Examples of Area of Influence in a sentence
Area of Influence – For groundwater systems the area of influence is defined by the cone of depression, and for surface water systems the area of influence is defined as the extent to which the withdrawal results in a measurable change in surface water levels or flows.
To underpin the ESIA(s) and additional studies as outlined in these terms of reference, the Consultant shall assemble, evaluate, and present baseline data on all relevant environmental and social characteristics of the full Area of Influence, including data collected from primary (field) and secondary sources, spanning physical, biological (both aquatic and terrestrial), socioeconomic, health, political, ethnic, and cultural aspects.
Relevant stakeholders would be invited to these meetings to give their views.
Carry out field reconnaissance, review of literature, and interviews / questionnaires with key stakeholders (including relevant government bodies, academics, NGOs, local religious leaders and elders, etc.) to identify and characterize any sites, structures, or natural features and landscapes in the Project Area of Influence – above ground, underground, or underwater – that are of archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural significance.
Developing a demographic and ethnic profile of the population in the Project Area of Influence and zooming in specifically on the people and communities in the Social Impact Zones, covering their history, physical spread, social clustering, cultural and traditional characteristics, interactions and relations among various groups.