Examples of Abatement plan in a sentence
This plan fulfills the requirements in current air permit and Malfunction Abatement plan requirements under MACT standard found in 40 CFR 63 Subpart DDDD.
Site Inspections and Abatement plan for work-site inspections, including abatement procedures to be utilized when deficiencies are discovered as a result of the inspections.
Additionally, North Carolina requires that all asbestos-related projects in state-owned or public school buildings follow the Specification for Asbestos Abatement plan developed by the N.C. Department of Administration, State Construction Office.EPA standards regulate airborne asbestos fibers that may be released into the environment during manufacturing, building demolition or renovation activities as well as disposal of asbestos-containing waste materials.
Abatement plan" means any individual technique or combination of techniques, the implementation of which may result in reduction of the base line pollution load.
S-020 Extreme Hazard Abatement Purchaser shall provide a written Extreme Hazard Abatement plan that meets the requirements of WAC 332-24 prior to the beginning of logging operations.