Examples of Brownfields redevelopment in a sentence
The law requires a municipality either to have a comprehensive Brownfields redevelopment plan in place, or to demonstrate to the EDA that a property has a realistic opportunity of being developed or redeveloped within three years of the completion of the remediation.
The information is gathered to screen sites for no further action determinations, to advance sites in the Superfund investigation process, or for Brownfields redevelopment.
Brownfields redevelopment involves the investigation and cleanup of properties where there has been a historic land use where hazardous materials may have been released.
The use of dredged material in an environmentally protective manner for some productive purpose included, but not limited to Brownfields redevelopment, beach nourishment, landscaping and grading, landfill cover, coastal habitat restoration and/or creation, or construction.
To this end, Brownfields redevelopment must be linked to helping address this broader set of community needs and goals.
As a result, a municipality is required to either have a comprehensive Brownfields redevelopment plan in place, or to demonstrate to the EDA that a property has a realistic opportunity of being developed or redeveloped within three years of the completion of the remediation.
We hope that the City is successfully awarded this grant, and we will continue to support you in your Brownfields redevelopment efforts.
I urge my colleagues to support this crucial amendment to demonstrate that we support Brownfields redevelopment.
Neither the Representatives’ consent to, nor the Underwriters’ delivery of, any such amendment supplement or new registration statement shall constitute a waiver of any of the conditions set forth in Section 5 hereof.
Continue to implement the multi-agency Massachusetts Brownfields Support Teams: The Brownfields Support Teams Initiative, a multi-agency pilot program that provides municipalities (and potential developers) with coordinated advice, funding and technical assistance to facilitate Brownfields redevelopment, gives MassDEP another tool to use while shepherding complex projects through the redevelopment process.