Budget Cycle definition

Budget Cycle means the process and procedure for the development, preparation, review, approval, implementation, or execution of a regional training budget, and is identified with a fiscal year beginning July 1, and ending June 30 of the following calendar year.
Budget Cycle means series of activities and time frames involved in the budget process from preparation, approval, execution, monitoring and reporting;
Budget Cycle means a four-year budget cycle beginning with operating and capital budgets adopted by Council for the second fiscal year following a general election of members of Council as provided for in this Policy.

Examples of Budget Cycle in a sentence

  • The DBM, with technical assistance from the Philippines-Australia Public Financial Management Program (PFMP), has developed a Budget Cycle Analytics (BCA) Business Intelligence Solution.

  • The main information required to produce the Estimates is based on the Annual Budget Cycle (ABC), however it is the settlement from the Treasury, rather than the Final ABC Plan appearing in the MOD’s Planning Budgeting and Forecasting system (PB&F), that constitutes the real ‘Budget’ for the Department, the ABC planning horizon and Control Totals usually extending beyond SR settlements.

  • It is toward this end that the following policies and guidelines have been established.

  • Budget Cycle Budgets for all departments of Broadmoor are based on a calendar year, which is the physical year of Broadmoor.

  • All awards issued under this announcement are subject to the availability of funds.In the absence of funding, the agency is not under any obligation to make awards funded under this announcement.Anticipated Number of Awards:Approximately 85–90 awards for Budget Cycle I grantees which limits the announcement to current SDPI FY 2009 grants that end on September 30, 2009.Project Period: The project period forgrants made under this announcement is 24 months, subject to the availability of funds.

  • The development of the Budget takes place through a process of planning and a Budget Cycle.

  • The information on actual results against budget can be used to:• Take action to correct adverse variances• Hold managers to account for the results of their activitiesControl: Budgets help with control within the Center and provide an objective measure as to whether programs/projects are achieving financial objectives.The CGIAR Budget Cycle The typical budget cycle for a CGIAR Center as a whole is presented in Table 4 below.

  • BAC’s Report on the City of Oakland’s Biennial 2017‐19 Budget Cycle 3published three days in advance of the final meeting at which the budget is to be adopted.

  • Additionally, Budget Cycle II grantees that were deemed ineligible due to incomplete applications or that possessed delinquent OMB A–133 financial audits can resubmit applications under the timelines for Budget Cycle III.Project PeriodThe project period for grants made under this announcement is 24 months, subject to the availability of funds.

  • In the absence of funding, the agency is under no obligation to make awards funded under this announcement.Anticipated Number of AwardsApproximately 50 awards will be issued for Budget Cycle III.

More Definitions of Budget Cycle

Budget Cycle means the process and procedure for the development, preparation, review, approval,
Budget Cycle means the NorthernGrid planning cycle for calendar years 2020 through 2021.
Budget Cycle means series of activities and timeframes involved in the budget process from preparation, approval, execution, monitoring and reporting;

Related to Budget Cycle

  • Budget Year means the financial year of the municipality for which an annual budget is to be approved in terms of section 16(1) of the MFMA;

  • Budget Period means the fiscal period for which a budget is prepared.

  • Budget unit means the unit for which the ANB of a district is calculated separately pursuant to 20-9-311.

  • Shift Cycle means the period of time when the shift schedule repeats itself. In those instances where the schedule does not repeat itself, the term "Shift Cycle" shall be understood to mean a period of time not exceeding twelve (12) weeks.

  • Budget Act means the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (P.L. 114-74).

  • Budget Holder means the director or employee with delegated authority to manage finances (Income and Expenditure) for a specific area of the organisation.

  • Budget means a resource, expressed in financial terms, proposed by the Board for the purpose of carrying out, for a specific period, any or all of the functions of the Trust.

  • service delivery and budget implementation plan means a detailed plan approved by the executive mayor of the municipality, in terms of section 53(l) (c) (ii) of the MFMA, for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and which indicate –

  • Implementation Period means the period from the date of signing of the Agreement and up to the issuance of Final Acceptance Certificate for the project.

  • Initial compliance period means the three-year compliance period that begins January 1, 1993, except for the MCLs for dichloromethane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, benzo(a)pyrene, dalapon, di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, di(2-ethyl- hexyl)phthalate, dinoseb, diquat, endothall, endrin, glyphosate, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, oxamyl, picloram, simazine, 2,3,7,8-TCDD, antimony, beryllium, cyanide, nickel, and thallium, as they apply to a supplier whose system has fewer than 150 service connections, for which it means the three-year compliance period that began on January 1, 1996.

  • Distribution Compliance Period with respect to any Notes, means the period of 40 consecutive days beginning on and including the later of (i) the day on which such Notes are first offered to Persons other than distributors (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act) in reliance on Regulation S and (ii) the issue date with respect to such Notes.

  • Project Year means the twelve-month period beginning from the Effective Date and ending twelve months thereafter (the First Project Year), and any twelve-month period beginning at the end of the First Project Year, or the end of subsequent Project Years;

  • Model Year means the CI engine manufacturer’s annual production period, which includes January 1st of a calendar year, or if the manufacturer has no annual production period, the calendar year.

  • Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.

  • Program Period means the period of time which the department intends to support the program without requiring the recompetition for funds. The program period is specified within the grant application.

  • Baseline Period means the period used to determine the baseline emission rate for each regulated pollutant under OAR 340 division 222.

  • State Budget Director means the individual appointed by the Governor pursuant to Section 321 of The Management and Budget Act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1321.

  • Annual Balanced Budget means that, in each Funding Year of the term of this Agreement, the total revenues of the HSP are greater than or equal to the total expenses, from all sources, of the HSP;

  • Program Year means the annual period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

  • Combined cycle system means a system comprised of one or more combustion turbines, heat recovery steam generators, and steam turbines configured to improve overall efficiency of electricity generation or steam production.

  • Planning Period means the 12 moths beginning June 1 and extending through May 31 of the following year, or such other period approved by the Members Committee.

  • CIC Protection Period means the two-year period beginning on the date of a Change in Control and ending on the day before the second annual anniversary of the date of the Change in Control.

  • Quarterly (1/Quarter) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the months of March, June, August, and December, unless specifically identified otherwise in the Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements table.

  • Current Fiscal Year means the fiscal year for which a particular calculation is made.

  • Production Period is the period that for winter cereal advances commences October 1, 2021 and terminates September 30, 2023; for advances on all other field crops, honey, hogs, goats, sheep and lambs commences April 1, 2022 and terminates September 30, 2023; and for advances on cattle, continuous flow cattle, and bison commences on April 1, 2022 and terminates on March 31, 2024.

  • Yearly (1/Year) sampling frequency means the sampling shall be done in the month of September, unless specifically identified otherwise in the effluent limitations and monitoring requirements table.