Examples of Annual notice in a sentence
Service of process will be received by the United States Secret Service General Counsel and shall be deliv- ered to the following location: General Coun- sel, United States Secret Service, Suite 8300, 950 H Street, NW., Washington, DC 20373–5802.7. Annual notice of systems of records.
Annual notice and filing; current where- abouts of interest owners.§ 2201.
Annual notice of the exact dates and times of the effective period of the regulation with respect to each safety zone, the geographical area, and other details concerning the nature of the fireworks event will be published in Local Notices to Mariners and via Broadcast Notice to Mariners over VHF–FM marine band radio.
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: Review of species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; Annual notice of findings on petitions; Annual description of progress on listing actions.
Each electric utility shall inform its customers of the significance of reductions in consumption of electricity during hours of peak demand.20.11(1) Annual notice.