Examples of Absolute performance in a sentence
Contractor: RT Environmental Services, Inc.15 Heron Drive, Suite 202 Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014 Cost: Not to exceed $100,000.
Fluke performs reason- Time ( s)Null system call2.0Mutex lock3.6Mutex unlock4.0Context switch7.5Null cross-domain RPC14.9TestFluke Table 3: Absolute performance of microkernel primitives.
Absolute performance in the table is captured by an indicator of whether the fund experienced positive returns in the previous periods.
Weigh absolute versus relative performance measures Absolute performance goals are specific targets against which future performance is measured.
Absolute performance (ρij) and score (sijb) are also reported, making it easy for the store manager to see whether they are close or not to the border of the bonus band, i.e. the point where their score jumps.
Absolute performance for POLAR 4 quintiles 1 & 2 was showing 85.7% and 92.9% respectively for achievement of the higher degree classifications.
However, particularly for women, there is only a slight (one-point) initial decrease is observed.
If the condition is not abated by the owner in accordance with such notice, the enforcing officer may abate the condition and shall charge the owner for the cost thereof.
Absolute performance: The most important reason for using parallel programming is the computing power for computationally-intensive problems.
Absolute performance from the start of the Reference Period is negative (end of reference period NAV: 99<NAV start of reference period:100).