Floor covering Musterklauseln

Floor covering. The hired floor space must be fitted with a floor covering acc. to 4.7 of the Technical Guidelines. If the exhibitor does not fit the hired floor space with a floor covering, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the floor covering in accordance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and in form “Floor covering“ in the services catalogue. (xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx).
Floor covering. The hired floor space has to be covered completely with a flame retardent flooring. This floor covering is not included in the cost of the stand rental. If the exhibitor fails to cover the floor space with the required flooring, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the floor covering in accordance with the condi- tions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (https:// xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/xx) and in the form "Floor covering" of the services catalogue – if provided. This is specifically referred to in 4.7.4. of the Technical Guide- lines (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx).
Floor covering. The confirmed floor space ordered by the exhibitor during registration will be designated by LMS. This floor space must be fitted with a floor covering. The cost of this floor covering is not included in the cost of the stand rental. It will be ordered for the exhibitor by LMS during reg- istration if it is not already specified in the registration form that the exhibitor is participating in the trade fair using his own floor covering or floor covering rented from LMS. (Fire protection classification DIN 4102 B 1 or EN 13501-1, Class CFL-S1). (xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx).
Floor covering. The confirmed floor space ordered by the exhibitor during registration will be designated by LMS. This floor space must be fitted with a floor covering. The cost of this floor covering is not included in the cost of the stand rental. It will be ordered for the exhibitor by LMS during reg- istration if it is not already specified in the registration form that the exhibitor is participating in the trade fair using his own floor covering or floor covering rented from LMS. (Fire protection classification DIN 4102 B 1 or EN 13501-1, Class CFL-S1). If the exhibitor does not fit the hired floor space with a floor covering (own or hired) contrary to the information he provided in the applica- tion form, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the floor covering in accord- ance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) and in form “Floor covering“ in the services catalogue. (xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxx).
Floor covering. The hired floor space must be fitted with a floor covering. If the exhibi- tor does not fit the hired floor space with a floor covering, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the floor covering in accordance with the conditions specified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesse- xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx) or the charging conditions of the HMC online service center.
Floor covering. If the hired floor space is not fully covered with flooring, the borders towards the aisles must be clearly visible by floor markings. The materials used to mark the stand borders must comply with the Technical Guidelines, section and must be removable without leaving any residue. This is specifically referred to in 4.7.4. of the Technical Guide- lines (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.xx/xxxxx).
Floor covering. The hired floor space must be fitted with a floor covering acc. to 4.7.4 of the Technical Guidelines of Leipziger Messe. If the exhibitor does not fit the hired floor space with a floor covering, the exhibitor will be invoiced for the floor covering in accordance with the conditions spec- ified in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal (www.stuttgartmesseservice- xxxxxx.xx) and in form “Floor covering“ in the services catalogue.

Related to Floor covering

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