Average Pay definition
Examples of Average Pay in a sentence
Average Pay Method is used if there is a variation in pay from pay stub to pay stub and it is a result of overtime, lost time, or working for different employers.
The pension formula shall be 1.45% of Final Average Pay multiplied by all years of Credited Service with no Social Security offset.
Final Average Pay is defined as the averaged highest sixty (60) consecutive months of compensation earned over the last one hundred twenty months (120) of employment.
However, the Employer will maintain a record of the number of accrued or rostered days banked and will apply the Average Pay System during the weeks when an Employee elects to take a banked accrued or rostered day off.
A Participant in this Plan whose Retirement Plan benefit takes into account the Final Average Pay Formula shall be entitled to receive a benefit equal to the excess (if any) of the benefit determined under paragraph (a) below over the benefit determined under paragraph (b) below.