Termination Musterklauseln

Termination. The operator of a heavy unmanned free balloon shall activate the appropriate termination devices required by
Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Customer may terminate your rights to use the Products if you fail to comply with these terms and conditions. In the event of termination or cancellation of your agreement with Customer or Customer’s agreement with Microsoft under which the Products are licensed, you must stop using and/or accessing the Products, and destroy all copies of the Products and all of their component parts within thirty (30) days of the termination of your agreement with Customer.
Termination. (1) After the termination of the Service Agreement, the Contractor must return to the Client all documents that were handed over (including any existing copies) with Personal Data or to delete this data at the request of the Client unless there is an obligation to store the data according to Union law or the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. (2) The Client may exercise its choice (return or erasure of Personal Data) up until the termination date of the Service Agreement at the latest (at least in text form). If the Client does not exercise its choice, the Contractor will erase all the Client’s Personal Data 14 days after the termination of the Service Agreement. (3) This erasure must be appropriately documented and confirmed to the Client on request (at least in text form).
Termination. Subject to the termination provisions of this Agreement and except as provided by applicable law which may not be varied by agreement, Customer may not cancel a Modular Service prior to the expiration of its Term of Subscription Service. Dell may cancel a Modular Service at any time during the Term of Subscription Service for any of the following reasons:  Customer fails to pay the total price for this Modular Service(s) in accordance with the invoice terms;  Customer and/or MSR End-User refuse to cooperate with the assisting analyst or on-site technician; or  Customer fails to abide by all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.  MSR End-User breaches the terms of the Modular Reseller License Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy If Dell cancels a Modular Service, Dell will send Customer and MSR End-User written notice of cancellation at the address indicated on Customer’s invoice. The notice will include the reason for cancellation and the effective date of cancellation, which will be not less than ten (10) days from the date Dell sends notice of cancellation to Customer and MSR End-User, unless applicable law requires other cancellation provisions that may not be varied by agreement. IF DELL CANCELS THIS MODULAR SERVICE PURSUANT TO THIS PARAGRAPH 5, CUSTOMER OR MSR END-USER SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REFUND OF FEES PAID OR DUE TO DELL.
Termination. 6.1. Each Party is be entitled to terminate the contract without notice if the other Party violates essential contractual obligations. 6.2. HR-Office is also entitled to terminate the contract without notice if (a) the Client becomes insolvent, (b) an application for insolvency proceedings is filed concerning the assets of the Client, (c) the Client is in payment default, (d) the Client is in default of accepting services from HR-Office, or (e) the Client fails to fulfill its contractual cooperation obligations. 6.3. In the event of termination, HR-Office is entitled to suspend the performance of the work or services owed. 6.4. Other rights to which HR-Office is entitled, especially claims for damages, shall remain unaffected.
Termination. Europa-Park Resort is entitled to terminate the contract without notice for an important reason. An important reason exists in particular if the camping guest sustainably breaches the camping site regulations which are binding for him through his conduct, endangers other camping guests, causes sustainable interferences, uses the rental object in breach of the contract or behaves in gross breach of the contract in any other manner. In this case the camping guest is not entitled to repayment of the rental price.
Termination. Termination rights of the customer
Termination. This Agreement shall commence on the date of eGENTIC´s approval of Advertiser´s application and shall continue thereafter until terminated as provided herein. Advertiser may terminate its participation by deregister at BigBangAds. Any concrete Advertising Campaign can be terminated with a notice period of seventy-two (72) hours in writing. The definition of written according to point III.6 applies. eGENTIC may terminate the Advertiser´s participation in one or more Advertising Campaigns and/or this Agreement at any time and for any reason which eGENTIC deems to be appropriate with or without prior notice to Advertiser. Upon termination of Advertiser´s participation in one or more Advertising Campaigns and/or this Agreement for any reason, Advertiser will immediately cease all use of and delete all Advertising Material and connected links, plus all Big Bang Ads and/or eGENTIC and/or Advertiser intellectual property, and will cease representing itself as a Big Bang Ads member.
Termination. Dieser Vertrag kann ganz oder teilweise schriftlich von jeder Partei gekündigt werden, wenn: (i) eine Verletzung einer wesentlichen Vertragspflicht durch die andere Partei vorliegt, (ii) ein Ereignis höherer Gewalt die Erbringung der Leistungen für 60 Tage oder This Contract may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either Party upon: (i) a breach by the other Party of a material obligation of such Party under the Contract, (ii) a Force Majeure event delaying the provision of Services for sixty days or more, länger verzögert, oder (iii) ein Insolvenz- oder ähnliches Verfahren eingeleitet wird, wie beispielsweise die Stellung eines Antrags auf Auflösung oder die Anberau- mung einer Gesellschafterversammlung zum Zwecke der Auflösung der anderen Partei, oder die Stellung eines Insolvenz- antrags oder die Liquidation (freiwillig oder unfreiwillig) oder wenn die andere Partei einen Schuldenbereinigungsplan mit ihren Gläubigern abschließt oder ein Insolvenz- verwalter oder eine vergleichbare Person über das Vermögen im Ganzen oder Teile desselben bestellt wird, oder wenn ein Insol- venzverfahren eröffnet oder mangels Masse abgelehnt wird. Eine solche Kündigung ist unwirksam, wenn der vertragsbrüchigen Partei: (a) die Kündigungsabsicht nicht mindestens 10 Tage vor Ausspruch schrift- lich angekündigt wurde; (b) nicht die Gele- genheit zur Rücksprache mit der kündigen- den Partei vor dem tatsächlichen Beendi- gungsdatum eingeräumt wurde; und (c) keine angemessene Möglichkeit zur Behe- bung des Vertragsbruchs eingeräumt wurde, soweit ein solcher Vertragsbruch behebbar ist. Der Kunde kann den Vertrag nach Belieben mit einer Kündigungsfrist von 2 Wochen schriftlich kündigen und hat in diesem Fall gemäß den Bestimmungen in Ziffer 6 alle ausstehenden Zahlungen für Leistungen, die bis zum Beendigungstag an- gefallen sind sowie angemessene Kosten, die HELASOFT in Folge einer solchen Kün- digung angefallen sind, einschließlich Abbaukosten, zu erstatten. HELASOFT wird auf den Tag des Wirksamwerdens der Kündigung eine Abschlussrechnung vorlegen. or (iii) in the event of the initiation of insolvency or similar proceedings, such as a petition being presented or meeting convened for the purpose of winding-up the other Party, the other Party becoming the subject of an administrative order or entering into liquidation (whether compulsorily or voluntarily) or the other Party entering into an arrangement with its creditors generally or having an insolvency administrator, ...
Termination. (1) This contract may be terminated by either party with four weeks' notice to the end of the month. These terms and conditions shall continue to apply to the settlement of transactions not completed at that time. (2) The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected.