Ally Released Parties definition

Ally Released Parties means (a) Ally, and each of Ally’s and the Debtors’ respective members, shareholders, partners, non-Debtor affiliates, and Representatives, including Cap Re of Vermont, LLC and its current and former members, officers, and directors and (b) each of Ally’s successors and assigns, each Entity in clause (a) and (b) solely in its capacity as such. For the avoidance of doubt, and without limiting the foregoing, the Ally Released Parties shall not include (i) any purchaser of any assets relating to the Debtors’ servicing business that is not Ally or a Debtor, (ii) any assignee of a Servicing Agreement that is not Ally or a Debtor, (iii) notwithstanding any status as a shareholder of any Ally Released Party, and solely in their capacity as such, any underwriter of RMBS that is unaffiliated with Ally, and the Representatives of such underwriter, against which an Investor has a pending or tolled Cause of Action, (iv) the FHFA, (v) the FDIC, (vi) any assignee of executory contracts that were assumed by the Debtors that is not Ally, (vii) any insurer that is not Ally that sold any directors & officers or errors & omissions insurance policies that cover Debtors, (viii) any party that is not Ally against whom RFC may have indemnity rights arising out of the Kessler Class Action, specifically, any successors in interest to CBNV and GNBT, and (ix) the Plan Trustees.
Ally Released Parties means Ally, and each of Ally’s and the Debtors’ respective successors and assigns, members, shareholders, partners, non-Debtor affiliates, and Representatives, each in its capacity as such and Cap Re of Vermont, LLC and its current and former officers and directors. For the avoidance of doubt, the Ally Released Parties shall not include (i) any purchaser of any assets relating to the Debtors’ servicing business that is not Ally or a Debtor, (ii) notwithstanding any status as a shareholder of any Ally Released Party, any underwriter of RMBS that is unaffiliated with Ally, and the Representatives of such underwriter, against which an Investor has a pending or tolled action, or (iii) the FHFA or the FDIC.

Examples of Ally Released Parties in a sentence

  • For the avoidance of doubt, the releases in the Plan shall not extend to any rights, defenses, or counterclaims, under any directors & officers or errors & omissions insurance policies sold by any of the Consenting Claimants or their affiliates and covering either Debtors or any of the Ally Released Parties.

  • The Plan shall constitute a good faith compromise and settlement of claims that the Senior Unsecured Notes Indenture Trustee, on behalf of the Senior Unsecured Noteholders, has against the Ally Released Parties and any Debtor, both as described in the Disclosure Statement.

  • Except with respect to the Debtors' obligations in this Article IV.B, on and after the Effective Date the Debtors shall have no other obligations to the Ally Released Parties.

  • Except with respect to theDebtors’ and the Liquidating Trust’s obligations to Ally as specifically set forth in the Plan (including their obligations to perform under the Ally Contracts in accordance with their terms), on and after the Effective Date the Debtors and the Plan Trusts shall have no other obligations to the Ally Released Parties.

  • The Plan shall constitute a good faith compromise and settlement of claims that the Senior Unsecured Notes Indenture Trustee, on behalf of the Senior Unsecured Noteholders, has against the Ally Released Parties and any Debtor, both as described in the DisclosureStatement.

  • Absent settlement, many parties would have large potential claims against the Ally Released Parties, which could result in significant indemnification liabilities for the Debtors and the swift depletion of shared insurance.

  • The Release of the Ally Released Parties is Impermissibly Broad 7CONCLUSION 9 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Page(s)Cases Holywell Corp.

  • Table 1: Estimates of Measures of Poverty and Inequality over Time in India (1951–1997)(Percent) Source: Gaurav Datt, Has Poverty in India Declined During the Post Reform Period, mimeo, International Food Policy Research Institute, February 1999.

  • In addition, Ocwen objects to the third party release of the Ally Released Parties under the Plan to the extent it releases Ally from its obligations to Ocwen arising under or in connection with Ally agreements with Ocwen.

  • Article IX.D of the Chapter 11 Plan, entitled “Third Party Release,” provides that, as of the Plan Effective Date, the “holders of Claims and Equity Interests” in the Debtors’ estates, which includes the Named Plaintiffs, are “deemed to provide a full and complete discharge and release to the Ally Released Parties .

Related to Ally Released Parties

  • Released Parties means Defendant and its present and former subsidiaries, parents, affiliates, divisions, officers, directors, members, managers, shareholders, insurers, suppliers, manufacturers, re-sellers, distributors, brokers, service providers, employees, agents, legal representatives, heirs, predecessors, successors, or assigns.

  • Company Released Parties means the Company and any of its past or present employees, agents, insurers, attorneys, administrators, officials, directors, shareholders, divisions, parents, members, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors, successors, employee benefit plans, and the sponsors, fiduciaries, or administrators of the Company’s employee benefit plans.

  • Released Party means collectively, and in each case in its capacity as such:

  • Released Persons means each and all of the Defendants and their Related Parties.

  • Released Person means any person who is released on bail or on his personal bond, as the case may be;

  • Seller Released Parties has the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 5.6(a).

  • Releasees means each and any of the Defendants’ Releasees and each and any of the Plaintiffs’ Releasees.

  • Plaintiffs’ Releasees means Plaintiffs, and any and all of their related parties, including, without limitation, any and all members of their immediate families, agents or other persons acting on their behalf, attorneys, advisors, financial advisors, accountants, assigns, creditors, heirs, estates and legal representatives.

  • Released PAGA Claims means the claims being released as described in Paragraph 6.2 below.

  • Releasing Party has the meaning set forth in Section 7.9.

  • Releasing Parties means Plaintiffs and all Settlement Class Members, and each of their respective executors, representatives, heirs, predecessors, assigns, beneficiaries, successors, bankruptcy trustees, guardians, joint tenants, tenants in common, tenants by entireties, agents, attorneys, and all those who claim through them or on their behalf.

  • Exculpated Parties shall have the meaning set forth in Section 13.1 hereof.

  • Releasing Persons means Plaintiff, all Settlement Class Members, and anyone claiming through them such as heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns.

  • Defendant Releasees means (i) Defendants and their attorneys; (ii) the current and former parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, predecessors, assigns, and assignees of each of the foregoing in (i); and (iii) the current and former officers, employees, directors, Immediate Family members, heirs, trusts, trustees, executors, estates, administrators, beneficiaries, agents, affiliates, insurers, reinsurers, predecessors, predecessors-in-interest, successors, successors-in- interest, assigns and advisors of each of the persons or entities listed in (i) and (ii), in their capacities as such.

  • Releasee or “Releasees” shall refer to you and to the Company and each of the Company’s owners, stockholders, predecessors, successors, assigns, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys, advisors, parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates (and agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys and advisors of such parent companies, divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates) and all persons acting by, through, under or in concert with any of them.

  • Releasors means Plaintiffs, Class Members and their respective past, present 15 and future parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, 16 attorneys, servants, representatives (and as applicable each of their past, present, 17 and future officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, servants, and 18 representatives), and the predecessors, successors, heirs, executors, 19 administrators, and representatives of each of the foregoing.

  • Released Entities means released entities as such term is defined

  • Company Related Parties means, collectively, the Company and the Company Subsidiaries and any of their respective former, current or future stockholders, managers, members, directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors, other representatives or successors or assignees of any of the foregoing.

  • Released Defendant Parties means Defendants, Defendants’ Counsel, and each of their respective past or present direct or indirect subsidiaries, parents, affiliates, principals, successors and predecessors, assigns, officers, directors, shareholders, trustees, partners, agents, fiduciaries, contractors, employees, attorneys, auditors, insurers; the spouses, members of the immediate families, representatives, and heirs of the Individual Defendants, as well as any trust of which any Individual Defendant is the settlor or which is for the benefit of any of their immediate family members; any firm, trust, corporation, or entity in which any Defendant has a controlling interest; and any of the legal representatives, heirs, successors in interest or assigns of Defendants.

  • Settling Defendants means Johnson & Johnson, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health, and McKesson, as well as their subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, and directors named in a National Settlement Agreement.

  • Defendants’ Releasees means Defendants and their current and former parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, successors, predecessors, assigns, assignees, partnerships, partners, trustees, trusts, employees, Immediate Family Members, insurers, reinsurers, and attorneys.

  • Exculpated Party means, collectively, and in each case in its capacity as such: (a) the Debtors;

  • Released Plaintiff Parties means each and every Settlement Class Member, Lead Plaintiff, Plaintiff’s Counsel, and each of their respective past or present trustees, officers, directors, partners, employees, affiliates, contractors, auditors, principals, agents, attorneys, predecessors, successors, assigns, insurers, parents, subsidiaries, general or limited partners or partnerships, and limited liability companies; and the spouses, members of the immediate families, representatives, and heirs of any Released Plaintiff Party who is an individual, as well as any trust of which any Released Plaintiff Party is the settlor or which is for the benefit of any of their immediate family members. Released Plaintiff Parties does not include any Person who timely and validly seeks exclusion from the Settlement Class.

  • Releasor means any Person granting a release of any Settled Claim.

  • Settling Defendant s Property” shall mean all portions of the Site owned by Settling Defendant as of the date of signature of the Consent Decree by Settling Defendant.

  • Indemnified Parties has the meaning set forth in Section 8.2.