Examples of Carlyle Personnel in a sentence
I have received the Carlyle Personnel Policy and agree to comply with it and other rules.
In addition, Carlyle Personnel may not, directly or indirectly, purchase or sell any publicly traded debt or equity security (or derivatives thereof) for any Advisory Client while the employee is aware of or is deemed to be aware of (subject to information barriers discussed below) material, non-public information about the issuer of the security.
Should the exposure exceed the action levels, the employer shall take action in accordance with Article 5(2), unless the assessment carried out in accordance with article 4(1), (2) and (3) demonstrates that the relevant ELV are not exceeded and that safety risks can be excluded.
The FSC and Member Life Insurance Companies anticipate that the rapidly evolving impact of COVID-19 will have an impact on customers and in particular frontline healthcare workers.
The Anticorruption and Anti-Bribery policies require Carlyle Personnel to undertake appropriate risk-based due diligence in mergers & acquisition transactions and when engaging other third-party intermediaries (e.g. placement agents, deal finders, or joint venture partners).
Protection and Proper Use of Carlyle Assets All Carlyle Personnel have a duty to protect Carlyle’s assets and ensure their efficient use.
All Carlyle Personnel should respect and comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations of the U.S. and other countries, states, counties, cities and other jurisdictions in which Carlyle and Carlyle Personnel conduct business.
Principal terms of the+securities (e.g. if options, exercise price and expiry date; if partly paid +securities, the amount outstanding and due dates for payment; if+convertible securities, theconversion price and dates for conversion)The Shares rank pari passu with existing Shares.
Except in the ordinary course of providing services for Carlyle and on a fully-disclosed basis, Carlyle Personnel must abstain from negotiating, approving or voting on any transaction between Carlyle and any outside organization with which they are affiliated, whether as a representative of Carlyle or the outside organization.
This proc edur e w ould allow both the pr opos er of the applic ation and repr esentativ es of the objectors to have fifteen minutes each in w hich to put their pr opos als /conc erns to the me mbers of the Planning Committee.