Examples of Asbestos Removal in a sentence
Blasters$26.00 14.45 Group 7: Asbestos Removal, non-mechanical systems (does not include $25.25 14.45 leaded joint pipe) - Last updated 4/8/09 Group 8: Traffic control signalmen $16.00 14.45 ----LABORERS (TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION, FREE AIR).
Any hazardous materials identified by the Contractor during the course of the project shall be removed by a Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractor.
If a verbal Stop Asbestos Removal Order is issued, the VA shall follow-up with a written order to the Contractor as soon as it is practicable.
See the Special Note 'Asbestos Removal – Supplemental Information' in the project proposal for additional information.
If it is confirmed to be ACM, the area will remain isolated until clearance is provided by the occupational hygienist using the Asbestos Removal Completion Form.