Category 4 Data is data that is confidential and requires special handling due to statutes or regulations that require especially strict protection of the data and from which especially serious consequences may arise in the event of any compromise of such data. Data classified as Category 4 includes but is not limited to data protected by: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191 as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH), 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99; Internal Revenue Service Publication 1075 (xxxxx://; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regulations on Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR Part 2; and/or Criminal Justice Information Services, 28 CFR Part 20.
Special Category Data means any personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation.
Program Materials means the documents and information provided by the Program Administrator specifying the qualifying EEMs, technology requirements, costs and other Program requirements, which include, without limitation, program guidelines and requirements, application forms and approval letters.
Product Information has the meaning specified in Section 10.12(a).
Special Categories of Data means personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation;
Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”) is as defined in the Act.
End User Data means any information or data of any kind that personally identifies (or that can be used, together with other information or data, to personally identify) an End User.
ALI Database A database used in providing 911 Service which stores information associated with End User customers’ telephone numbers or Shell Records.
Customer Materials any materials, data, information, software, equipment or other resources owned by or licensed to You and made available to Us pursuant to facilitating Your use of the Services, including Customer Data.
Contractor attributional/proprietary information means information that identifies the contractor(s), whether directly or indirectly, by the grouping of information that can be traced back to the contractor(s) (e.g., program description, facility locations), personally identifiable information, as well as trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or other commercially sensitive information that is not customarily shared outside of the company.
Contractor attributional/proprietary information means information that identifies the contractor(s), whether directly or indirectly, by the grouping of information that can be traced back to the contractor(s) (e.g., program description, facility locations), personally identifiable information, as well as trade secrets, commercial or financial information, or other commercially sensitive information that is not customarily shared outside of the company.
Contractor Materials means Materials owned or developed prior to the provision of the Work, or developed by Contractor independently from the provision of the Work and without use of the JBE Materials or Confidential Information.
Information Assets means any information, including Confidential Information, necessary to the operation of either party that is created, stored, transmitted, processed, or managed on any hardware, software, network components, or any printed form, or is communicated orally. “Information Assets” does not include information that has been transferred from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party under applicable laws, regulations, and agency guidance, and that is being maintained and used by the Receiving Party solely for purposes that are not Contractor Covered California Functions.
Raw Data means the primary quantitative and empirical data first collected from experiments and clinical trials conducted within the scope of this CRADA.
Technical Information means technical data or computer software, as those terms are defined in the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data-Non Commercial Items, regardless of whether or not the clause is incorporated in this solicitation or contract. Examples of technical information include research and engineering data, engineering drawings, and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, technical orders, catalog-item identifications, data sets, studies and analyses and related information, and computer software executable code and source code.
SAP Materials means any materials (including statistical reports) provided, developed or made available by SAP (independently or with Customer’s cooperation) in the course of performance under the Agreement, including in the delivery of any support or Professional Services to Customer. SAP Materials do not include the Customer Data, Customer Confidential Information or the Cloud Service. SAP Materials may also be referred to in the Agreement as “Cloud Materials”.
Information Materials has the meaning given that term in Section 9.6.
IP Materials has the meaning given to it in clause E8.1 (Intellectual Property Rights).
Goods/Materials means any of the articles, materials, machinery, equipments, supplies, drawing, data and other property and all services including but not limited to design, delivery, installation, inspection, testing and commissioning specified or required to complete the order.
UNICEF Data means any and all information or data in digital form or processed or held in digital form that
Proprietary Data means Data embodying trade secrets developed at private expense or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential, and that includes a restrictive notice, unless the Data is:
a. known or available from other sources without restriction;
b. known, possessed, or developed independently, and without reference to the Proprietary Data;
c. made available by the owners to others without restriction; or
d. required by law or court order to be disclosed.
Supplier Materials has the meaning given in clause 8.1(h).
Information processing system means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information.
Custom Materials means Materials developed by the Supplier at the Procuring Entity's expense under the Contract and identified as such in Appendix 5 of the Contract Agreement and such other Materials as the parties may agree in writing to be Custom Materials. Custom Materials includes Materials created from Standard Materials.
Standard Materials means all Materials not specified as Custom Materials.
User Data means any Personal Data or other data or information collected by or on behalf of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries from users of any Company Product or website of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries.