Examples of Categorical exemption in a sentence
If the Tribe determines that the Project is not subject to a Categorical Exemption and that the Project may cause a Significant Effect on the Off- Reservation Environment, the Tribe shall prepare an Initial Study.
The Categorical Exemption / Categorical Exclusion was approved and signed on October 21, 2020 (see Attachment D).
On the basis of that, a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration or Categorical Exemption will be filed and subjected to public and agency review.
This purpose of this document is to provide the FAA justification for processing the Fixed Based Operator (FBO) projects as a Categorical Exemption (CATEX(s).
This scoping discussion will address the key issues to be assessed, any methodological approaches desired by the City, and the type of environmental document (for example, a Categorical Exemption, Negative Declaration, or Environmental Impact Report).