Force Majeure. 14.1. A party's obligations in terms of these Credit Terms shall be suspended for such period during which that party is prevented from complying with its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided such party: (a) has notified the other party of the existence of such Force Majeure, (b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the Loan Agreement; and (c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other party.
14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for such party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Loan Agreement.
Force Majeure. Workers and Exhibitors Passes
Force Majeure. Samsara ist weder haftbar und verantwortlich, noch wird ein Verstoß von Samsara gegen diese Vereinbarung angenommen, sollte Xxxxxxx seine Verpflichtungen aus dieser Vereinbarung aufgrund eines Ereignisses höherer Gewalt nicht erfüllen oder nicht rechtzeitig erfüllen können. Ein Ereignis höherer Gewalt ist ein Ereignis oder ein Umstand außerhalb der Kontrolle von Samsara, wie z. X. Xxxxx, Feindseligkeiten, höhere Gewalt, Erdbeben, Überschwemmung, Feuer oder andere Naturkatastrophen, Streik oder Arbeitsbedingungen, Materialmangel, Epidemie, Krankheit, Maßnahmen der Regierung oder Ausfall von Versorgungsunternehmen, Transporteinrichtungen oder Kommunikations- oder elektronischen Systemen.
Force Majeure. 15.1. The obligations of either party under these Credit Terms shall be suspended for such period during as that party is prevented from complying with its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided that the party: a) is making every effort to perform its obligations under the agreement and b) performs its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the reasonable time specified by the other party.
15.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend the obligation of a Party only to the extent that it is impossible for such party to perform them. In no way does it release the party from the obligation to fulfil other obligations under the contract.
Force Majeure. Mondi shall not be liable or be deemed to be in breach of contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond its reasonable control (‘Force Majeure’) including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs, insufficient supply of materials or energy, pan- or epidemics, legislative, judicial and governmental acts, quarantines, lack of transport means and similar events or circumstances. This clause shall also apply if Xxxxx’x suppliers suffer any of these Force Majeure events. If a Force Majeure event occurs during an already existing delay, the grace period which has to be granted to Mondi by the Customer shall not expire before the Force Majeure event has ceased. Mondi shall inform the Customer of the start and end of any Force Majeure event as soon as possible.
Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any of its obligations (except payment obligations) under this Agreement during any period in which such performance is delayed by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, such as fire, flood, war, embargo, strike, riot, or the intervention of any governmental authority (a "Force Majeure" ). In such event, however, the delayed party must promptly provide the other party with written notice of the Force Majeure. The delayed party's time for performance will be excused for the duration of the Force Majeure, but if the Force Majeure event lasts longer than 30 days, then the other party may immediately terminate, in whole or in part, this Agreement or the applicable Service Agreement by giving written g. Export Compliance. You acknowledge that the Software and Services provided under this Agreement, which may include technology and encryption, are subject to the customs and export control laws and regulations of the United States ("U.S."), may be rendered or performed either in the U.S., in countries outside the U.S., or outside of the borders of the country in which you or your system is located, and may also be subject to the customs and export laws and regulations of the country in which the Software or Services are rendered or received. You agree to abide by those laws and regulations. You further represent that any software provided by you and used as part of the Software or Services contains no encryption or, to the extent that it contains encryption, such software is approved for export without a license. If you cannot make the preceding representation, you agree to provide Dell with all of the information needed for Dell to obtain export licenses from the U.S. Government or any other applicable national government and to provide Dell with such additional assistance as may be necessary to obtain such licenses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you are solely responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses relating to the export of software. Dell also may require export certifications from you for software. Dell's acceptance of any order for Software or Services is contingent upon the issuance of any applicable export license required by the U.S. Government or any other applicable national government; Dell is not liable for delays or failure to deliver Software or Services resulting from your failure to obtain such license or to provide such certification. Each Party agrees to indemn...
Force Majeure. In case of reasons or circumstances (such as: war, fire, flood, weather issues, power cut, strike) over which the party has no control (force majeure), each party is exempted from the obligations deriving from the Contract as long as this reason or the circumstance does exist. Parties agree they do everything possible to keep the appearance of these reasons and circumstances at the lowest level and to handle the caused damages or delay within the shortest possible time.
Force Majeure. 20.1. Sofern sich eine der Vertragsparteien auf höhere Gewalt (bzw. Force Majeure / Acts of God) bezieht, gilt ausschließlich nachfolgende Definition:
(1) Als Ereignisse höherer Gewalt gelten: Krieg, Bürgerkieg, Terrorismus, Epedemien, Erdbeben, Flut, Tsunamis, schwere Unwetter mit direkter Schadensfolge.
(2) Ausdrücklich nicht als Ereignisse höhere Gewalt (bzw. Acts of God/ Force Majeure) gelten: Stromausfälle (auch in Folge von Blitzschlag), Ausfall von Telekommunikation/ Wasserversorgung/ Gasversorgung oder sonstiger Versorgungsinfrastruktur, Blockade von Verkehrswegen, Feuer oder Explosionen in Betriebsstätten, Verspätung oder Ausfall von Lieferungen durch Vorlieferanten, Insolvenz von Transportunternehmen, Verlust von Daten/ Dokumenten, Maschinendefekte, Generalstreiks, Betriebsstreiks, Fabrikbesetzungen, sogenannter "Bummelstreik" (go-slow), Verstaatlichungen, Privatisierungen, behördliche Anordnungen, Beschlagnahmungen, Sabotage.
20.2. Möchte sich eine der Vertragsparteien auf höhere Gewalt berufen, so muss eine unverzügliche Mitteilung an die jeweils andere Partei über das Eintreten des Ereignisses erfolgen, sofern dies zumutbar ist. Des Weiteren ist innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Eintreten des Ereignisses ein behördlicher Nachweis zu erbringen, welcher den Fall von höherer Gewalt bestätigt. Ist das Eintreten eines Falls höherer Gewalt im Voraus absehbar, so muss eine entsprechende Information zum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt an die jeweils andere Vertragspartei erfolgen.
20.3. Das Eintreten eines Ereignisses höherer Gewalt gemäß Definition in Punkt 20.1. entfaltet für das Erbringen von Vertragspflichten der Lieferanten lediglich aufschiebende Wirkung. Sobald das Ereignis höherer Gewalt beendet ist, muss der Lieferant unverzüglich seinen vertraglichen Verpflichtungen nachkommen. Hierbei wird der Gilde Brauerei GmbH gegenüber anderen Kunden des Lieferanten Priorität bei der Fertigung bzw. Belieferung gewährt.
Force Majeure. 5.9.1 Cases of force majeure, which prevent LMS from ful- filling their obligations either totally or in part, relieve LMS from fulfilling this contract until the case of force majeure is
5.9.2 Die Unmöglichkeit einer genügenden Versorgung mit Hilfsstoffen, wie Strom, Wasser, etc., Streiks und Aussperrun- gen, der Ausbruch einer Epidemie oder Pandemie sowie Ter- roranschläge, werden – sofern sie nicht nur von kurzfristiger Dauer oder von der LMS verschuldet sind – einem Fall höhe- rer Gewalt gemäß 5.9.1 gleichgesetzt.
5.9.3 In den Fällen des 5.9.1 und 5.9.2 erhält der Aussteller an die LMS bezahlte Standgebühren und/oder Eintrittsprei- se ganz oder teilweise zurück. Weitere Erstattungsansprüche bestehen nicht.
Force Majeure. Force majeure, industrial disputes, unrest, governmental or official actions and other unforeseeable, unavoidable and serious events shall release the contractual partners from their performance obligations for the duration of the disruption and to the extent that it affects their performance obligations. This shall also apply if such events occur at a time when the contractual partner affected is in default. The contractual partners are required to take reasonable measures without delay to provide the necessary information and to adjust their obligations to the altered conditions in good faith.