend. In cases of doubt, the German version of these Condi- tions shall apply.