Examples of Asset Exchange in a sentence
Asset exchange transactions are measured at cost if the transaction lacks commercial substance or the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable.
If any Digital Asset is determined to be a “security” under U.S. federal or state securities laws or a Digital Asset exchange is determined to be operating illegally, it may have material adverse consequences for Digital Assets due to negative publicity or a decline in the general acceptance of Digital Assets.
A Meter which is being disconnected and connected as part of the same job is classed as an Asset exchange and is not covered by this process.
Asset exchange agreementOn March 13, 2018, Petrus closed a property swap transaction to exchange assets with an arm's length party.
Disconnection and connection of Metering Assets as part of the same job, is classed as a Metering Asset exchange and is not covered by this process.