Examples of Authorised Partner in a sentence
Any bid NOT bearing signatures of Authorised Partner of the firm on all the documents, accompanying the bid, is liable to be rejected.
Our Authorised Partner will only use your User Credentials to access your account with any Connected Bank(s) in order to fetch bank statements from them and/or to obtain a feed of your account data on your behalf.3.2 In the course of establishing a connection with a Connected Bank you may additionally be required to confirm your acceptance of our Authorised Partner’s Terms and Conditions and/or Privacy Policy.
You may wish to engage the Licensor or an Authorised Partner to provide consultancy services and/or training services.
If you wish to engage an Authorised Partner to provide consultancy services and/or training services then you should obtain all the relevant details relating thereto from the Authorised Partner.
You should not attempt to add value if you have any suspicion that the Authorised Add Value Service Provider or the Authorised Partner may not be genuine.