Examples of Atlantic cod in a sentence
Acoustic GIS-based monitoring of Atlantic cod ecosystems in coastal Newfoundland.
A second experiment examined the effects of long-term sound exposure on Atlantic cod spawning performance.
The results provided evidence that fish exposed to seismic sound either increased or decreased their expressions of different genes, demonstrating that seismic sound can affect fish on a genetic level.Sierra-Flores (2015) examined broadcast sound as a short-term stressor in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) using cortisol as a biomarker.
Morgan et al (1997) also reported disruption of a spawning shoal of Atlantic cod: “Following passage of the trawl, a 300-m-wide "hole" in the aggregation spanned the trawl track.
The values of frequency and amplitude (i.e., particle acceleration) estimated within the trialled distances demonstrated PM magnitudes theoretically audible for adult Atlantic cod and plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) (Sigray & Andersson, 2011).
Behavioural responses to sound pressure were detected in semi- free bluefin tuna (Thunnus tynnus; Puig-Pons et al., 2021) and free-ranging Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua; van der Knaap et al., 2022).
Such vessel may bring onboard and possess only up to 100 lb (45.4 kg) of Atlantic cod per trip, provided such fish is intended for per- sonal use only and cannot be not sold, traded, or bartered.
The table covers particle motion, as documented by em- pirical studies conducted in the field or laboratory.SpeciesField/Lab studyDocumented effectsPotential risk for negative operationalOWF impactStressor characterization (e.g. frequency, SPL, parti- cle velocity)ReferenceAdult Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and plaice (Pleu- ronectes platessa).*PM was measured in the field.
Recently, the highest estimated biomass of Atlantic cod has been observed in the shallow strata (93–274 m) (Román et al.
Foraging, growth and survival of Atlantic cod larvae reared in different light intensities and photoperiods.