Examples of Capital Assessment in a sentence
Over and above this, Lloyd’s applies a capital uplift to the member’s capital requirement, known as the Economic Capital Assessment (ECA).
Over and above this, Lloyd's applies a capital uplift to the member's capital requirement, known as the Economic Capital Assessment (ECA).
Over and above this, Lloyd’s applies a capital uplift to the member’s capital requirement, known as the Economic Capital Assessment (“ECA”).
BHCs with total consolidated assets of $100 billion or more and IHCs with total consolidated assets of$100 billion or more, as defined by the capital plan rule (12 CFR 225.8), are required to submit the Capital Assessment and Stress Testing report (FR Y-14A/Q/M) to the Federal Reserve.
Exposures are allocated to specific standardised exposure portfolios determined by the BMA’s Revised Framework for Regulatory Capital Assessment and it is these portfolios that determine the risk weights used.
Covered SLHCs with total consolidated assets of $100 billion or more, as defined by the Board’s rule on savings and loan holding companies (12 CFR part 238), are required to submit the Capital Assessment and Stress Testing report (FR Y14A/Q/M) to the Federal Reserve.
A bank holding company that participated in the 2009 Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, or a successor to such a bank holding company, must comply with the requirements of this subpart beginning with the stress test cycle commencing on November 15, 2012, unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.(3) SR Letter 01–01.
Quantifiable risks, which are material and mitigated by holding capital, are modelled in the Group’s internal model, which is used to determine the Group Internal Economic Capital Assessment (GIECA) and is subject to independent validation and processes and controls around model changes and limitations.
A bank holding company that participated in the 2009 Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, or a successor to such a bank holding company, must comply with the requirements of this subpart beginning with the stress test cycle that commences on November 15, 2012, unless that time is extended by the Board in writing.(3) SR Letter 01–01.
In line with the BMA’s Revised Framework for Regulatory Capital Assessment, where two credit assessments by ECAIs are available, the less favorable of the two credit assessments is applied.