Housing Need definition
Housing Need means a household whose Housing falls below at least one of the standards of Affordability, Suitability and Adequacy, and the household would have to spend at least 30% or more of its before-tax income to access acceptable local Housing;
Housing Need means a household whose housing falls below at least one of the standards of affordability, suitability and adequacy, and the household would have to spend at least 30 per cent or more of its before-tax income to access acceptable local housing.
Housing Need means in relation to the Affordable Rented Units the requirement by a person for social housing allocation in accordance with the Borough Council’s Allocations Scheme and in relation to the Shared Ownership Units the requirement by a person to be registered with the Help to Buy Agent to be granted a Shared Ownership Lease because the persons income is insufficient to enable them rent or buy housing available locally on the open market determined with regard to local incomes and local house prices
Examples of Housing Need in a sentence
Housing Need Assessment Briefly describe how the Agency/Group/Organization was consulted.
Housing Need Characteristics Points may be earned under this category if the area where the proposed project is located is experiencing housing problems.
The HB shall be paid directly to households in Housing Need or on their behalf with consent.
The HB shall be paid directly to, or on behalf of, households in Housing Need as set out in the Action Plan.
The Market Study should include a summary of the perspective on the rental market, need for the proposed housing and Unmet Housing Need in the market.
More Definitions of Housing Need
Housing Need means being homeless or threatened with homelessness or living in accommodation which in the opinion of the Council is Insecure or unsuitable and being unable to purchase or rent reasonably suitable accommodation in the open market for property in the locality where the Affordable Dwelling is situated taking into account the person’s income and capital and other financial circumstances. Accommodation may be unsuitable on the grounds of cost, overcrowding unfitness or lack of basic amenities or because of a person’s infirmity physical disability mental disability or specific social or care needs;
Housing Need means living in unsuitable housing conditions and/or being unable to afford suitable housing at open market prices
Housing Need means a situation where a person’s accommodation (if he is currently occupying accommodation) is for whatever reason unsuitable for his housing requirements and he cannot afford to buy or rent a dwelling more appropriate to meet his needs on the open market
Housing Need means households that lack their own housing or are living in housing which is inadequate or unsuitable, who are unlikely to be able to meet their needs in the housing market without some assistance and who are likely to earn below the income threshold set by the Council based on incomes across the City of Edinburgh area (£44,008 in 2019);
Housing Need means a situation where, in the opinion of the Council, a person or household (as defined in section 113 of the Housing Act 1985) does not have available to them and cannot afford to buy suitable accommodation at open market value (in relation to the Affordable Sale Units) prevailing within the Locality and: Needs to move from accommodation which is in disrepair, shared, temporary or overcrowded, or Needs to be rehoused as a result of leaving tied accommodation, or Is or includes an elderly or disabled person who needs to move due to medical conditions, or Needs to move due to special circumstances as determined by the Council’s housing allocation policy
Housing Need means the circumstances where a household is currently occupying accommodation that is substandard or unsuitable for its requirements and which has an income that is too low either to buy or rent accommodation appropriate to their circumstances on the open market (and for the avoidance of doubt this may include circumstances where a household is currently accommodated but requires a form of low cost home ownership such as Shared Ownership); 'Index' means the All in Tender Price Index published by the Building Cost Information Service of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or any successor organisation; 'Informal Outdoor Space' means an area of informal outdoor space of no less than 0.9ha in the form of parks and gardens/ amenity green space and/ or natural and semi-natural green space as described within the Fields in Trust Guidance; 'Informal Outdoor Space Maintenance Contribution' means a sum equal to one thousand two hundred and seventy eight pounds and eight xxxxx (£1,278.80) per Dwelling towards the future maintenance of the Informal Outdoor Space;
Housing Need means a situation where, in the opinion of the Council, a person or household (as defined in section 113 of the Housing Act 1985):