A3 definition
Examples of A3 in a sentence
They include: • North Fair Oaks Community Plan (2011) (Attachment A-9), • Unincorporated San Mateo County Active Transportation Plan (2021) (Attachment A-2), • C/CAG Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2021) (Attachment A-8), • Southeast San Mateo County Community-Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) (2023) (Attachment A-6), and • North Fair Oaks Bicycle and Pedestrian Railroad Crossing and Community Connections Study (2024) (Attachment A-3).
A.3. The Foundation represents that the Executive Director of the Foundation is empowered by its Board of Governors to execute this Agreement and to perform and cause to be performed all acts under the terms hereof on behalf of the Foundation.
For example: XXX □ A3 5 YYY □ B1 8 Only if the changes described in table Abis affect the group of educational components in the student's degree (table B) that will be replaced at the sending institution upon successful completion of the study programme abroad, Table Bbis should be used.
Such addenda shall be numbered sequentially (e.g., A-3, A-4, etc.).
Overall US MFD Market Share 10.4% YTD International Data Corporation (IDC) which is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology, telecommunications, and consumer technology reported that Sharp continues to gain market share in both the A3 color and mono categories, while the majority of our industry competitors are losing market share.