Structural Measures Sample Clauses
Structural Measures. In accordance with Article 38 UCITSG, with the consent of the respective supervisory authorities the UCITS can at any time and at its own discretion decide to merge with one or more other UCITS regardless of the legal form of the other UCITS and whether the other UCITS are based in Liechtenstein or not. The UCITS and its share classes can be merged with one or more other UCITS or their Sub-funds and share classes. It is likewise possible to split the UCITS and the share classes. Other structural measure within the meaning of Art. 49 UCITSG are also permitted. Unless other regulations are passed subsequently, the legal provisions of Art. 36 ff. UCITSG as well as the associated regulatory provisions shall apply.
Structural Measures. Art. 14 Merger
Structural Measures. Unless otherwise provided hereinafter and unless the context otherwise requires, the statutory provisions of section V of the UCITS Act headed ‘Structural Measures’ and the associated provisions of the UCITS Ordinance shall apply.
Structural Measures. Every type of structural measure is permitted. Structural measures are deemed to be
a) Mergers of:
1. domestic AIF or its sub-funds with foreign AIF or its sub-funds;
2. foreign AIF or its sub-funds with domestic AIF or its sub-funds;
3. domestic AIF or its sub-funds with foreign AIF or its sub-funds, insofar as the law of the country in which the foreign AIF has its registered office does not prohibit this, as well as
b) Splitting of AIF or its sub-funds, whereby the provisions for mergers pursuant to Art. 78 and 79 AIFMG apply mutatis mutandis For structural measures between the AIF and undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) the provisions of the UCITSG apply. Provided that no other regulations are defined below, structural measures are subject to the legal provisions of Art. 76 et seq. AIFMG and the related regulatory provisions. The AIF is governed by the laws of Liechtenstein. The exclusive legal venue for any and all disputes arising be- tween the investors, the AIFM and the depositary is Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein. However, with regard to the claims of investors from these countries, the AIFM and/or the depositary may submit to the place of jurisdiction of countries in which shares are offered and sold. Contrary and mandatory statutory places of jurisdiction may apply. The legally binding language for the prospectus, the trust agreement and Appendix A "Overview of Funds" is German. This prospectus enters into force on 21 December 2022.
Structural Measures. 15. Structural measures are listed in Table 2 attached to the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies regarding the staff-monitored program: • The government will adopt by March 31, 2008 a comprehensive action plan with a timetable to address institutional and procedural deficiencies in the commercialization of Congolese oil, to bring them in line with best international practice. • The government will adopt by March 31, 2008 a comprehensive action plan with a timetable for reforming CORAF, taking on board the recommendations of the diagnostic study of its operations by an international consultant. • Completion by June 30, 2008 of a technical and financial audit, by an independent, internationally recognized firm, of current transfers and a representative sample of capital expenditures executed during the period from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006, based on terms of reference satisfactory to IMF and World Bank staff. Publication of the audit report on the website of the Ministry of Finance ( • Adoption by June 30, 2008 of a three-year action plan to strengthen public investment management, with assistance from the French Cooperation agency, World Bank, and other development partners. • Quarterly adjustment (within four weeks from the end of the quarter) in petroleum entry distribution and/or retail prices to ensure that oil subsidies for 2008 remain within budget limits (CFAF 35 billion for the full year). The price adjustments should not pass-through any decline in world oil prices. • Quarterly certification, on a continuous basis, of oil revenue by an internationally recognized audit firm─with on quarter lag─using the same specifications as for the 2003 certification and with no restrictions on access to information; certification reports to be published on the website of the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Budget (www.mefb- • Publication of all invitations to bid and the bids themselves for government procurement contracts above CFAF200 million on the government website ( • No granting, on a continuous basis and as of the date of promulgation of the 2008 budget law, of new tax and customs exemptions (except those under international conventions). • Centralization of all public revenues and execution of all public payments at the Treasury. • No recourse, on a continuous basis and as of the date of promulgation of the 2008 budget law, to emergency payment and cash advance procedures, except in nation...
Structural Measures. Pursuant to Art. 38 UCITSA, the UCITS is at liberty at any time with approval of the re- spective supervisory authority to resolve the merger of the UCITS with one or several other UCITS regardless of the legal form of the UCITS and whether or not the other UCITS is domiciled in Liechtenstein. Unit classes of the UCITS can be merged with each other or with one of several other UCITS or their investment compartments or unit clas- ses. It is also possible to split the UCITS. Additionally, other structural measures pursuant to Art. 49 UCITSA are permissible. Unless otherwise stipulated below, the legal provisions of Arts. 36 ff of the UCITSA and the relevant provisions of the associated ordinance shall apply.
Structural Measures. Under the AIFMG or the AIFMV, the AIFM may decide structural measures concerning the AIF at any time and at its freely exercised discretion with the approval of the FMA Liechtenstein. Structural measures are, in particular, mergers or transformation. A merger may be carried out irrespective of the legal form of the other AIF and of whether the other AIF has its registered office in Liechtenstein or not. In addition, other structural measures are also admissible under the AIFMG or AIFMV. In the absence of any rulings to the contrary below, the statutory provisions under the AIFMG or AIFMV as well as the corresponding provisions shall apply. Under Art. 85 AIFMG, a merger does not require the consent of the investors. The investors will not be granted a right of consent. Further information on dissolution, mergers and structural measures can be found in Art. 9 et seq. of the Trust Agreement. It is also possible to convert the AIF into an umbrella structure with sub funds. The AIF shall be governed by Liechtenstein law. Exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes between the investors, the AIFM and the custodian is Vaduz, Principality of Liechtenstein. Nevertheless, with regard to claims of investors from these countries, the AIFM and/or the custodian may subject themselves to a place of jurisdiction in the countries in which shares are offered and sold. Other statutorily mandatory places of jurisdiction are reserved. German is the legally binding language for the prospectus, the Trust Agreement as well as Appendix A "An Overview of the Fund". This prospectus shall come into effect on 08 April 2019. Under the applicable law in the Principality of Liechtenstein, the constitutive documents are approved by the FMA. This approval refers only to information concerning the implementation of the provisions of the AIFMG/AIFMV. For this reason, Appendix B "Specific Information for Individual Selling Countries" (if available), which is based on foreign law, shall not be a subject matter of the audit by the FMA and is excluded from the approval.
Structural Measures. Unless otherwise provided hereinafter and unless the context otherwise requires, the statutory provisions of section V of the UCITS Act headed ‘Structural Measures’ and the associated provisions of the UCITS Ordinance shall apply. The Management Company may, subject to the requirement of the FMA, resolve to merge the UCITS with another collective investment scheme. The Management Company may, subject to the approval of the FMA, resolve to merge a Sub-Fund with another Sub-Fund of this UCITS or of another Undertaking for Collective Investments of Transferable Securities, independent of its legal form and irrespective of whether or not such other UCITS has its registered office in Liechtenstein.
Structural Measures. River improvement of the Western Banjir Canal with design discharge of 100-year design scale
Structural Measures. In consideration of the flow capacity of the existing river channels, following river improvement and new construction of floodways were proposed (Figure 3.17) so as to increase the safety level as indicated in Figure 3.16. Followings are lists of stretches for which improvement or new construction of floodways proposed in the Master Plan. Rivers, which are not included in the list, were judged to have enough flow capacity to accommodate the design discharge indicated in Figure 3.16. Cidurian River System Improvement for 31.9 km Cimanceuri River System Improvement for 22.2 km Cirarab River System Improvement for 16.8 km Cisadane River System Improvement for 21.0 km Cengkareng River System
(i) Cengkareng Floodway : Improvement for 8.1 km
(ii) Mookervaart: Improvement for 6.0 km (iii) Angke: Improvement for 5.0 km (iv) Pesanggrahan: Improvement for 3.2 km