Carbon Stocks definition
Examples of Carbon Stocks in a sentence
L.B. Guo & R.M. Gifford, Soil Carbon Stocks and Land Use Change: A Meta Analysis, 8 GLOB.
Modeling Carbon Stocks – Quantification Methodology 114 Appendix C.
Developing an Inventory of Forest Project Carbon Stocks – Quantification Methodology 105 Appendix B.
In addition, the CO shall use the Contractor Performance System (CPS) to document the Contractor’s performance.
County Level Summary of the Decreases (left), and Increases (right) in Carbon Stocks Normalized by County Area in the North Coast (1994-1998), the Cascades Northeast (1994- 1999), the North Sierra (1995-2000), the South Sierra (1995-2001) and the South Coast (1995/7-2002) 62 Figure 18.
At the time of the approval of these articles of amendment and restatement, the Corporation has three directors, and the names of the directors currently in office are: Daniel Shaeffer Chad Christensen Gregg Christensen The Board of Directors may fill any vacancy, whether resulting from an increase in the number of directors or otherwise, on the Board of Directors in the manner provided in the Bylaws.
County Level Summary of the Decreases (Left figure), and Increases (right figure) in Carbon Stocks on Forests and Rangelands in the North Coast (1994-1998), the Cascades Northeast (1994-1999), North Sierra (1995-2000), South Sierra (1995-2001) and South Coast (1997-2002) 13 Figure 1.
Strengthening Participatory Natural Resource Management Processes for Sustainable Economic Development, Conservation of Biodiversity and Maintenance of Carbon Stocks in Amazon Wetlands (GEF ID 10706).
New Estimates of Soil and Biomass Carbon Stocks for Global Economic Models.
County Level Summary of the Summed Decreases and Increases in Carbon Stocks in the North Coast (1994-1998), the Cascades Northeast (1994-1999), the North Sierra (1995- 2000), the South Sierra (1995-2001) and the South Coast (1995/7-2002) (A displays total change and B displays change normalized by County area) 63 List of Tables Table S-1.