Carbon Emissions. Seller is responsible for and shall pay for all future costs, if any, whether incurred by Seller or PGE, resulting from any carbon emissions generated by or associated with the Delivered Energy Quantity delivered by Seller to the Delivery Point in accordance with this Agreement. Additionally, Seller is responsible for and shall pay for all costs, if any, whether incurred by Seller or PGE, resulting from any carbon emissions generated by or associated with the Imbalance Energy delivered to the Delivery Point. Seller may provide PGE with carbon emissions offsets that are reasonably satisfactory to PGE in lieu of a monetary settlement. Within ten (10) Business Days after PGE’s request, Seller shall provide PGE with the carbon emissions data for the Product that is delivered during the Delivery Period.
Carbon Emissions. Seller is responsible for and shall pay for all future costs, if any, whether incurred by Seller or PGE, resulting from any carbon emissions generated by or associated with the Delivered Energy Quantity delivered by Seller to the Generating Facility Delivery Point in accordance with this Agreement. Additionally, Seller is responsible for and shall pay for all costs, if any, whether incurred by Seller or PGE, resulting from any carbon emissions generated by or associated with the Imbalance Energy delivered to the Generating Facility Delivery Point. Seller may provide PGE with carbon emissions offsets that are reasonably satisfactory to PGE in lieu of a monetary settlement. Within ten (10) Business Days after PGE’s request, Seller shall provide PGE with the carbon emissions data for the Products that is delivered during the Delivery Period.
Carbon Emissions. We prepare energy strategies setting out the feasibility of low and zero carbon technologies for both new and refurbishment projects. These include: Reducing demand for energy and using energy efficient technologies Applying low/zero carbon technologies to reduce the carbon emissions (e.g. photovoltaic, CHP, ground source heat pumps etc.)
Carbon Emissions. Those emissions that an organisation makes directly. For example, emissions from fuel that is directly used while running boilers and vehicles.
Carbon Emissions. Emissions coming indirectly from an organisation. This is mainly the generation and distribution of electricity the organisation buys from the National Grid.
Carbon Emissions. Emissions associated with the goods, works and services that are produced elsewhere but consumed by the organisation. This category includes all the emissions the organisation is indirectly responsible for, up and down its supply chain. Significant Environmental Incident – An event that would need to be reported to the Environment Agency, or similar national body, or where damage is of a nature or quantity which poses a threat to the health or safety of humans, animals or vegetation that is not expected to dissipate within twenty-four hours either naturally or by human intervention.
Carbon Emissions. Disposal of this site will have a small but positive impact on council carbon emissions. Due to the site being vacant in recent times, carbon emissions are now minimal. However during occupation it consumed some 40,000kWh of energy resulting in some 10tCO2.
Carbon Emissions. The Conservatoire’s measurable carbon emissions for 2013-14 totalled 1,410 tonnes of CO2. Taking the initiatives mentioned in the previous sections the Conservatoire aims to reduce overall carbon emission in 2015-16 by 1% compared with the previous year, recognising that the variability of seasonal weather and temperatures has s significant impact on consumption.
Carbon Emissions support LUL (Employer) in using all reasonable endeavours to ensure that carbon emissions are minimised, without adversely impacting on the performance of ELL Passenger Services;
Carbon Emissions