Examples of Alternatives analysis in a sentence
Alternatives analysis, including planning, with funds appropriated after FY 2005 (49 USC 5309(b) and 5337).
In ad- dition, the following definitions apply: Alternatives analysis is a corridor level analysis which evaluates all rea- sonable mode and alignment alter- natives for addressing a transportation problem, and results in the adoption of a locally preferred alternative by the appropriate State and local agencies and official boards through a publicprocess.Baseline alternative is the alternative against which the proposed new starts project is compared to develop project justification measures.
Alternatives analysis: (1) In addition to documentation for the proposed project, the applicant must provide the local government unit with documentation describing at least two alternatives that avoid wetland impacts, one of which may be the no-build alternative.
As found below, both the general business conditions in which TOUSA operated and its specific situation worsened significantly in the intervening six weeks leading up to the July 31st closing.Mon did not send any version of his Strategic Alternatives analysis to Alix, nor did he share it with Wagman, his CFO, or with Citi, the administrative agent for the new financing.
Alternatives analysis will be based on the results and conclusions of the Hazards Analysis.
Alternatives analysis, including planning, with funds appropriated after FY 2005 (49 USC 5309 (b)(1) and 5339).
The detailed performance history included in the Acquisition Alternatives analysis package approved by the Secretary may be attached and referenced.
Alternatives analysis is standard engineering practice when planning a new project.
Alternatives analysis should encompass alternative locations for disposal sites.
Alternatives analysis • Site selection criteria • For each of the alternatives, quantify the environmental and social impacts to the extent possible, and attaches economic values where feasible.