Examples of Amount of agreement in a sentence
Amount of agreement between two impressions is compelling, inferring both origi- nated from the same individual (i.e. it is not plausible that the impression originated from a different source).2.
Parameters of agreement:- Amount of agreement: EUR 320,000.00- Principal repayment: monthly, on the 10th of each month.
Amount of agreement: Original $511,373 Amendment 1 Added $270,000 Amendment 2 Added $ 50,000 Amendment 3 to Add $100,000 $931,373 By increasing funding in this agreement, we will be able to assist additional persons in danger of losing their rental housing due to the current economic crisis.
The reviewers and the meta reviewer then engage in a discussion in order to arrive at a final0.6 Amount of agreement (Krippendorff’s ⍺)0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 Independent reviews Within panel, after discussion Across panels, after discussiondecision.
This letter (hereinafter called the "Letter of Acceptance") shall state the sum that GMFB shall pay the Agency in consideration of the execution, completion and maintenance of the work as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter the "Amount of agreement") in accordance with Payment Terms.