Assessment Board definition
Examples of Assessment Board in a sentence
If you wish to access the University’s Academic Regulations, they can be found at: 6.4 Assessment Board Appeals There are only two grounds on which students may appeal against the outcome of an assessment board decision.
Where you make your application to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board (“PIAB”), Vhi Healthcare will pay benefit in accordance with these rules provided that you (or the subscriber/policy holder if you are under 18 years) complete in full and sign the injury section of the claim form.
Mr. Cathers (Motion #215) THAT this House urges the Government of Yukon to continue to work with the Yukon Water Board and the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board to improve Yukon’s assessment and regulatory processes.
The final overall average mark to determine whether a Merit or Distinction award may be given will be calculated using each of the methods below, and the method which gives the higher overall average will be automatically selected and verified by the Departmental Assessment Board.
Mr. Cathers (Motion No. 215) THAT this House urges the Government of Yukon to continue to work with the Yukon Water Board and the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board to improve Yukon’s assessment and regulatory processes.
The Module Assessment Board shall be chaired by the appropriate University of Chester Head of Department or, in his or her unavoidable absence, his or her nominee from University of Chester.
The procedures for the conduct of assessment and operation of the Module Assessment Board shall be those approved by the Senate of University of Chester.
Note: The Conferment date for all partners should be the final Assessment Board meeting date of the consortium, irrespective of which partner hosts the final meeting, i.e. this may not be the same date as the final meeting at Westminster.
The Departmental Assessment Board will verify whichever method results in the higher final average mark.
However, the marks/grades at this stage are still preliminary, as your Assessment Board must confirm them.