General Fund Sample Clauses
General Fund. A central fund for educational assistance will be established by the County to assist 8 qualified employees with educational tuition costs. Employees are eligible for 9 reimbursement as outlined in Alachua County Employee Policy #5-21. In the event 10 the County changes, adds, deletes, or amends the policy, the County will notify the 11 Union of the intended changes and forward copies of the proposed changes. The 12 Union and the Employer will meet if requested by either party to discuss the 13 proposed changes
General Fund. The General Fund is defined as monies collected by the assessment of Annual dues. The monies available for ordinary expenditures shall be limited to monies in the general fund. The Board of Directors limit for expenditures on any one project shall be set by a resolution made at a Corporation membership meeting. Any other monies collected for designated purposes or special projects shall be expended for those projects only.
General Fund. Program funds derived from the City’s General Fund shall not be subject to compliance with the federal CARES Act, including the requirements for awarding funds by December 30, 2020.
General Fund. (a) HRTAC shall hold the General Fund and, except as otherwise provided below, neither such Fund nor any amount therein is pledged to secure the Bonds or the Subordinate Obligations.
(b) HRTAC shall apply the balance in the General Fund as follows:
General Fund. The Funds listed below are to be established with respect to each separate Series of Bonds and Subordinate Obligations in the Related Series Supplement, and the Trustee shall hold such Funds without commingling the monies held therein, except that (i) HRTAC has the option not to establish a Debt Service Reserve Fund securing any one or more Series of Bonds and (ii) HRTAC shall hold each Cost of Issuance Fund.
General Fund. The Credit Guarantee Corporation shall establish and maintain a fund to be called the General Fund.
General Fund. Page 1 of 1
General Fund. Each Member agrees to contribute each year to a general fund to be used for general administration purposes including, but not limited to: improvement projects, salaries, rent, supplies, development of an overall plan, insurance, bonds, and to purchase and maintain devices to measure hydrological and water quality data. The funds may also be used for any other purpose authorized by this Agreement. The annual contribution by each Member shall be based fifty percent (50%) on taxable market value (for the preceding year) and fifty percent (50%) on area in accordance with the following formula: Annual Watershed Levy = L Taxable Market Value of a Member's Property in the Watershed = MV Taxable Market Value of All Property in the Watershed = TV Acres of Property a Member Has in the Watershed = A Total Acres in Watershed = TA Member Required Contribution = C ½ L x MV + ½ L x A = C TV XX
General Fund. The account on the Church’s books that represents the fund used for general purposes (undesignated funds).
General Fund. The primary operating fund of the Department, all resources that are not accounted for and reported in another fund. Except for subvention or grant revenues restricted for specific uses, General Fund resources can be utilized for any legitimate governmental purpose. (See Fund) Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Conventions, rules, and procedures that serve as the norm for the fair presentation of financial statements. Goal. A statement of broad direction, purpose or intent. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Ultimate authoritative accounting and financial reporting standard-setting body for state and local governments.